You will write a policy brief and provide oral testimony on a state or national level policy issue. Consider areas that interest you as an APRN. Begin to look for the source of the policy you are interested in. In many cases, this will be legislative material. Begin researching supportive material for developing your policy brief purpose statement and literature review. Because staffing issues have many aspects that exceed the amount of time necessary to complete the assignment in this course, you may not select nurse staffing as a topic. In order to manage this issue well, authors would be required to have a very comprehensive solution to inadequate nurse staffing. When a policy cannot be enforced due to impracticality (not enough nurses to fill needed vacancies), the policy is not addressed and the legislation dies due to the fact that the issue is not ripe for resolution. As such, this would be the type of policy many organizations would come together to solve
Keep a very detailed list of where you go and the articles you read. You will be putting all of them into a literature review table. You must have at least 6 primary sources. Remember that for legislation to be a primary source, you must go to the actual law, bill or regulation for it to be a primary source.
Submit your intended topic for the policy brief & testimony in the form of a purpose statement for use in the introduction of your brief and testimony.
The format for this sentence is: The purpose of this paper is to support a Federal Level Policy that provides for individual mandates for insurance to universal health care, which is fully funded by the government.
Assure that you describe the topic of your brief & testimony and your specific position (support or opposition) and what level (Federal, state, global Note: organizational policies will not be considered for this course) of change you are engaged in. This will help you identify the body to which you will provide oral testimony.