Florida National UniversityHAS-6505 Health Care Risk Management: Assignment Week 4
Case Study: Chapters 8 & 9
Objective: To judgmentally reveal your knowledge of the most common Patient Safety Tools
integrating quality and Managing risk, the role of the communication on Medical malpractice
and your ability to apply them to your Healthcare Organizations. . The analytical exercises will
improve students’ understanding and ability to think critically about the public relations process,
and their problem-solving skills. As a result of this assignment, students will be better able to
understand, analyze and diagnose Risk Management issues and strategies to prevent them.
The students will complete A Case study assignments that give the opportunity to synthesize and
apply the concepts learned in this and previous coursework to analyze a real-world scenario. This
scenario will illustrate through example the practical importance and implications of various
roles and functions of a Health Care Administrator and Risk Management. The assignment will
be 3-4 pages long reflecting your understanding and ability to apply the readings to your
Healthcare Organization. Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced
with standard margins. Follow APA style 7th edition format when referring to the selected
articles and include a reference page.
1. Introduction (25%) Provide a brief synopsis of the meaning (not a description) of each
Chapter you read, in your own words.
2. Your Critique (50%)
Case Study:
Surgical mistakes can result in serious medical complications for patients. Errors by surgeons
can run the gamut from performing unnecessary surgery on a patient, to negligent technique in
carrying out the procedure — even leaving medical instruments inside a patient. Many (though
not all) common surgical mistakes rise to the level of medical negligence and can form the basis
of a medical malpractice lawsuit against the surgeon and any other responsible party. To give
you an idea of what these cases might look like, this article provides a snapshot of three real-life
surgical mistake medical malpractice cases.
Sophia Savage Case
In 2018, Sophia Savage underwent a hysterectomy at the Three Rivers Medical Center in Louisa,
Kentucky. During the surgery, a surgical sponge was left inside her abdomen, but the presence of
the sponge wasn’t revealed until 2020, when Savage had an x-ray after she reported pain in her
stomach. She had to undergo additional surgery to remove the sponge. During this procedure it
was discovered that the sponge was lodged in her lower intestine. The doctors had to remove a
49 centimeter section of her small intestine in order to remove the sponge. Due to this she
suffered from lingering abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation as well as bouts of anxiety
and depression. She and her husband Darrell file a surgical mistake lawsuit against the Three
Rivers Medical Center. The court awarded them $2.5 million in damages. Her husband Darrell
was awarded additional $500,000 for loss of consortium.
1. Discussion, designate and remark the Risk Management strategies and recommendations
to prevent this Medical Malpractice Situation happen again.
3. Conclusion (15%)
Briefly summarize your thoughts & conclusion to your critique for the case study. How did
these articles and Chapters impact your thoughts on Inform Consent and Patient Education?
Evaluation will be based on how clearly you respond to the above, in particular:
a) The clarity with which you critique the chapters;
b) The depth, scope, and organization of your paper; and,
c) Your conclusions, including a description of the impact of these Chapters on any Healthcare
Assignments Guidelines
Your Critique
10 Points
25 Points
50 Points
15 Points
100 points
Dr. Gisela LLamas
90% – 100%
85% – 89%
80% – 84%
75% – 79%
70% – 74%
60% – 69%
50% – 59% Or less.
Chapter 9: A Primer on
Medical Malpractice
Malpractice – What is it?
• Error – behavioral matter
• Misperception
• Mistake
• Omission
• Substitution
• Accident – unplanned event
• Malpractice – negligence
• An act that a prudent person would not
have done or the omission of a duty that a
prudent person would have fulfilled,
resulting in injury or harm to another
– A civil wrong and part of the law of torts.
– Founded on the relationship between the
actor and the victim
Requirements of an Act of Negligence
• Legally recognized relationship between the
health care worker and patient
• Health care worker has a duty of care to the
• Health care worker breached the duty of care
by failing to conform to the required
standards of care
• The breach of duty was the direct cause of
harm, resulting in the patient suffering
damages as a result of the harm
• Negligence that is the proximate cause of
injury or harm to a patient resulting from
– A lack of professional knowledge, experience
or skill that can be expected in others in the
– From failure to exercise reasonable care or
judgment in the application of professional
knowledge, experience or skill.
Medical Malpractice
• The commission or omission of an action
causing an injury is shown to arise from
the exercise of professional medical
• There must be:
– A Physician-Patient Relationship
– A Duty to Perform Professionally
Sources of Professional Standards
• Government statutes and regulations
• Professional society standards
• Voluntary accrediting agency standards
• Administrative policies and rule of the
Theories of Liability
• Informed consent
• Strict liability
• Vicarious liability
• Res ipsa loquitur
Re ipsa loquitur
The thing speaks for itself
– Injury would not ordinarily occur in the
absence of negligence
– Injury was caused by the actions was within
the control of the defendant
– Injury is not due to any action on the part of
the plaintiff
– Evidence surrounding the circumstances is
mostly within the control of the defendant
Hospital Liability for Malpractice
• Respondeat superior
• Ostensible agency
• Staff Privileges
– Corporate Negligence
– Contributory Negligence
Other Liability Theories
• Intentional tort
• Assault and battery
• Libel
• Slander
• Invasion of Privacy
Types of Damages
• Compensatory damage
• Awards for pain and suffering
• Punitive damages
Statute of Limitations
• The maximum period of time after the
patient’s injury during which a lawsuit may be
• Most state have a statutory period between
one and three years.
• Typically the statutory period is deferred
(tolled) during infancy and starts to run only
on the patient’s 18th birthday.
Common Malpractice Allegations
• Surgery/post-op complications
• Failure to diagnose cancer
• Surgery/inadvertent act
• Improper treatment (birth related)
• Failure to diagnose fracture or
Most Expensive Settlements
• Improper treatment (birth related)
• Failure to diagnose hemorrhage
• Failure to diagnose myocardial infarction
• Failure to diagnose infection
• Failure to diagnose cancer
Other concerns which
may impact liability
• Unrealistic patient expectations
• Non response to complaints
• Illegible medical records
• Insufficient information in medical
• No follow-up on abnormal tests
• Professional miscommunication
• Risk Managers need to be aware of both
professional and facility liabilities
• Malpractice claims can be very complex
• Setting policies and procedures and
following them are important in
minimizing malpractice liability
Chapter 8: Patient Safety Tools:
Integrating Quality and Managing Risk
Why do we talk about Quality
in the Risk Management setting?
• Risk management makes contributions to
quality by assuring that hazards and
injuries are less likely to occur for both
patients and employees.
• Risk management works to prevent
malpractice claims by identifying,
analyzing and treating risks which quality
assessment tries to eliminate
Predicting Hazards and Malpractice
• Prediction is not specific in risk management –
can say an event is likely to occur, but not
when or to what extent
• Confounding factor: increased patient
satisfaction tends to correlate to lower
likelihood of legal action by a patient
• Incident Reporting: can assist the risk
manager in identifying causes
Healthcare Acquired Conditions
• Conditions for which, when acquired during
admission in the health facility, CMS will not
• Examples include:
– Foreign object retained after surgery
– Air embolism
– Blood incompatibility
– Pressure ulcer stage III and IV
– Falls and trauma
– Catheter-associated infection
– Manifestations of poor glycemic control
Importance of Communication
• Effective communication is a factor in the
likelihood of a patient deciding not to sue a
provider as it has impact on patient
• Informed Consent is the result of effective
communication between the provider and
patient. The patient needs to know the
possible outcomes of treatment, both good
and bad, so as to have proper understanding
and expectations.
What if Unanticipated Outcomes Occur?
• Disclosure of unanticipated outcomes is
mandatory. The ethical question is NOT
should it be disclosed, but how and by whom.
• Risk managers need to plan, prepare and
educate staff to avoid inappropriate disclosure
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
• An approach to assessing and addressing risks
from all sources that either threaten the
organization’s objectives or represent opportunities
to exploit competitive advantage.
• Categories of Risk
– Operational/Clinical Risks
– Financial Risks
– Human Capital Risks
– Strategic Risks
– Legal/regulatory Risks
– Technological Risks
– Natural Disaster/Hazard Risks
Difference from
Traditional Risk Management
• Traditional Risk Management took a more
clinically focused approach and examined
risks individually.
• With ERM, the Risk Manager has a larger
focus and more strategic position. It
begins with risk identification and
determination of the relative importance of
the risk
ERM Process
• ERM utilizes the steps in the traditional
risk management process
– Identify and analyze the exposures to loss
– Examine the feasibility of alternative
– Select the best technique
– Implement the technique
– Monitor and improve the risk management
Quality and Risk Management
• Historically Risk Management and Quality
initiatives were seen as separate.
• Today, organizations utilize a more integrated
approach, recognizing that many risk
management errors are breakdowns in
process (quality) rather than individual error.
Quality Management Techniques
• Quality Assurance – a formal, systematic
program by which care given to patients is
measured against established criteria.
• Quality Management – encompasses
monitoring and evaluating quality issues,
followed by changes in the system.
Quality Management Techniques
Total Quality Management – W. E. Deming
• TQM focuses on the system not the
– 85/15 rule – 85% of problem is related to
system failure and 15% is the fault of the
people involved
• Three premises:
– Quality is important and can be measured
– People are part of the solution not the
– Change is fundamental and can be managed
Quality Management Techniques
• Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) –
process used to improve their ability to
satisfy customer expectations.
– Directs attention to the fundamental
mechanism that drives a process or system.
– Focuses on techniques to accomplish positive
change by assessing a process that leads to
an intervention.
– Use of sentinel events
4 Stages for Process Improvement
• Dr. Steven Speer recommends the following
states to assist with process improvement:
– System design and operation
– Problem solving and improvement
– Knowledge sharing
– Developing high velocity skills in others
Other Quality Tools from Industry
• Lean Management focuses on reducing waste
and eliminating error in processes.
• Six Sigma focuses on eliminating causes of
defects or error and minimizing variability in
Barriers to Quality
Management Initiatives
• Separation of administrative functions
– CQI implementation can be difficult as physicians
tend to focus on patients not administrative
• Hierarchical and bureaucratic structure makes
empowerment difficult
• Lack of recognition of problem-solving initiative
• Lack of vision of the desired outcome
• Inflexible attitude of “this is how it’s always been
Quality Improvement Teams
• Quality Improvement Teams (QIT) are change
• Can investigate and recommend
improvements, many times in conjunction
with the risk manager who may or may not be
a member of the team.
Customer is Key
• The quality improvement process views the
customer as central to its purpose.
• It is imperative to know who the customer is
and their importance to providing care.
– Note: the customer is not always the patient.
CQI and Labor Relations
• Risk managers should make sure that any QIT
or other CQI program teams are reviewed and
deemed allowable by the NLRA.
– Some teams may be viewed as labor organizations
dominated by the employer if not structured
Determining the Effectiveness
of Risk Management
• There is currently no research to definitively
demonstrate the effectiveness of risk
management programs.
• However, risk management programs are
important as adverse events do happen, and
there is a need to investigate and implement
strategies/improvements to minimize the risk
of adverse events recurring.
Program Evaluation
• What are the areas of responsibility or
functions defined for risk management?
• Which information or data are collected and
available within each of these areas of
responsibility or function?
• Can this information or data be categorized
and analyzed systematically to derive
measures of effectiveness?
Use of Standards
• A standard must be reasonable, achievable
and measurable
• Results standards: what is accomplished
• Activity standards: means by which
something is accomplished
Evaluation Tools
• Root Cause Analysis
• Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality
External Evaluation
• The Joint Commission may evaluate a
healthcare organization’s risk management
program during the accreditation process.
• Third party payers may also evaluate risk
management programs to determine
insurability of the organization.
• Benchmarking with other organizations.
Practice Guidelines
• Practice guidelines can set a standard of care
to help minimize risk
• May be difficult to monitor
• Risk increases as departure from stated
guidelines can be a source of liability
High Exposure Issues
• Clinical Activities
• Monitoring
• Medical Records
• Electronic Health Records
• Credentialing
• Withholding of Treatment
• Disclosure
• Quality and Risk Management overlap
• Risk Managers can utilize quality
techniques and reports to assess risk and
recommend improvements