This is all the info you need to know about the experiment in order to write a scientific report. I did an experiment on how the sun can affect the growth of plants specifically affecting the chlorophyll and photosynthetic rate of a specific plant. I have attached the experiment overview on how it was don’t and I also attached a PowerPoint on the specifics of the experiments please try go write the report on what one the powerpoints because that is the info I present now I just need to write a report on ut. so for the figures just copy and past to from the slide and for the references please also use the ones right from the slides.
I am also going to attach a reference of what the paper should look like and how it should be formatted.
How a Tomato Plants Growth can be Affected by Full Sun Light and Shaded Sunlight
The study was conducted to figure out the influence of different light levels; shaded
light and full sunlight, on various characteristics of a tomato plant growth, to understand how
various lightings can affect the growth of tomato plants. It is determined that the filtration
effect from the spectrum of light conducts a quantitative function on the photosynthetic
process. The experiment is designed to have 6 tomato plants in full sunlight and another set
of 6 tomato plants in partial sunlight. Every week for 5 weeks we tracked each tomato plant
on its stem width, height, number of leaves, and the specific measurement of a leaf. Along
with that, we tested the chlorophyll rate and a Qleaf light intensity rate, amount of protein,
and presence of fruits on the last day of taking down our final measurements.
In this plant experiment, I hypothesized that if a plant was exposed to full sunlight,
then it will grow faster than a tomato plant only exposed to partial sunlight. This is because
the influence of sunlight is tremendous in the photosynthetic ability of the plant. The variable
conducted a qualitative effect on every sample. The tomato plants exposed to full sunlight
showed a higher growth rate in all aspects, which proved the hypothesis to be true.
On the first day of the experiment, we were told that we will be focusing on how
sunlight will affect various variables of a tomato plant. For our group, we were tracking
tomato plants that were being exposed to full sunlight in a greenhouse. For the full sun plants,
there was about 1500mm of sunlight on the plants. We were teamed up with another group
who was tracking tomato plants that were exposed to partial sunlight also in a greenhouse.
The partial sun was 300mm of sun that was projected on the shaded tomato plants. There was
also a netting on all four sits of the room making sure that the plants were also not getting too
much sunlight. We chose 6 tomato plants, with those 6 tomato plants we looked at the stem
width, plant height, how many leaves the plant had, and the measurement of one specific leaf.
The other group also looked at the same four variables on 6 tomato plants, so each tomato
plant was being measured the same way. We tracked each plant’s growth for over 5 weeks.
Each week we would measure the plant height by using a ruler in inches. We measured the
stem width with a vernier caliper. We measured how many levees were on the tomato plant
by counting. We measured a specific plant leaf with a ruler in centimeters. We collected all
the data on an EXL spreadsheet making sure to keep it organized and neat. After taking down
the data we calculated the sample size along with the mean and standard deviation of each
partial and full sun tomato plant. In the last week of your tomato plant experiment, we also
measured if there were any fruits on the tomato plant, using the say EXL sheet. Along with
that we also measured the light response curve of full sun and a shaded leaf, Qleaf (umol
photons m-2 s-1) and A, photosynthetic rate (umol CO2 m-2 s-1). To measure the light
response curve, we used an infrared gas analyzer. Lastly the last week we also measured the
chlorophyll of one shaded plant and one plant exposed to full sunlight using a SPAD meter.
For all of our data analysis, we used a bar graph to show the change in each plant over the
course of 5 weeks. Lastly, all our results are reported as Mean +/- Standard deviation (SD).
The mean (+/-SD) of plant height in full sun (17.5666667+/-4.58) had a significant
difference from the height of the shaded plants (17.6333333 +/-3.63234073), based on the pvalue being 0.748685. The mean (+/-SD) of stem width in full sun (2.03333333+/- 1.24) had
no significant difference from the stem width of a shaded plant (0.55 +/- 0.16021263), based
on the p-value being 0.027416. The mean (+/-SD) of the number of leaves in full sun
(4.83333333+/- 1.00844589) had no significant difference from the number of leaves of a
shaded plant (3.16666667 +/- -0.5365897) based on the p-value being 0.197656. The mean
(+/-SD) of the leaf length in full sun (6.3 +/- 0.30367901) had no significant difference from
the leaf length of a shaded plant (9.28333333+/- 1.81662381) based on the p-value being
0.066387. The mean (+/-SD) of chlorophyll in full sun (13.4666667+/- 1.30792456) had no
significant difference from the chlorophyll of a shaded plant (5.8+/- 2.67556848) based on
the p-value being 0.000127. The mean (+/-SD) of the number of fruits in full sun
(1.83333333+/- 1.94079022) had no significant difference from the number of fruits of a
shaded plant (0+/- 0) based on the p-value being 0.043507. The mean (+/-SD) of protein
concentration of full sun (0.0002783 +/-0.001368) had no significant difference in the protein
concentration of the shaded plants (0.0001648 +/-0.00173), based on the p-value is 0.236.
The light response curve of full sun and a shaded leaf, Qleaf (umol photons m-2 s-1), and,
photosynthetic rate (umol CO2 m-2 s-1).
The results support the initial hypothesis which states that if a plant was exposed to
full sunlight, its growth will be faster compared to the sample that was only exposed to partial
sunlight. Similar studies have been conducted which yielded similar results. This is because
the intensity of the light also increases the rate at which photosynthesis occurs (Darko et. al.,
The results also showed the development of fruit on the sample exposed to the full
sun medium while the sample which was exposed to partial sunlight did not produce any
fruiting body. This happened after five weeks of observation. A similar article was published
on “Effect of Light Intensity, Day Length Temperature and Other Environmental Factors…”
by Karl C. Hammer, which talks about the influence of environmental variables on a tomato
plant. This article ties back to my experiment because it shows how not only light can affect a
tomato plant’s growth but also, “under controlled growing conditions fruits produced under
lower temperatures and shortened day length was somewhat lover ins ascorbic acid”
(Hammer, 1945).
In Alton Millett Porters’ article about photosynthetic efficiency, the main topic of this
article is that the light of the natural day, during the winter months, appears to be inadequate
concerning its duration and to its ordinary intensity. More particularly what is the relationship
respecting the tomato plant, when growing under greenhouse conditions (A. Porter,1937).
The study includes the desire to extend the knowledge disclosed by investigations already
made and reported. His experiment highlights many variables about how light affects a
tomato plant which helped me tie the article back to my tomato plant experiment. The final
article that helped with the experiment was an experiment on the “effect of light intensity on
the growth and leaf development of young tomato plants grown under a combination of red
and blue light”. The article talked about using red light-emitting diodes (LEDs, R) and blue
light-emitting diodes (LEDs, B) to obtain the different light intensities of uniform spectra and
investigated the effects of different light intensities on the growth and leaf development of
young tomato plants (S. Horticulturae, 2013). The article served as a guide for understanding
that there is more way of testing how light can affect the growth of a tomato plant. This
explains how light serves as a very important medium in the rate at which the photosynthetic
process occurs. The tomato samples responded in kind.
To tie my experiment together I was to point out my hypothesis which was circled a
tomato plant exposed to the full sun would show significant growth compared to a tomato
plant expected to partial sunlight. Through this experiment, we can understand that many
variables contribute to growing a tomato plant specifically under the sun. To further my
research, I was able to understand and get more of an in-depth understanding of my
experiment by closely tracking the same variables within all 12 tomato plants.
M. Porter. 1937. Effect of Light Intensity on the Photosynthetic Efficiency of Tomato
Plants’. Plant Physiology (12): 225-250.
K. C. Hammer, L Bernstein, & L.A. Maynard. 1945. Effects of Light Intensity, Day
Length, Temperature, and other Environmental Factors on the Ascorbic Acid
Content of Tomatoes The Journal of Nutrition (29): 85-97.
S. Horticulturae. 2013. Effect of light intensity on the growth and leaf development of young
tomato plants grown under a combination. Of red and blue light. Science Direct
(53): 50-55.
E. Darko, P. Heydarizadeh, B. Schoefs, & M. R. Sabzalian. 2014. Photosynthesis under
artificial light: the shift in primary and secondary metabolism. para. 1-11.
Growth of Plant height (cm)
full sun
Figure 1: Shows the change in mean +/- SD of the variation between a plant’s height (cm) of
a tomato plant in full sunlight and a tomato plant in partially shaded sunlight in MEAN +/SD.
Grpwth of Stem Width (mm)
Full Sun
Figure 2: Shows the change in mean +/- SD of the variation between a stem width (mm) of a
tomato plant in full sun and a tomato plant exposed to partially shaded sunlight.
Growth in Number of Leafs
Full Sun
Figure 3: Shows the change in mean +/- SD of the variation between the number of leaves on
a tomato plant in full sunlight and a tomato plant in partially shaded sunlight.
Growth of Leaf length (mm)
Full Sun
Figure 4: Shows the change in mean +/- SD of the variation between the leaf length (mm) of
a tomato plant in full sunlight and a tomato plant in partially shaded sunlight.
full Sun
Figure 5: Shows the change in mean +/- SD of the variation between chlorophyll of a tomato
plant in full sunlight and a tomato plant in partially shaded sunlight.
Number of Fruits
Full Sun
Figure 6: Shows the change in mean +/- SD of the variation between the number of fruits in
a tomato plant in full sunlight and a tomato plant in partially shaded sunlight.
Figure 7: Shows the change in mean +/- SD of the variation in the amount of protein (mg)
per mg of the leaf of a tomato plant in full sunlight and a tomato plant in partially shaded
A, photosynthetic rate (umol
CO2 m-2 s-1)
-1 0
Qleaf, light intensity (umol m-2 s-1)
Figure 8: Light response curve of full sun and a shaded leaf, Qleaf (umol photons m-2 s-1),
and, photosynthetic rate (umol CO2 m-2 s-1). The blue line represents the full sun, and the
orange line indicates the shaded tomato plant.
Bioenergetics and Systems Lab
Biology 240L
Week 10
April 21, 2022
Lab Report #1
What are common themes / mistakes?
OPTIONAL Revisions opportunity: You have one week (until the 28th) to
turn in a REVISED version of your first lab report.
As per instructions on Blackboard, your revised lab report should include
(in the email text) a brief explanation of what comments, specifically,
your revisions have addressed.
Final lab report 1 grade will equal the average of your first submission
grade and revised submission grade. In addition, lab report #2 will be
worth 20% more than lab report 1.
Paul Kemp, 2022, USD Biology Department
Tecolote Canyon
South-facing slope
North-facing slope
Paul Kemp, USD Biology Department
We are starting our 2nd study!
Goal: You will perform a series of experiments* to examine how
a sun-adapted and a shade-adapted native plant species differ
in their photosynthesis (and other biological traits).
Rhus integrifolia (lemonade berry)
Rhus integrifolia, lemonade berry
Salvia mellifera (black sage)
What were the
photosynthetic properties
that differed between sunadapted and shadeadapted plant species
studied by Bjorkman
Read the Introduction section.
What were the photosynthetic properties that differed between sun-adapted
and shade-adapted plant species described by Mathur et al. (2018)?
We are going to collect data for our 2nd study!
Goal: You will perform a series of experiments that you have
proposed to examine how a sun-adapted and a shade-adapted
native plant species differ in their photosynthesis.
Rhus integrifolia (lemonade berry)
Rhus integrifolia, lemonade berry
Salvia mellifera (black sage)
Tips on using IRGA in the field
• Carry the IRGA with a strap across
your body
• Keep the air hose away from you
(e.g., at around your legs) to ensure
that it is sampling atmospheric air
instead of your breath
Tips on using IRGA in the field
• The IRGA
chamber should
be perpendicular
to the sun
• Make sure that
the chamber is
closed before
taking any
Tips on using IRGA in the field
Be very careful to not damage this
delicate metal part as you move the leaf
in and out of the chamber
The IRGA is a VERY sensitive and
expensive equipment!
Tips on using IRGA in the field
Need to multiply the Qleaf (photosynthetic rate)
of Salvia mellifera (black sage) by 3 to get the
true photosynthesis rate.
This is because each leaf from those plants only
covers about 1/3 of the area in the IRGA
Today we’ll collect data for Lab Report #2
1. We’ll work in ‘Super-Groups’ to collect data behind Shiley
2. Let’s discuss what variables we want to collect data on:
3. Experimental tasks:
a. 2 groups can start measuring the photosynthetic rate
b. Other groups can start with the other measurements [chl index, leaf
area (l x w)]
3. Before the end of class:
a. Each Super-Group should have data analyzed, and graphs plotted in Excel.
b. Organize & Prepare for Groups Presentations next week! (THOROUGHLY
Read through Guidelines in Week 10 folder)