Investigate about multicellularity on Earth and write an essay about it.
- The questions provided are to motivate you to investigate about this topic; you do not need to answer them one by one.
- The essay must be at least five paragraphs long, and each paragraph must contain at least five sentences (you can write more than five paragraphs and more than five sentences per paragraph if you wish to do so).
- The content of your essay must be written entirely in your OWN words.
- Use in-text citations in parenthesis, APA style, if you paraphrase information from other authors.
- Write it in your OWN words to explain the authors’ writings.
- Only, when necessary, you can quote, but these quotes do not count towards the last tally of the number of paragraphs and sentences required from your OWN writing.
You must at least consult three references to investigate about this topic and must list these three references at the end of your essay (use APA style).
If cells can live just fine as single organisms (such as E. coli, Paramecium, or Amoeba), why did cells begin to attach to each other and form these conglomerations we call multicellular organisms?
We humans, for example, are an amass of trillions of cells all working together to form this entity we call a “human.” Why multicellularity happened if life could run fine with unicellular beings?
Were we “expecting” multicellularity to inevitably form on this planet?
How can a multicellular being survive and get maintained with so many cells “packed” together?
Why would anyone like many cells attached together instead of single ones floating around? Is multicellularity complicated and cell singleness simpler?
If so, why would nature/evolution would like to “complicate” things?
Wouldn’t anything flow towards the “path of less resistance” and simplify things instead of complicating them? Are there benefits to multicellularity?
What about costs to it? How come cells can attach/glue to each other so perfectly in the first place?
Can multicellularity increase communication among cells? Why would that be good, or bad?