This week, I want you to visit the website below: You willneed to watch the 27-minute video. Then, feel free to check
out the website and see what other things their foundation is
doing in the world, and in the US!
About the Billions in Change Movement –
Billions in Change
Billions in Change brings life-changing inventions that
meet basic needs and enable health and livelihood for
billions of people around the world.
Billions In Change
The Hans Foundation is a really cool science/humanitarian
organization. It is built off of the “extra money” of Manoj
Bhargava, who is the creator of the 5 Hour Energy drink.
Basically, he made about $4 BILLION extra dollars and has
donated 99% of it to helping solve basic problems that people
face around the world. Things like access to free electricity,
drinkable water, and even free fertilizers that have saved
thousands of farms. His products are aimed at being useful,
helpful, and leaving little to no impact on the environment.
Can’t go wrong with that!
Your job THIS WEEK is to choose one of the three topics
in the video:
(1) Free Electric (the Hans PowerPack and expandable solar
(2) Shivansh Fertilizer (made 100% free with agricultural
waste that would otherwise be burned, and replaces the need
for chemical fertillizers. It helps very poor farmers make
about 10x’s what they usually made (reducing povery, hunger
and even an incredibly high suicide rate), and is really great
for the environment!
(3) Rainmaker for Brackish Water (brackish water is found
all over the world and cannot be used for agriculture or5:23
X Final Project Discussion: 1st part…p…
and even an incredibly high suicide rate), and is really great
for the environment!
(3) Rainmaker for Brackish Water (brackish water is found
all over the world and cannot be used for agriculture or
drinking. This quickly and cheaply fixes that…providing
both, thereby increasing health!)
TURN IN BY SUNDAY, APRIL 24th to the drop box
below: A 1.5 to 2 page paper on your chosen topic, with at
least three references.
Other requirements:
*Use in-text citations and provide references in APA format.
*Make sure your work is original, as it will go through a
plagiarism checker upon submission. No copy/paste 🙂
*Things to cover:
*What is your topic and why did you choose it?
*Why is this useful, and how/where could it be used in (1)
the world, and (2) Alaska!
*What kind of health problems can this innovation solve?
*What kind of environmental problems can this
innovation solve (or help)?
Email me with any questions you have. If you’ve taken my
other class (Biology 100) and done a project on one of these
topics in the past, you can’t use that topic 🙂 All your work
has been turned in to the SafeAssign program.
No late submissions will be accepted because this will be
used in the class discussion next week!