topic is Ebola. The main focus should be on the virial aspect of Ebola
TERM PAPER (worth 100 points, just as any major Exam)
When it comes to the Topic or Rubric, it is your personal choice, as long as it is a
Topic or Subject covered anytime of the semester. Example: any disease discussed in
class or any topic or subject relevant to the field of Microbiology (Bacteriology,
Virology, Mycology, Epidemiology, etc.).
Number of Pages: FIVE (5) exclusive of the Cover Page, and the page for
Bibliography/Reference/Literature Cited
Cover Page Information: (6 entries)
a. Your Name
b. My Name (Dr. Claude Ferrer)
c. The name of the Institution (Bowie State University)
d. Course Title and Section (Microbiology Biol 309.002/002)
e. Semester (Spring 2022)
f. Title of the Paper
Note that these above entries may be put in any sequence
The Paper itself (5 pages minimum)
Introduction (that’s where page counting starts, that is your first page (ex., 1)
That’s where you give an overview of your topic. Don’t go into details (statistics,
graphs etc.) yet. Should not be too long, just as your head is not that big compared to
your body trunk!
That’s where you’re going to elaborate and tell everything you know about the
subject. You can include Graphs, Pictures, Table to exemplify or corroborate what
you are saying. Note that if any of the graph, Picture or Table should NOT more than
half of the page, otherwise this page will not count toward the 5 pages minimum.