150 words For this discussionplease choose one type of cell to research and describe. Choose one type of cell not yet
described by other students (easier the earlier you post!). Do NOT choose eukaryotic,
prokaryotic, plant, animal or bacteria cells (the large categories of cells), rather choose a
specialized type of cell found in animals (examples: blood, nerve or sperm cells), plants
(examples: guard, epidermal or root hair cells), fungi or bacteria.
2. Briefly describe the structure and role of your chosen specialized cell.
3. How is this type of cell unique compare to other types of cells?
4. Include an image of your cell in your post.
5. Use a web search engine to find reliable information and as always include your
100 words for each of following discussion posts:
1. For this discussion, I chosen to research the liver cell which is known as hepatocytes. The
liver is the largest gland in our body. The liver is an important organ in your body and must
have to be able to survive and allow your body to function. It is the responsibility of a several
things that are vital to living. The role of these cells is primarily involved in the metabolism
and chemical processing. Liver cells store a lot of fats and lipids. This type of cell must be in
contact with the human body blood stream.
Ito cells function in the uptake maintenance of Vitamin A and regulation of blood flow during
injury. Kupffer cells function in removing aged blood cells from circulation and has several
jobs in gastrointestinal tract.
2. For this discussion I chose parenchyma cells in plants. These cells are found within plant
bodies. One of the most interesting things about these cells is that they are able to adapt to
do different jobs within the plant. ” living cells that are thin-walled, unspecialized in structure,
and therefore adaptable, with differentiation, to various functions” (The Editors of
Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d.). There are two types of parenchyma and they are Palisade
and Ray. Palisade parenchyma are column like in structure and can be found in leaves. Ray
parenchyma can be found in stem and are typically horizontal. The cells have a vacuole,
nucleus, and cytoplasm but no other distinguishable features. This allows the cells to help in
” photosynthesis, food storage, secretion of waste materials” (Mokobi, 2021). This cell is
unique because it doesn’t have just one function. It has the ability to adapt and do multiple
things that the plant needs to survive.
Topics already discussed:
XYLEM Parenchyma, hepatocytes, Endothelial Cells, blood cell, fungal cells, adipose cell,
parenchyma cells, stem cells, guard plant cells, muscle cell (Myocyte), white blood cells,
nerve cells, epithelial cells, red blood cell, sperm cell
BIO- Cellular Reproduction and Genetics
Main Discussion post of 150 words
1. 150 words explaining cancer based on mitosis.
2. Research one drug that is used to treat cancer and explain how this drug works. Include
the name of the drug in the title of your post.
3. Does this drug’s mode of action and side effects have anything to do with mitosis? And if
so, which phase of the cell cycle is affected?
4. What specifically does this drug do inside the cell?
5. Use a web search engine to find reliable information and as always include your
Provide 100 words each response to the following discussions posts;
1. Uncontrollable cell division is the disease known as cancer. Mitosis relates to this because
mitosis is the process of cell division.
Fentanyl is a drug used with treating cancer. This drug is an opioid painkiller and has the
capability to treat moderate to severe cases of cancer pain. This drug originated from opium
poppies, however it is now created in a lab. This opioid does the same thing as much pain
killers do, which is block nerve ending signals to the brain. It uses similar substances that
are in our bodies known as endorphins. What is so special about this drugs is how strong it
is and how dependent the body can become to it. It can be utilized to increase potency of
Fentanyl binds to the body’s opioid receptors. This is located in the parts of brain that
controls pain and emotion.
This specific drug’s side effects consist of the following: relaxation, euphoria, pain relief,
sedation, confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, urinary retention, pupillary
constriction, respiratory depression, etc.
2. Mitosis is when one cell divides into 2 identical cells. If the original cell is cancerous or
there is a mistake in the division process cancer can develop. If left untreated the cancer will
continue to undergo mitosis and grow until it overtakes the area.
One of the drugs used to treat cancer is called Folfirinox. Specifically this drug treats
advanced pancreatic cancer by attacking and destroying quickly dividing cells.
The mode of action directly correlates to mitosis because it attacks rapidly duplicating cells.
Some of the side affects are effected by mitosis like increased risk of infection. The drug
could attack white blood cells which help prevent infection. Others are not effected. This
drug has many side affects so I didn’t list them here but they can be found in the references