1Pharmacology Project Title
Your Name Here
Department of Dental Hygiene, Concorde Career College
DHCA 2301: Pharmacology
Rachel Zikoski
August 15, 2022
Pharmacology Project Title
Introduction paragraph, with no heading, give an overview of what you will be writing
about in your paper.
Description of Your Disease/Disorder (Level 1 Heading)
This is where you briefly describe the disorder or disease… you can subdivide the different
sections or leave it as one section. If you subdivide it, use the Level 2 Headings (see below), you
can change the titles, this is just for an example.
Definition (Level 2 Heading)
This is where you talk about what makes the disease or disorder special, defining the
disease or disorder…
Etiology (Level 2 Heading)
This is where you discuss the etiology of your disease/disorder…
Effects on the body (Level 2 Heading)
This is where you discuss the effects on the body…
Name of Drug Related to Your Disease
Mechanism of action (Level 2 Heading)
Define in detail the mechanism of action…
Pharmacokinetics (ADME) (Level 2 Heading)
All parts of ADME must be discussed…
Drug Interactions (Level 2 Heading)
At least 3 drug interactions, no more than 5 (must be different categories of drug
interactions and specific drug names must be mentioned).
Adverse Effects (Level 2 Heading)
At least 3 adverse effects, no more than 5. This may also be referred to as the side effects
(this is not including therapeutic effects, that is different, as these effects are not the desired
effects of the drug).
Conclusion (Level 1 Heading)
Now summarize all of the exciting things that you explained previously.
See other document attached for the reference page example.