Experiment 10c: Antibiotic Producing Bacteria, Analysis – RubricRevised Protocol (10 points):
1)Changed Approach (8 points):
The initial protocol is updated with any necessary changes to improve likelihood of
accomplishing goals of the experiment.
Changes are well thought out and appropriately address weaknesses of initial protocol
2)Changes highlighted (2 points):
Changes from initial protocol are clearly highlighted/underlined/bolded.
Results/Discussion (45 points):
1)All results are clearly interpreted; hypotheses are made and evaluated for the obtained
results and their deviation from the’
“expected” results. There is a good synthesis of the
experiment and the results, particularly in the scope of a larger context.
2)The progression of the experiment is discussed in full. Changes made to the protocol
and the results of each protocol are clearly summarized and evaluated.
3)The specific variables tested are discussed. Results of experiments with different
variables are discussed and thoroughly evaluated.
Grammar and format (3 points)