Activity 6 – WaterIt’s time for another activity. This time it all about water. Water, Water everywhere and
not a drop to drink.
1) Open the footprint calculator. See what the estimate for you water use and compare
to your water bill. 10 Points
2) Watch the shorter video and wrote a reflection about it 5 Points
3) Open this program
(Links to an external site.)
and find out where your water comes from and what’s in it. Reflect. 10 points
4) Open the CA drought monitor. Compare the levels of drought in Southern California
over the last 5 years, Is it getting better? Worst? What does this mean for our drinking
water? 5 points
(Links to an external site.)
1) Open this water footprint calculator
(Links to an external site.)
. Enter your lifestyle and see how much water you use. As you enter the data and near
the end of the data entry you will see that there are 3 categories of water use. Indoor,
Outdoor and Virtual water use. At the end there will be a graph of your usage. Then
there are details with tips. Look your usage where you used a lot of water. Look at the
tips and see some solutions on how to reduce your water use. Compare this with your
real water bill. Was it the same? Different? Why?
Write up what you discovered and what solutions you will implement.
The webpage with calculator
(Links to an external site.)
2) Here is a video that describes the world without water. It is an hour long. It’s optional.
3) This one you need to watch. It’s a video about water shortages. Watch it and
write a reflection of what it means to you?
4) Open this program
(Links to an external site.)
and find out where your water comes from and what’s in it. Enter your zip code and see
where your drinking water actually comes from. Then dive into the details. Where do
they get the water and what’s in it? Is it safe to drink? Let me know what you discover
and how do you feel about it?
5) Lastly, here is a link to the drought levels of California
(Links to an external site.)
. Look it over. Why are droughts so impactful to California. It’s not just drinking water..
There are other things being impacted. So the question is… Is CA in a drought, what
does that mean, where and what are the impacts of the drought today. It’s live data…
Enter your zip code. Is your home in a drought? Look at the historic data (now, last
week and last month) for California. Has the drought levels in Southern California
changed? What does it mean?
Activity on Food
1) Please review this website. It displays data that compares the impacts of human food
production. To be honest, it’s pretty amazing how much of the world’s resources we use
for food production. So please examine your typical diet and then look over the graphs.
Not judgements, but please make an analysis of your diet and its impact to the world?
Are you a meet eater and what does that mean as far as resources uses?
(Links to an external site.)
2) Food is precious. May people do not have access to quality food. However, many of
us in the United States are very wasteful with our food. Please watch these 2 videos on
the current affairs of our food systems. One is 3 minutes and the other is about 15
minutes. There isn’t much I am asking you to do other than watch them and write a few
paragraphs and let me know what you thing? Did these videos surprise you? Will you
plan to change your behaviors and make any changes? Again, I am not here to judge
you, I just want to know more about our environmental challenge.
(Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)
3) Our farming practices rely on chemicals that kill pests and weeds. Many of these
chemicals remain on our foods. Think about your favorite foods or perhaps what you eat
in a couple of days. Then look at this website. About 2/3 down there is a section called
“Summaries of Multi-Year Results. Then the subsection “Pesticide Residues and
Industrial Chemicals. Then the Data Set is called 1991-2003 sorted by Food PDF. A
screen show below show where the data is located.
Look at this study and determine how much pesticides you might have been exposed
to. Scary isn’t it. Write up a summary of what you might have been exposed to.
(Links to an external site.)
This link is the direct data download.
(Links to an external site.)
4) What many do not realize is that many household products act as pesticides. But
what is a pesticide. Pesticide is a common term that describes a chemical that gets rids
of pests. Pests can be weeds, rats, insects, or a number of other things. Herbicides kill
weeds, insecticides kill insects and rodenticides kill mice and rats. We use many
pesticides in our homes. But how safe are they? Examine the chemical make up of a
pesticide. If you do not have one at home, look up one on the internet. Do an internet
search for a MSDS (material safety data sheet) or SDS (safety data sheet) on pesticide
of your choice
Here is an example of one from Ortho Max Insect Killer. Please do not use this one, find
one of your own
(Links to an external site.)
Please describe what you discovered. Is the pesticide dangerous? Are there safer ways
to get rid of your pests. Please write you found, is it safe to use? If not, look up safe
alternatives and let me know what you found out.
5). Lastly. What we eat can have a drastic impact on the environment. There are a lot of
us Humans and we like to eat a lot. So please list 5 things we can all do to decrease our
environment impact. The internet is full of ideas so this should be easy. Then of course
tell me what you are going to do about it? What changes will you make?