1 Earthworm_Essay1_Function of ClitellumTOPIC 1: What is the function of the clitellum?2 Earthworm_Essay2_Dorsal vs. Ventral SidesTOPIC 1: What external features allowed you to identify thedorsal and ventral sides of the earthworm?3 Earthworm_Essay3_Description of Earthworm LocomotionTOPIC 2: Write your description of earthworm locomotion fromyour records here. 4 Earthworm_Essay4_Prostomium during MovementTOPIC 2: What is the prostomium doing while the earthworm ismoving?5 Earthworm_Essay5_Labeled Cross Section Image(s)TOPIC 3: Upload your labeled earthworm cross section slideimage(s) here. 6 Earthworm_Essay6_Typhlosole Structure vs. FunctionTOPIC 3: How does the structure of the typhlosole relate to itsfunction? 7 Earthworm_Essay7_Labeled Earthworm Seta ImageTOPIC 3: Upload your labeled earthworm seta image here. 8 Earthworm_Essay8_Setae Location vs. FunctionTOPIC 3: On which side of the earthworm are the setaelocated? How does that placement relate to their function? 9 Earthworm_Essay9_Labeled Longitudinal Anterior ImageTOPIC 4: Upload your labeled earthworm longitudinal anteriorslide image here. 10 Earthworm_Essay10_Labeled Longitudinal ReproductionImageTOPIC 4: Upload your labeled earthworm circulatory andreproductive systems longitudinal section slide image here. 11 Earthworm_Essay11_Earthworm Seminal VesiclesTOPIC 4: If you were only able to observe seminal vesicles inthe slide, would that mean that the earthworm is male? Pleaseexplain. 12 Earthworm_Essay12_Labeled Longitudinal Digestion ImageTOPIC 4: Upload your labeled earthworm digestive systemlongitudinal section slide image here. 13 Earthworm_Essay13_Musculature of Crop vs. GizzardTOPIC 4: Do you see any differences between the musculatureof the crop and that of the gizzard? If yes, how does thisdifference relate to the function of each?14 Earthworm_Essay14_Labeled Earthworm Septa ImageTOPIC 4: Upload your labeled earthworm septa image here. 15 Earthworm_Essay15_Earthworms’ Ecosystem ContributionCONCLUSIONS: How do earthworms contribute to theecosystem? 16 Earthworm_Essay16_Earthworm Segmentation DisplaysCONCLUSIONS: What are two ways that earthworms displaysegmentation? 17 Earthworm_Essay17_Benefit of Earthworm ColorCONCLUSIONS: Focusing on the color of earthworms, howmight this feature benefit the organism in its natural habitat? 18 Earthworm_Essay18_Internal Dorsal vs. Ventral FeaturesCONCLUSIONS: What internal features allow you to identifythe dorsal and ventral sides of the earthworm? 19 Earthworm_Essay19_Axis of SymmetryCONCLUSIONS: The earthworm does not have largeappendages to display bilateral symmetry the way that, say, ahuman has right and left arms. The earthworm has a bilateralplan. This plan is easiest to visualize if you examine theearthworm cross-section diagrams in the Background andProcedures of the lab and observe the bilateral symmetry of theinterior organs.In what direction does the axis of symmetry run? Think aboutwhich cut-through of the animal will leave mirror-image halves. 20 Earthworm_Essay20_Earthworm Waste ExcretionCONCLUSIONS: What are the two methods that an earthwormuses to excrete waste? 21 Earthworm_Essay21_Earthworm “Sensory Organs”CONCLUSIONS: What is the closest an earthworm has tosensory organs such as ears or a nose? 22 Earthworm_Essay22_Earthworm “Respiratory Organs”CONCLUSIONS: Did you observe any respiratory organs, suchas lungs or gills, in any of the earthworm slides? Why or whynot? 1 Earthworm_Essay1_Function of Clitellum
TOPIC 1: What is the function of the clitellum?
2 Earthworm_Essay2_Dorsal vs. Ventral Sides
TOPIC 1: What external features allowed you to identify the
dorsal and ventral sides of the earthworm?
3 Earthworm_Essay3_Description of Earthworm Locomotion
TOPIC 2: Write your description of earthworm locomotion from
your records here.
4 Earthworm_Essay4_Prostomium during Movement
TOPIC 2: What is the prostomium doing while the earthworm is
5 Earthworm_Essay5_Labeled Cross Section Image(s)
TOPIC 3: Upload your labeled earthworm cross section slide
image(s) here.
6 Earthworm_Essay6_Typhlosole Structure vs. Function
TOPIC 3: How does the structure of the typhlosole relate to its
7 Earthworm_Essay7_Labeled Earthworm Seta Image
TOPIC 3: Upload your labeled earthworm seta image here.
8 Earthworm_Essay8_Setae Location vs. Function
TOPIC 3: On which side of the earthworm are the setae
located? How does that placement relate to their function?
9 Earthworm_Essay9_Labeled Longitudinal Anterior Image
TOPIC 4: Upload your labeled earthworm longitudinal anterior
slide image here.
10 Earthworm_Essay10_Labeled Longitudinal Reproduction
TOPIC 4: Upload your labeled earthworm circulatory and
reproductive systems longitudinal section slide image here.
11 Earthworm_Essay11_Earthworm Seminal Vesicles
TOPIC 4: If you were only able to observe seminal vesicles in
the slide, would that mean that the earthworm is male? Please
12 Earthworm_Essay12_Labeled Longitudinal Digestion Image
TOPIC 4: Upload your labeled earthworm digestive system
longitudinal section slide image here.
13 Earthworm_Essay13_Musculature of Crop vs. Gizzard
TOPIC 4: Do you see any differences between the musculature
of the crop and that of the gizzard? If yes, how does this
difference relate to the function of each?
14 Earthworm_Essay14_Labeled Earthworm Septa Image
TOPIC 4: Upload your labeled earthworm septa image here.
15 Earthworm_Essay15_Earthworms’ Ecosystem Contribution
CONCLUSIONS: How do earthworms contribute to the
16 Earthworm_Essay16_Earthworm Segmentation Displays
CONCLUSIONS: What are two ways that earthworms display
17 Earthworm_Essay17_Benefit of Earthworm Color
CONCLUSIONS: Focusing on the color of earthworms, how
might this feature benefit the organism in its natural habitat?
18 Earthworm_Essay18_Internal Dorsal vs. Ventral Features
CONCLUSIONS: What internal features allow you to identify
the dorsal and ventral sides of the earthworm?
19 Earthworm_Essay19_Axis of Symmetry
CONCLUSIONS: The earthworm does not have large
appendages to display bilateral symmetry the way that, say, a
human has right and left arms. The earthworm has a bilateral
plan. This plan is easiest to visualize if you examine the
earthworm cross-section diagrams in the Background and
Procedures of the lab and observe the bilateral symmetry of the
interior organs.
In what direction does the axis of symmetry run? Think about
which cut-through of the animal will leave mirror-image halves.
20 Earthworm_Essay20_Earthworm Waste Excretion
CONCLUSIONS: What are the two methods that an earthworm
uses to excrete waste?
21 Earthworm_Essay21_Earthworm “Sensory Organs”
CONCLUSIONS: What is the closest an earthworm has to
sensory organs such as ears or a nose?
22 Earthworm_Essay22_Earthworm “Respiratory Organs”
CONCLUSIONS: Did you observe any respiratory organs, such
as lungs or gills, in any of the earthworm slides? Why or why