Review the reflection/discussion questions posed during lectures; you can choose toelaborate on one or more of those questions and connect material from different parts ofthe course.? Do a deep dive into one scientific study of personality (e.g., studies highlighted in classon blackboard, another article you find from recent journals): explain and critique thestudy, propose ideas for future research, connect it to your own life, current events, andmain takeaway from the class? Choose two different personality theories or topics that we have discussed in class. For
example, you might use Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and Talhelm’s rice theory ofculture. You might also use insights from evolutionary theory, positive psychology orattachment theory. Use these two theories/topics to describe the behavior or emotions ofyou, people around you, celebrities etc. (You cannot use characters from the book youread for the personality analysis)? The course grading system was not traditional—did this work well with your personality?Why or why not (be specific about the personality traits, goals/motives)?? Was there a book you read, a TV show or film you watched that portrayed personality? Ifyou think something is portrayed accurately/inaccurately given what we have learned inclass, you may choose to reflect on that.? “Adopt-a-trait”: with the trait you have adopted in class, discuss the followingo Provide a brief, preliminary definition of your traito List at least two items that you would use to measure this trait via self-report(NOTE: these can’t just be synonyms of the same word—think critically!).o Using one of the ways of distinguishing cultures, describe the kinds of cultures inwhich your trait might be more important, salient, or valued. Describe the kinds of cultures in which your trait would be less valued, if there would be any.o Do you think that there would be regional differences within the United States in average levels of your trait?o What kind of mean-level trajectory would you expect your trait to show over the life span, and why?o Could this trait be changed through conscious effort or intervention? Discuss your rationale, using the research covered in class/textbook.