Article Critique of the Popcorn Article
Psychology 213W – Experimental Psychology
Evaluation of a Published Article
7 points
For this exercise, go to blackboard and click on Course Materials -> Article Critiques. Refer to the published article
posted, labeled, “Article 1: Popcorn Article” (i.e., Wansink & Kim, 2005).
Answer the following questions. Use the following headings to organize your answers. Your answers must be typed, and
double-spaced. Your assignment should be approximately 600 words in length and should include a title page and a
reference page.
Briefly describe the study in full sentences.
1. State the purpose presented by the author(s)
2. Describe what the author(s) did
3. What the author(s) found
4. What conclusions were drawn from the results
What were the variables involved?
1. Independent
2. Dependent
3. Confounding (think about this one)
Using APA format, write the reference for the article. See example below:
Kourassanis, J., Jones, E.A., & Fienup, D. (2015). Peer-video modeling: teaching chained social game behaviors to children
with ASD. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 27(1), 25-36. doi:10.1007/s10882-014-9399-8