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As you can see from the video, women return to being comfortable in their bodies during midlife, making it one of the happiest life stages. This feeling is hard to imagine when you are a young adult.
Discuss why you think menopause has traditionally been viewed as negative (and may still be by some groups) even though the research suggests it is not a negative time for women. Think about who benefits from the negative stereotype of menopause (e.g., cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies that make products for women of this age).
Is there a menopause version in men? How is it similar to women’s physiological changes? How are they different in terms of the socioemotional aspect?
Here is the first response from Enrique:
Menopause is perceived negatively due to lack of fertility. According to psychologists, menopause is vilified because aging-related symptoms are considered a disease. (DeAngelis,2010) As a result, physical symptoms such as hot flashes, nausea, decreased libido, and vaginal dryness occur. In menopausal women, there is an intrinsic link between physical and mental health problems. That said, some mental health problems can be caused by hormonal changes and other risk factors in the social and physical environment. Perimenopausal and menopausal women are more likely to develop depression if they have a family history of depression. It is suggested that young women should take advantage of the positive aspects of menopause by learning from older women methods of self-care, body acceptance, self-control, and emotional resilience. (DeAngeles, 2010) Menopause is often associated with aging and is considered a disease. Doctors and pharmaceutical companies recommend the use of drugs. Psychologists have studied pharmaceutical products that benefit from this situation.
Men can also experience a menopausal-like syndrome known as andropause or andropause. Male menopause is usually characterized by a gradual course. Testosterone levels decline by about 1 percent per year from middle age through the 50s and 60s (Santrock, 2021). However, in women going through menopause, production of the female hormone estrogen drops significantly. Low testosterone levels can cause erectile dysfunction (ED), as well as low libido in women. However, there are drugs such as Viagra and Cialis that can help reduce this symptom. Preliminary research suggests that low testosterone levels may lead to mental health problems such as depression (Carr & Pudrovska, 2016).
Carr, D. and Pudrovska, T. (2016). Midlife and mental health. In H. Friedman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mental Health 2 , 133-136. Waltham, MA: Elsevier Inc.
DeAngelis, T. (2010). Menopause, the makeover. Monitor on Psychology, 41 (3), 40-43.
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2018). Hormone therapy: Is it right for you? Retrieved from Mayo Clinic website: to an external site.
Santrock, J.W. (2021). Life-span development (18 ed.). New York: Mc-Graw Hill Education
Here is the second response I need to respond to from Carly:
Menopause has more of a bad stereotype. Menopause to some women perceive it as an unpleasant time not only for the mood but for the body. I have personally heard the stereotype that when a women goes through menopause they are mean and angry. Companies that sell feminine products and hygiene products may benefit from the negative stereotype of menopause. Pharmacies also benefit from the negative stereotype of menopause. This is because they could sell products that help with the symptoms of menopause and women may be more prone to purchase these specific products during this time of their lives. Sandra Tsing Loh says that when a mother is older, she already has a place to live, a family of what she has established, and is more stable. This is a time of relaxation for the women and they feel more calm since they have more time for themselves. Men do not go through “menopause”. They do experience some of the same symptoms with age though. Men experience hair loss, weight gain, night sweats, and brain fog. Men go through andropause. Andropause deals with lower levels of testosterone. The socio emotional effects can be depression, body image, lifestyle, etc.
YouTube. (2016, November 23). Menopause nation | Sandra Tsing Loh | tedxpasadenawomen. YouTube. to an external site.
Henley.tabal. (2022, November 30). Differences between Andropause and Menopause. Pellecome.,people%20experiencing%20andropause%20and%20menopause.