FIRST – Please watch ONE of these (most are Disney) movies (you must use one of these) and fill out the semi structured psychiatric intake form below with the goal of explaining the current symptoms that the character that I specify is exhibiting, the various stressors and other contributing factors that may be leading to distress.
You also will need to determine and specify what assessment measures to give this character to further clarify the diagnosis. List those (there should be at least two or three) and make up results from them (ie – “the Beck Depression Inventory shows high levels of depressive symptoms currently but no suicidal ideation or intent)
Next, you will be using all of the data that you have to assign and justify a DSM 5 diagnosis (I have already indicated what some of the diagnoses should be). You will need to make sure that you have written down enough history and symptoms to truly justify your diagnosis. Your diagnosis needs to be accurate and you should find a primary diagnosis and a secondary diagnosis. Please do not just write down a list of symptoms from the DSM and say that the character has “all those”, write the symptoms into the history that you are taking as part of your intake. Not all characters have enough information in the movie to diagnose them, so you may need to make up a few things. (if the character dies or significantly changes in the movie, assume that they are still alive and symptomatic and diagnose at that point – feel free to diagnose for two stages of their life if you want…).
You should choose a theoretical orientation to follow and list it in your introductory sentences.
Next you will address the causal factors for these diagnoses in THIS patient. (ie – trauma? Brain injury? Family history leading to a biological/genetic cause?) You should try to follow your theoretical orientation and use the details from this character’s life to explain the reasons that they are exhibiting the symptoms of this disorder, but it’s also quite appropriate to bring in other theories and causal factors.
Next, you will need to write up a detailed treatment plan that is somewhat consistent with your theoretical orientation. You will need to research the specific treatment(s) that you are recommending and discuss the details of what that treatment will do and why it is recommended and what the steps initially will be in that treatment. You may refer the patient for a medication evaluation, but do not prescribe specific medications. ALL patients should have some type of therapy in their treatment plan and ALL patients should have more than one treatment recommendation (for example, you might be referring for a medication evaluation or you might be recommending group therapy and support or that the patient pursue exercise or stress management classes…. Be very specific about the type of therapy and why this is a good match for this disorder and justify all other treatment recommendations as to why they will help THIS patient. Discuss the likely length of treatment and the anticipated outcome of treatment (be specific, don’t just say “reduction of symptoms” and don’t just list the name of a therapy style – discuss what that therapy/treatment actually consists of….)
And FINALLY – you will add one or two paragraphs at the very end that updates us on how the character is doing one year after the intake and after they have had treatment for their disorder. Write their new storybook ending and show how the power of psychology can heal people!
Here are your movie and character options: (note – please double check your diagnosis against the actual DSM 5 [Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5-TR/ American Psychiatric Association] If you dont have the book message me)and please don’t go searching on the internet, just the book is fine.
The original animated Alice in Wonderland – think of Alice as a schizophrenic and discuss the schizophrenic processes throughout. Identify hallucinations/delusions/etc and identify both positive and negative symptoms. Assume that Alice has been struggling with these symptoms for a year or more and make a case for why Alice has schizophrenia. You are welcome to also discuss drug use/abuse as part of this, but make sure that you at LEAST cover the basis for the diagnosis of schizophrenia. What are the causal factors for her symptoms and the development of her disorder? What assessment measures will you administer to confirm your diagnosis or collect more information? What is the most appropriate and effective treatment plan for Alice (think beyond just meds) and what is the likely prognosis and why?
The original Disney Lion King (animated) – write your intake about Scar and make an excellent case for the disorders of antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. Feel free to add in any other disorders that you find for Scar, just make sure that you make an excellent case for the main disorder. What are the causal factors? What in Scar’s history led to these disorders? What assessments will help with this diagnosis? NOW – assume that Scar was not killed and was able to enter treatment – decide on the BEST treatment plan for him and how likely would he be to get better?
The Little Mermaid – (the original animated one by Disney) – write your intake about Ariel and make a case for at least two disorders– she very likely has a hoarding disorder or some form of OCD, and she has body dysmorphic disorder and she may have some ADHD?. She may have other disorders as well, feel free to add some. What in her history has led to these disorders? What are the likely causal factors? What assessment measures are called for in this case? NOW what would her treatment plan be to help her resolve these issues (let’s assume that she did not leave her water home and marry the prince)
Cinderella – (the original animated version, not the updated live action ones) write your intake about Cinderella and make a case for dependent personality disorder and possibly another disorder (before she runs off with the prince, although maybe even then….) What are the causal factors (dead mom? Trauma? Etc) . What assessment measures should we use? NOW what treatment will your character benefit from?
The Incredibles ( the FIRST one – Disney) – write your intake about Dash and make a case for why he has ADHD and possibly ODD (anything else?). Write up details and background and current symptoms. Discuss the family dynamics. Discuss other causal factors. What assessment measures are appropriate?. THEN discuss what the best treatment plan will be
Pocahontas (the original animated Disney movie) – soooooo sorry, but Pocahontas meets the criteria for schizophrenia OR another psychotic disorder. Go ahead and figure out the symptoms and make your case for her disorder – feel free to make her symptoms related to some other disorder, but she hallucinates, sooooooooo…….. . Discuss causal factors (maybe cultural factors as well?) What assessment measures are appropriate? THEN decide on the best treatment plan for her (assuming that her symptoms continue)
Frozen (the first one – Disney) – let’s work with Elsa . you might go with major depressive disorder, social anxiety disorder, a personality disorder of some sort or possibly even bipolar disorder. What are her symptoms. What are the family dynamics? What kind of trauma has she endured. What are the causal factors for her disorder and what level of distress are her symptoms causing her? What assessment measures will you give? Then you need a treatment plan that does not involve living in an ice castle…
Encanto – well, let’s go ahead and talk about Bruno – what is UP with Bruno (social anxiety disorder? Avoidant personality disorder? ADHD? PTSD?). discuss the symptoms, level of distress/dysfunction, background and family history and what you believe are the causal factors. What assessment measures are appropriate? You need to make your case for the diagnosis AND make a great treatment plan for Bruno (other than healing the house and all that).
Finding Nemo (animated Disney movie from 2003) –Let’s focus on the character of Marlin – the dad (generalized anxiety disorder, numerous phobias, persistent depressive disorder, PTSD, possibly prolonged grief disorder). Or you could diagnose Nemo (ADHD? ODD? GAD? PTSD?). whichever of these two you choose, make your case, justify your symptoms and diagnosis, discuss the history and causal factors. Decide on appropriate assessment measures. and then decide on a great treatment plan!Find the intake form below – you need to answer ALL of these questions. Please stay organized and clearly label each section.
Therapist name(s) and theoretical orientation: _________________________________________
Patient NameAge:
Gender/Gender Identity__________________
stated occupation and living situation.stated relationship status (single/married/divorced/in a relationship/etc)stated race and/or cultureAny reported safety concerns (is the patient living in a safe place and feels safe in the world?)What are the presenting problems that bring this client in today and what is their level of distress/dysfunction?
Patient History and Background: (this should be a LOT of info – at least a page or two of writing – this includes background, family, medical history, mental health history, trauma, normal level of functioning, onset of symptoms, prior mental health concerns, family history, academic and occupational history, etc) – for some characters you may have to make some stuff up
What are the current specific symptoms that the patient is reporting (generate a list of relevant symptoms- thinks like mood/sleep/eating/social activities/etc) This is a very important list, so document symptoms and duration of symptoms/onset of symptoms, etc very carefully. (this may overlap a bit with earlier questions, but that’s fine)What coping skills and strengths does the patient report? How have they been handling their symptoms until now?What are the patient’s stated treatment goals?Is the pt. oriented to person/place/time? Affect/mood appropriate to the situation? Demonstrates good insight into own issues? Any signs of cognitive dysfunction/memory or concentration issues?Does the pt. report any suicidal or homicidal ideation/intent? Please document
Medical Concerns or Conditions? Any current medications? Recent hospitalizations? Etc.
Any Family History of Mental Illness and/or treatment? (discuss)
Patient report of Substance Use/Abuse (amount/type/frequency)
Any prior psychiatric testing, treatment, etc?
Additional Information?What additional psychological assessments are recommended for this patient?Summary of results of those psychological assessments:DSM 5 specific diagnoses with symptoms listed make sure that you justify diagnosis with the assessment measure results and the symptoms. Add modifiers when applicable. MOST characters have more than one diagnosis, so list all that apply.
Discussion of causal factors that have led the patient to develop this disorder (this should be in a format that sounds professional – as if you were discussing the diagnosis and causal factors with the patient or their family directly)
Treatment plan and recommendations – be specific and detailed here. Please specify what the treatments are that are recommended (try to stay fairly close to your stated theoretical orientation). Detail out what is involved in this treatment and what the anticipated outcome will be. Discuss why this particular treatment (s) are the best option to treat THIS patient (as opposed to other types of treatments). DO NOT discuss medications – if you feel the patient needs medications, then state “refer patient to a psychiatrist for medication evaluation and treatment” and then discuss the OTHER treatment recommendations and other ideas that will help the patient get better.
And – finally – ONE YEAR PROGRESS NOTE. Write up a one year progress note/update detailing the course of treatment that the patient has undertaken over the past year and the therapeutic gains that the patient has made. Discuss their progress and any current symptoms that they are still working on. Add in detail about the type of treatment they pursued and what aspects were the most helpful. Maybe add in what assessments were used to document progress at this stage (outcome measures) This is the “new storybook ending” that we all are wishing for! If appropriate, update the diagnosis.