Analyze a dream
Read and summarize the Chapter 5 section on Dreaming (include 5 facts you didn’t know before). 1/2 page
What are the different theories regarding why we dream? Summarize
The Science Behind Dreaming – Scientific AmericanLinks to an external site.
Analyze a vivid dream (or part of one) you have previously had (or research a case example if you don’t remember one).
Describe the manifest part of the dream (setting/ house? ocean? forest? describe the mood/feelings experienced, what objects/people/things did you see/experience, what happened? etc.) in 1-2 paragraphs.
Use online dream interpretation websites (cite them) to help you interpret the possible meanings of the dream. According to the website_______ being chased in a dream could mean 3 things…. (1-2 paragraphs)
Now make some connections with what is being processed in your unconscious (dreaming) life with your actual lived life (awake). Can dreams help us understand our current situation we are in or an unresolved “issue” we need to face/explore?
What possible symbolic meanings (latent underlying interpretation of those settings/feelings/objects) Being chased? What could you be running from in waking life (responsibility, emotions, etc))? (1 paragraph)
Does your dream analysis actually fit or give insight into your unconscious? (1 paragraph)
Read and respond to 2 other students.
Luana Ferreira
10:09pmMay 13 at 10:09pm
According to Freud’s psychodynamic approach, Dreams symbolize unconscious wishes and he believed that analysis of dream symbols could uncover hidden desires. They could be distinguished between Manifest content ( dream’s surface content) na latent content ( deeper true meaning). Even though dreams have been analyzed for a really long time, there is still no proof that dreams provide opportunities for problem-solving or advice for life difficulties. The cognitive theory of dreaming states that we can understand our dreams by applying the same logic of our conscious thoughts. Dreams are essentially subconscious cognitive processing, arguing that there is a continuity between waking thoughts and dreams. The theory argues that dreams should be viewed as a “mental simulation that is very similar in content to our everyday waking thoughts” (King 2017).
Greeks and Romans were convinced that dreams had certain prophetic powers. Freud and Jung believed that dreams had psychological importance. One theory is the activation-synthesis hypothesis, which states that dreams don’t actually mean anything, they are merely electrical brain impulses that pull random thoughts and imagery from our memories. Recent research states that dreams are more associated with our memories. “Our dream stories essentially try to strip the emotion out of a certain experience by creating a memory of it.” (Sander 2011).
I constantly have dreams where I’m being chased. Usually, it’s my old house in Brazil, and I’m driving a car and there is a man walking behind it, and somehow catching up with the car. It’s not as occurrent but it mostly happens when I’m stressed or overwhelmed with school or work. According to the dream dictionary, dreams where you are being chased usually represent “some sort of inner conflict that we are unable to face that remains unconscious.” It can also mean ” repressed ideas, weaknesses, desires, instincts, or shortcomings.” to an external site.