By this point in the course, you should have:1. Met with your group a total of 3 times to discuss your respective books and perspectives.
2. Read the entire book that you selected.
Please submit a 4-to-6-page reflection on your book and book club experience. Your paper must
demonstrate that you both met 3 times and read the entire book by synthesizing the following
1. What is your overall takeaway from the book and your group discussions? How does this
differ from when you completed your progress report, if at all?
2. How does your overall book connect with the course material?
3. What societal implications/issues does your book discuss? How does it apply?
4. How does your book connect with current research on the topic of mental health?
(Required that you use 2-peer reviewed scholarly sources!)
Citations are not required when referring to your own book (unless giving a quote; does not
count toward your requirement) or lecture material.
Rubric: (next page)
Out of 250pts
Addressing Relevant
Score _______
and Application
Score ___________
Length and Writing
Score ___________
Submission addresses the
points and questions posed
for the assignment at length.
Submission demonstrates
that they met with their
group 3 times and have read
the book. (100pts – 113pts)
Submission is thoughtful and
shows clear expression of
original thoughts, citing
sources if/when necessary,
and written at the level of
this course. Connections to
the course material are made.
(100pts – 112pts)
Submission is 4 – 6 pages and
almost or fully or mostly free
of grammatical and spelling
errors. (20 – 25pts)
Submission addresses
some of the points and
questions posed at least
to some completion.
Submission demonstrates
that they met with their
group 3 times and have
most or all of the book.
Submission shows an
expression of original
through but could have
gone deeper on the
reflection and connection
to the course material.
Needs Improvement
Submission address some of the
points and questions posed, but
it is unclear if they met with
their group 1 – 2 times or have
read the book partially. (63pts80pts)
Student addressed the
points and questions
posed very little, if at all.
Submission does not
demonstrate that they
met with their group
more than once or read
the book. (0-63pts)
Submission is lacking in
original through, reflection, and
connection to course material.
Submission is 3 – 4
pages and relatively free
of grammatical and
spelling errors. (1520pts)
Submission is only 2 -3 pages
and there is a fair amount of
grammatical and spelling
errors. (10-15pts)
Submission is not
thoughtful, significantly
lacking in effort, and/or
poorly written to the
point of little to no
effort. Little to no
connections to the course
material are made.(063pts)
Submission does not
meet the length
requirement and there
are several grammatical
and spelling errors (010pts)
● What were the dominant topics discussed with your group?
● What are your initial reactions to you and your group member’s book(s)?
● At this stage, how does the book you are reading connect with course material you’ve
learned thus far?
Please submit a 4-to-6-page reflection on your book and book club experience. Your paper must
demonstrate that you both met 3 times and read the entire book by synthesizing the following questions:
● What is your overall takeaway from the book and your group discussions? How does this
differ from when you completed your progress report, if at all?
● How does your overall book connect with the course material?
● What societal implications/issues does your book discuss? How does it apply?
● How does your book connect with current research on the topic of mental health? (Required
that you use 2-peer reviewed scholarly sources!)
● Finding positivity in the second third of the book
● “shift” that happens from the first section where everything is bad and all is
sad to where he is making friends and is more positive – looking at things in a
different light
● This is what a facility looked in the mid 2000’s
● Deciding what books to read, looking at reviews and said that it was one of
the most accurate descriptions of what it looks like to have a mental illness
○ Everyone that deals with something should read this book
● The rawness is fascinating, no sugar coating
● Experiences are similar in hospital treatment
● Trauma bonding
○ All there for different reasons but all healing each other
● True expression of mental health
○ Spreads awareness for people to understand not only what it looks like
on an outside
● Craig wasn’t aware that other people were feeling how he was feeling, he had
to understand himself
○ Social implications
● Societal pressures about being in high school, and even just not being
allowed to talk about mental health (mid-2000’s)
● Reality checks are big going into high school
● Gets a phone call from principal and best friend and starts to freak out
because he knows that everyone knows
○ Principal just wanted to check on craig but he was caught up in
worrying what his reputation would look like
○ Craig was worried about missing school work and falling behind
● We have grown as a society by being more accepting for those who are
dealing with mental health, other disorders, lgbtq, politics, race, etc.
● From an older perspective, we have grown leaps and bounds
○ We are living in the destigmatization
● Fav characters
○ Humble (threw a it in the poker game with the buttons and had to be
escorted out, craig often eats with him) – psychotic and depressed
○ Ebony (caring, supportive, but in everyone’s business)
○ Bobby (craig gave his shirt to him for an interview) – drug problem
○ Jimmy – drug problem
● Roommate
○ Craig encourages him to get out of bed
○ After an encounter with him and nia, him and craig begin to bond
○ Aaron brings a record for him because Craig asked and said he has
reason to get out of bed again
○ Crossing boundaries between age, race, culture
● Adults in the hall kind of “adopted” craig
● Support system is crazy good
○ Mom is very supportive
Proud of craig making this decision for himself
Brought craig whatever he needed
○ Calls from friends
Nia first jokes about craig killing himself for her
○ Craig’s dad tried to joke about being in the hospital
Craig and his mom called him out on it
His dad took the note and further worked on it
● “You have a chemical imbalance, that is all”
○ Genetics play a huge factor
○ Societal plays a role too
○ Zoloft – craig stopped taking it
This isn’t how medication works, you’re prescribed it for a
reason. Just because you feel a little better doesn’t mean its
Taking antidepressants but also going to therapy is something
that is important when regarding medication
○ Stress is a chemical imbalance
Cultural expectations can attribute to this
Its not just “I don’t produce enough dopamine so I’m depressed”
○ Interdisciplinary approach – theres no one right answer
● Mental health care is so expensive!
○ This is why people can’t access it as much as they may need it
● Course material
○ Value of an interdisciplinary approach to mental health care