Develop your questions in preparation for your school bullying interview assignment.
Seek out an elementary school teacher in your local area to interview who is actively teaching
children. Please do not use counselors or Sunday School teachers. Research bullying prior to the
interview and prepare 15 questions concerning bullying in the school and cyber bullying (texting,
Facebook, etc.). Develop your questions based on your research and readings. Interview the
teacher about his/her observations of bullying. The interview needs to be well-planned and
contain questions related to bullying, the effects of bullying, the teacher’s responses to bullying,
and the school policy on bullying. Be respectful to how the teacher answers the questions; do not
place judgment on the answers, but just go in with a listening heart. The objective is for you to
gain an understanding of what is occurring in schools today and how aware teachers are of
bullying in both the school and in the cyber world.
Interview question on bullying
Me: Hi there, teacher? There has been a trend on the rise of bullying to the students, is this true?
Elementary teacher: Hi too, the issue of bullying has been on the rise in the recent past, with this school
having more than ten cases in the past two years?
Me: What are the common types of bullying experienced in the school?
Elementary teacher: Most of the bullying cases are beating those in lower classes, one student attacked by
many students, using weapons against each other, and cyberbullying at the school computer room.
Me: Do students approach the teachers or other staff to report the bullying cases?
Elementary Teacher: Yes, but a few report the cases, with others reporting to their relatives or parents
who later approach the school on the issue.
Me: What is done to the suspects of the bullying?
Elementary teacher: Here, we are strict on such issues, and as such, we take the matter at hand and
intervene. It is upon the counseling department, the school’s board, and the management to check on the
case and develop the judgment.
Me: What is the example of verdict you come out with within such cases of bullying?
Elementary teacher: We go as far as expelling them, taking them to juvenile
Me: This is so serious. How about the victims? I mean, what is done to them?
Elementary teacher: To the bullying victims, we take them to counseling by collaborating with the
institution’s management and the parents or victim’s guardians.
Me: What is the school’s policy on bullying?
Elementary teacher: This school is strict on bullying, and as such, the parents on admitting the children
are read the rules and regulations of the school whereby the bullying and consequences of bullying are
pointed. Then the parent and the student signs, meaning they will adhere to them to the letter.
Me: How popular are bullies and the victims?
Elementary teacher: Surprisingly, the victims and the bullies might be from the same class or residents.
However, there are chances of bullies and victims being differently from distinct social statuses, classes.
Me: What is the feeling of the bystanders in such scenarios?
Elementary teacher: According to the school policies, if you see any bullying scenario, then you report to
the institution, and if not, then if the camera captures you, you shall be in trouble.
Me: why do children tell when they are bullied?
Elementary teacher: It is because they feel bad for the act
Me: Why do children not tell about bullying?
Elementary teacher: I think because they are traumatized by the ordeal, thus cannot narrate as they are on
the fear mode for some time. It is good to give them time to heal and come out on the matter.
Me: Is there a program or something of the sort to create awareness of bullying?
Elementary teacher: The school has initiated programs at each grade level whereby the students can air
their views about bullying.
Me: Can this issue of bullying be sorted finally?
Elementary teacher: Yes, I would propose that each parent to be responsible for the upbringing of their
children hence avoid such issues of children brought up with unresolved issues.
Me: Do you have partners in solving this issue?
Elementary teacher: Of course, we cannot handle this menace alone, hence call for sponsors to counter
this issue by contributing financially, giving resources for seminars, handing out punitive measures to the
bullies, among other activities.
Me: Last but not the least, what would you say about bullying?
Elementary teacher: It is a disgusting thing and the parents together with teachers and other stakeholders
in raising the children should take up their role in guiding and guarding the child until they conform to the
expected ways of life.