BIOS 2400 – Human Physiology – The Human Physiology Project
What physiological condition/disease/illness do you want to know more about?
This project is designed to give you the opportunity to deeply explore some aspects of HOW your body
works and what happens when things do not work properly. You will research a physiological topic that
moves BEYOND what we covered in class. You will illustrate the role different organs and organ systems play
in maintaining normal bodily function (homeostasis) and analyze how the disease processes affect normal
physiological function. Having a vested, personal interest will make this a meaningful project to help you
understand both normal and abnormal physiologies.
Project Description: You will write a research paper on a physiological disease/condition/illness that
illustrates the way organ systems should work together in an integrated manner to maintain bodily
homeostasis and what happens when they do not. Your paper will also address what happens when these
normal functions fail. You need to have at least five high-quality resources cited in your project. Include a
References Cited page that lists all references cited in your paper (it should not include any references that
you have not cited) in APA format.
For your report, include describe the following:
-The main cause(s) of the disease/illness/condition. What organ(s) and organ system(s) are primarily
affected? How is this different from normal homeostatic conditions?
-Presenting symptoms and any other typical symptoms of the disease/illness/condition.
-Geographic location or demographic (age, gender, ethnicity, etc.) patterns associated with the
disease/illness/condition. Who is most vulnerable?
-How does someone get this disease/illness/condition?
-How is the disease/illness/condition diagnosed? What lab techniques or tests would help with this?
Include at least one of the lab experiments you’ve conducted this semester. Describe what type of results you
would expect with someone who has this disease/illness/condition.
-What is the life expectancy for someone with this disease/illness/condition? What is the expected
quality of life? Is there a difference between the short-term and long-term quality of life?
-What happens if the disease/illness/condition is not treated?
Possible Ideas (you do not need to pick from this list)
– Asthma
– Atherosclerosis
– Lung cancer
– Gastric Ulcers
– Melanoma
– Colitis
– Osteoporosis
– Pancreatitis
– Muscular
– Hepatitis B
– Leukemia
– Multiple Sclerosis
– Diabetes
– Pyelonephritis
– Lymphoma
– Pancreatic cancer
– Addison’s disease
– Auto-brewery
Use complete sentences in your own words.
Double-check against the rubric to ensure you’ve completed all aspects.
Upload your work on e-Learning with the corresponding DropBox file. (no “.pages” files!)
Point Value: 220 points
Due Date: Thursday, April 27th by 11:59pm.