PSYCH 464: Adult Dev. & AgingFinal Project – Interview
For your final project, you will be required to conduct an interview with an individual who is in a more
advanced life stage than they are currently in, and write a short reflective paper detailing your findings.
Part 1: The Interview
To begin the project, you must first complete the interview portion. There are two steps to this process:
• Select an interviewee: You must select an interviewee who is at least 10 years older than you and
who is in a different stage of adult development than you are. The stages of adulthood for this project
will be operationalized as follows: Early Adulthood (ages 22–34). Early Middle Age (ages 35–44), Late
Middle Age (ages 45–64), and Late Adulthood (ages 65 and older). The interviewee can be a family
member, friend, or acquaintance.
• Conduct the interview: Prior to the interview, you must prepare a list of questions to ask the
interviewee. I will provide you 7 base questions and you must write 3 additional questions to
supplement. The questions you write should focus on the interviewee’s experiences related to topics
covered in the course, such as physical and cognitive changes, social relationships, etc. The interview
may be conducted in person, via video call, or over the phone (you may want to seek permission to
record your conversation to reference back on as you are writing your paper.)
Part 2: The Paper
The purpose of the paper is to provide an analysis of the interviewee’s experiences and how they relate to
theories and concepts covered in the course. Your paper must include the following components:
• Introduction: Provide background information about the interviewee and the purpose of the interview.
Background information might include but is not limited to the individual’s age, gender, occupational
status, cultural background, family/marital status, etc.
• Main Body: Describe the interview process, including the questions asked. Summarize the
interviewee’s responses to your questions, including specific examples and quotes. Analyze the
interviewee’s experiences in the context of the course material. Identify common themes and patterns
that emerged from the interview. Discuss how the interviewee’s experiences relate to broader trends
in aging and adult development.
• Conclusion: Summarize the key findings from the interview and reflect on what you learned from the
All papers must be double spaced, size 12 font, and submitted as a PDF attachment to the assignment
board on Canvas. There is no page requirement or limit for this project.
PSYCH 464: Adult Dev. & Aging
Final Project – Interview
Interview Questions – Starters
1. Please tell me about yourself (gather background information about individual)
2. What do you remember about your 20s? 30s? 40s? 50s? 60s? What events stand out in your mind?
How was each age different from the one before it?
3. What have been the best years of your life so far? What are your plans for the future?
4. Have a person look into a mirror at themselves (or examine their image on a video call) Ask them What do you see when you look at yourself?
5. Have you ever experienced any negative attitudes or discrimination because of your age?
6. Do you consider yourself old? At what age did you notice that you were getting older?
7. How should a person prepare for old age? Is there anything you wish you’d done differently so far in
your life in preparing?
You must write AT LEAST 3 additional questions to ask your interviewee beyond these. The above
questions and your own questions do not need to be asked in any particular order.