Instructions:-please research and list five separate free or very low cost stress management/stress coping resources on the UCI campus that help me to manage stress. -You may NOT refer them to counseling, medical or psychiatric services, all stress coping resources should be related to helping manage STRESS and each should be from a different organization on UCI PROGRAMS. -Only ONE of the resources can be virtual. -Please do not address mental health or physical health or medications/vitamins. For nutrition, please focus on STRESS. -Please list each resource, give excellent details about what that resource offers and where/when it is located, WHY thisresource will be helpful to me and then state a plan for me to access and utilize each resource.-Please include a live link to where I can find more information about each resource (the program’s website) -give specific details about specific programs that I can access on campus.-Don’t use the exact same resource that I have used in my example (yoga in Aldrich park)-I have provided an example belowExample: Description of resources. Location of Resource. Link to resource information. When is this resource offered/available: (for example: Free Campus outdoor Yoga – daily, varying times. I recommend the class on T/Th in Aldrich park behind the careercenter from 12-12:50 p.m., although there are evening times as well in a separate Location.( that this resource will be helpful (& expected outcome) (for example: Because you listed headaches and sleep difficulties and mentioned that you are not exercising much, I feel that practicing some form of relaxation will be an excellent way to improve your overall physical health, improve your sleep and help you learn the tools to turn your mind off as needed. Yoga is also an excellent form of gentle exercise, so this should benefit your overall fitness as well. And spending time in an outdoor setting can significantly reduce stress and improve mood, so the outdoor setting of this class is ideal. I would expect that the regular, ongoing practice of yoga will reduce your overall stress, improve your sleep and help you feel more calm and focused on a daily basis. Yoga classes are also something that you should be able to access during the summer in your hometown once you leave campus, making this an excellent long term coping strategy.) Plan for patient to access this resource (for example, you might state “I recommend that you attend the free outdoor yoga class a minimum of twice a week on T/Th at noon in Aldrich park and then continue this attendance for the rest of the quarter. Given your current class schedule, this appears to be an ideal time for you. I would suggest attending with a friend as socializing can also help to reduce stress and attending with a friend helps to maintain motivation. As mentioned, I would also encourage you to continue the practice of yoga on a regular basis over the summer as well by accessing yoga classes in your hometown. Please follow this format: 1. Description of resource. 2. Location of Resource. 3. When is this resource offered/available? 4. Reason that this resource will be helpful (& expected outcome) 5. Plan for patient to access this resource (how often, for how long, etc)
I need SIX resources, and they must be UCI CAMPUS PROGRAMS