Find an example of a program evaluation study published in a professional journal and briefly describe the following:
1) How were key variables defined in the study?
2) How was the program’s success measured?
1) Reflect on what you would request in the way of an evaluation if you were in a position to require the evaluation of a national program?
2) Select a national program, and identify what information you think would be needed in order for an unbiased panel of experts to conclude that the program was successful.
This assignment is Part A (the first section) of your final Literature Review Paper.
Define your problem area-go in depth and take it a step further than your first COPES assignment. Why is your topic important?
Much of this information should come from your first COPES question assignment. However, you must ensure that you provide significant background information to demonstrate the importance of this issue.
As you complete this assignment, consider the following:
Why is this topic important? (a lot of this you can take from your first COPES assignment-simply copy and paste that informationwith revisions I suggested-if applicable)
What is the detailed background information of this topic or issue? (this tells me why the issue is important)
Discuss the population you are looking at.
How many within this population are dealing with this issue?
What are the factors or issues that may lead up to this population having this problem? (think of risk factors and protective factors)
What are the outcomes for this population if this issue is not addressed?
What are the causes of the problem area?
What are the consequences of the problem area?