Please review the attached three files, you are summarizing the work on the powerpoint slides
A Presentation on Decision-Making during Disasters
Overview of the topic
➢COVID-19 was a disease outbreak that affected all sectors of
the economy
➢ Decision-making is a process that focuses on the desired
➢ Majority of the decisions were data driven
➢ The effectiveness of the dependent on the knowledge and
skills of the implementers
Overview of the Topic continued
➢Disasters affect human life including organizations
➢ Effective decisions are necessary to minimize the effect of the disasters
➢ COVID-19 is one of the recent disasters on a global scale
➢ Among the decisions made focused on ways of reducing disease
➢ The research question highlights considerations that should be made
Overview of the Topic continued
➢The decisions considered some factors among them are:
➢ Availability of information on the effectiveness of the option
➢ The available information on the mutation of the virus
➢ The reaction of the people to the previous decisions made
Research Question and Thesis
Research question:
How did stakeholders such as governments, mental health facilities,
communities, and the private sector ensure effectiveness in dealing with
the COVID-19 crisis? And were there influencing factors in the decisionmaking process?
Stakeholders have to choose the types of tools they use for their decisionmaking; otherwise, the decision-making process fails
Synthesis of Research -Data-driven decision
➢ Among the articles looked at is Yu’s
➢During crisis or disasters data driven decision help manage the
situation (Yu et al., 2021).
➢ Data management improves the decision making process.
Synthesis of Research –Understanding the context and content of
➢Decisions are contextualized
➢All decisions aim at meeting the desired goal
Synthesis of Research- Resilience of the decisions
➢Decisions made late led to rise in infections
➢ Shared decision-making leads to greater participation is because of
higher understanding
Synthesis of Research- Emotional intelligence
➢Emotional intelligence is critical to getting the right results
➢Emotional intelligence entails understanding the human interactions
and effectively managing them (Warrior, 2021).
Strengths and Limitations of the Research
Strengths of the Research
➢ Focused on the most current crisis that drastically affected social and
economic life
➢ The research was not limited to one area but the globe
Strengths and Limitations of the Research
Limitations of the Research
➢ Focused on secondary data, which sometimes may not be replicated
➢ The focus was COVID-19; whose context is different from other crisis
such as fire
➢The effectiveness of the decisions depends on the positioning of the
➢ Participation in decision making reduces resistance to the decisions
➢Collaborations and partnerships are critical for initiating positive
➢ Emotional intelligence is important in decision making
Warrier, U., Shankar, A., & Belal, H. M. (2021). Examining the role of
emotional intelligence as a moderator for virtual communication and
decision-making effectiveness during the COVID-19 crisis: revisiting
task technology fit theory. Annals of Operations research, 1-17.
Yu, S., Qing, Q., Zhang, C., Shehzad, A., Oatley, G., & Xia, F. (2021).
Data-driven decision-making in COVID-19 response: A survey. IEEE
Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 8(4), 1016-1029.
Decision-Making during Disasters or Crisis
Decision-Making during Disasters or Crisis
Decision-making during disasters effectively develops the right plans and determines the
best action. In the case of COVID-19, stakeholders such as governments, mental health facilities,
communities, and the private sector played a crucial role in developing the right frameworks that
confirmed effective decision-making in dealing with the crisis. For example, governments
ensured social distancing, lockdowns, and curfews as essential decisions to manage the situation
by controlling the spread of the virus. In the case of communities and the mental health sectors,
providing counseling and physical health services became critical in dealing with the
consequences of the healthcare sector. The essay will answer the research question: How did
stakeholders such as governments, mental health facilities, communities, and the private sector
ensure effectiveness in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis? And were there influencing factors in
the decision-making process?
Stakeholders and Effective Decision-making in COVID-19 Management
The research question is critical in identifying stakeholders’ positions in defining a
pandemic such as COVID-19. In this case, decision-making was influential in promoting positive
outcomes in managing COVID-19 and its associated consequences. As Marzo et al. (2022)
reiterated, COVID-19 was complex and dynamic, making it difficult to manage its
consequences. However, through the use of the snowball sampling approach via an online crosssectional study in about 20 countries to confirm that mass vaccination served as an effective and
efficient government decision to reduce the COVID-19 burden, Marzo et al. (2022) made it
possible to understand how decisions are made during a crisis such as COVID-19 since it
assesses the various characteristics influencing COVID-19 vaccine efficacy perception among
global populations. It looked at how governments have played a significant role in determining
the acceptability and hesitancy of people in their decision-making regarding vaccines. In this
case, the outcome included the role of effective decision-making in creating the desired results.
While this is the case, Akram et al. (2020) confirmed that, in decision-making
environments, stakeholders have to choose the types of tools they use for their decision-making.
Failure to do so means that the decision-making process will have some ineffectiveness. With
COVID-19 having spread across the world within the shortest time, it affected the decision of
governments and people on how they could influence safety. The response to the epidemic
became difficult since it involved making many important decisions to save the community and
the global economy. Yu et al. (2021) reiterated that, for stakeholders to achieve their outcome at
the pandemic’s beginning, data-driven decision-making remained important in providing
adequate evidence and insights to ensure an effective decision-making process in managing a
disaster such as COVID-19. To understand how stakeholders such as nurses were well-prepared
through proper decision-making, nurse identification played a crucial role in understanding the
disaster and managing the increasing number of patients’ infection rates. As Anton et al. (2021)
reiterated, data management plays a crucial role in improving decision-making in managing the
health and well-being of patients.
In the decision-making process, effectiveness means skills and knowledge are employed
to achieve the intended outcome. The main reason is that decision-making demands an
understanding of the pandemic to employ stages, strategies, and skills to achieve desired results.
Al-Dabbagh (2020) confirmed this by focusing on how different global stakeholders, such as
governments and the private sector remained strategic in decision-making when the world was
affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic. The study revealed that decision-making was a
critical component of managing the COVID-19 pandemic since skills and knowledge needed to
be strengthened for effective-decision making outcomes.
Stakeholders such as governments, community members, and the private sector had to
remain resilient in their decisions to manage the negative consequences of the pandemic. For
example, Duffey and Zio (2020) focused on large infection rates as a failure of stakeholders in
rapid decision-making. Also, the large infection rates mean decision-making should have been
more focused on earlier research. Therefore, many people suffered from the pandemic due to
delayed strategic management. In this case, it was important to focus on collaborations and
partnerships as a critical tools to initiate positive decision-making. Abrams et al. (2020) focused
on the role of shared decision-making (SDM) among stakeholders. Despite the complexities of
managing COVID-19 as early as March 2020, managing the increasing number of patients
through effective care was important. Effective care could only be achieved with implementing
shared decision-making. It means that shared decision-making influences an understanding
challenges and opportunities involved in delivering care when dealing with a crisis. The
communication of risks at a time of uncertainties during the pandemic is instrumental in
fostering a patient-centered approach to managing risks.
Emotional intelligence is critical, besides skills, selecting the right tool, and positioning
oneself well in the decision-making process to achieve desired results in a pandemic such as
COVID-19. Warrier (2021) argued that emotional intelligence influences decision-making by
managing pandemics since it initiates stakeholder collaborations. While this was the case,
Mizrahi et al. (2021) argued that emotional intelligence ensured decision-making played a major
role in creating the best preparation outcomes among citizens. Hence, it enabled the government
to remain transparent in its decision-making to respond to issues affecting the citizens, allowing
the public’s participation in decisions. Emotional intelligence became instrumental in managing
patient deterioration, mentally or physically, which was an important part of the decision-making
process among nurses, mainly when managing a disaster.
In conclusion, the discussion has shown that the research question depended highly on
using these sources. The sources showed that decision-making in the management of COVID-19
was highly effective since it depended on the positioning of key areas such as the position of
stakeholders, the use of the right tools, proper data assessment processes, and the use of the right
skills and knowledge in dealing with associated consequences. In this case, stakeholders such as
governments, communities, and the private sector achieved their desired results through effective
decision-making due to remaining strategic in maximizing the above areas.
Abrams, E. M., Shaker, M., Oppenheimer, J., Davis, R. S., Bukstein, D. A., & Greenhawt, M.
(2020). The challenges and opportunities for shared decision making highlighted by
COVID-19. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 8(8), 24742480.
Akram, M., Shahzadi, G., & Ahmadini, A. A. H. (2020). Decision-making framework for an
effective sanitizer to reduce COVID-19 under Fermatean fuzzy environment. Journal of
Mathematics, 2020, 1-19.
Al‐Dabbagh, Z. S. (2020). The role of decision‐maker in crisis management: A qualitative study
using grounded theory (COVID‐19 pandemic crisis as a model). Journal of Public
Affairs, 20(4), e2186.
Anton, N., Hornbeck, T., Modlin, S., Haque, M. M., Crites, M., & Yu, D. (2021). Identifying
factors that nurses consider in the decision-making process related to patient care during
the COVID-19 pandemic. Plos one, 16(7), e0254077.
Duffey, R. B., & Zio, E. (2020). CoVid-19 pandemic trend modeling and analysis to support
resilience decision-making. Biology, 9(7), 156.
Marzo, R. R., Ahmad, A., Islam, M. S., Essar, M. Y., Heidler, P., King, I., … & Yi, S. (2022).
Perceived COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness, acceptance, and drivers of vaccination
decision-making among the general adult population: A global survey of 20 countries.
PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 16(1), e0010103.
Mizrahi, S., Vigoda‐Gadot, E., & Cohen, N. (2021). How well do they manage a crisis? The
government’s effectiveness during the Covid‐19 pandemic. Public Administration
Review, 81(6), 1120-1130.
Warrier, U., Shankar, A., & Belal, H. M. (2021). Examining the role of emotional intelligence as
a moderator for virtual communication and decision-making effectiveness during the
COVID-19 crisis: revisiting task technology fit theory. Annals of Operations research, 117.
Yu, S., Qing, Q., Zhang, C., Shehzad, A., Oatley, G., & Xia, F. (2021). Data-driven decisionmaking in COVID-19 response: A survey. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social
Systems, 8(4), 1016-1029.
Research Project Presentation
The presentation summary is a write-up that roughly corresponds to the
components of your presentation:
Introduction. This is a narrative of your presentation overview, ending
with a statement of your research question, thesis, and main ideas. Be sure
to include citations in APA format. Note that in APA the “Introduction”
heading is NOT used. Aim for 400-500 words.
Research Synthesis. This is a narrative of the research you reviewed,
organized by main ideas.
You do not need to provide details of the studies; instead, focus on
the study findings that support the main ideas.
Also, as you discuss the findings, make connections to the important
concepts you have been learning in the course. In other words, how
does the research compare/contrast to or enhance the information
presented in your text or other course materials?
Be sure to include citations in APA format.
Aim for 400-500 words.
Conclusion. This is a narrative of the strengths and weaknesses of the
research reviewed and the future research directions. A clear statement
should be made as to whether or not the research reviewed satisfactorily
answers the research question. The importance of future investigations
should be used to provide a logical closure. Aim for 250-300 words.
References. Provide a references page in APA format.
Format for Presentation Summary
Your summary should be in narrative (i.e., paragraph) form, and MUST be written
using precise APA format. This means that you will have a cover page (no
running head needed), page numbers, a references page, etc. (Note: You
do not need to provide an abstract.) It is expected that you know how to use the
appropriate level of headings, how to cite in-text as well as parenthetically, and
how to space your paper properly. Avoid the use of first-person language, and
keep an academic tone throughout. Use the resources provided in the Course
Support module and consider visiting the PSY Online Writing Center (POW-C).
The page length suggestions are provided for guidance. If you fall below the
suggested range for a component, you may have not written enough and should
look for ways to expand on your explanations or the details of the research
reviewed. Going beyond the suggested range will not be penalized, but is not an
When you are ready to submit your summary, go to the appropriate tab in
Module 6 and upload your document. The deadline for submission is SUNDAY
@ 11:59 pm (ASU Time).
Scoring Criteria for Presentation Summary
10 pts.
9-8 pts.
7-0 pts.
The overview
The overview
ent of
is not successful in
logical foundation a logical foundation laying a logical
for the research
for the research
foundation for the
question and
question and thesis, research question
thesis, and
and establishes
and thesis, and
establishes a clear a mostly clear
fails to establish a
direction for the
direction for the
clear direction for
synthesis. The
synthesis. The
the synthesis. The
research question, research question,
research question,
thesis and main
thesis and main ideas thesis and main
ideas of the
of the research
ideas of the
research synthesis synthesis are
research synthesis
are clearly
presented, although are presented,
presented; the
the thesis is
although the thesis
thesis clearly and somewhat vague in is overly vague in
concisely states the stating the position, stating the position,
position, premise, premise, or
premise, or
or hypothesis and hypothesis and/or in a hypothesis and/or
is consistently the few places is not the in many places
focal point
focal point of the
is not the focal
throughout the
summary of the
point of the
summary of the
research synthesis. In summary of the
research synthesis. other words, the
research synthesis.
In other words, the research
In other words, the
research synthesis synthesis mostly conn research synthesis
is accurately and
ects to the thesis and haphazardly
deeply connected
to the thesis and
main ideas,
demonstrating a
logical progression
from start to finish
of the summary.
10 pts.
main ideas accurately connects to the
and deeply, but the
thesis and main
logical progression
ideas, or the
from start to finish of connection is
the summary is subtly mostly inaccurate
or superficial; the
logical progression
from start to finish
of the summary is
9-8 pts.
7-0 pts.
There are at least There are at least
There are fewer
THREE clear and THREE clear main
than THREE clear
points/arguments in main
thoughtful main
answer to the
points/arguments in
points/arguments in research question.
answer to the
answer to the
The presentation of research question.
research question. main arguments
The presentation of
The presentation of demonstrates an
main arguments
main arguments
does not demonstr
demonstrates a
and mostly careful,
ate an
critical exploration of understanding and
understanding and the research topic,
careful, critical
careful, critical
drawing original
exploration of the
exploration of the conclusions by
research topic. Few
research topic,
analyzing the
original conclusions
drawing original
research in relation to are drawn by
and insightful
information presented analyzing the
conclusions by
in the Kahneman text research in relation
analyzing the
or other course
to information
research in relation materials. Remarks presented in the
to information
show an evaluation of Kahneman text or
presented in the
limitations in the
other course
Kahneman text or research and
materials. Remarks
other course
questions that remain show a superficial
materials. Remarks unanswered, but
evaluation of
show an insightful these components
limitations in the
evaluation of
are not fully explored. research and
limitations in the
Future research
questions that
g Evidence
research and
questions that
Future research
directions are
identified and
clearly address
limitations and
questions, and
these are placed
within the context
of the research
directions are
identified and
somewhat address
limitations and
questions, and these
are placed within the
context of the
research area.
unanswered, or
these components
are not explored.
Few future
research directions
are identified to
address limitations
and unanswered
questions, and/or
this component
is not addressed or
future directions
are not placed
within the context
of the research
5 pts.
4-3 pts.
2-0 pts.
The relevant
The relevant
The relevant
theories or
theories or concepts theories or
concepts are
are mostly clearly and concepts
clearly and
accurately explained are not clearly and
in the overview with accurately
explained in the
explained in the
overview with
examples. The use
overview with
and placement of
examples. The use prior research in the examples. The use
and placement of overview sets the
and placement of
prior research in
context for the
prior research in
the overview
research question
the overview fails to
expertly sets the
and establishes the adequately set the
context for the
significance of
context for the
research question answering the
research question
and clearly
question, but more
establishes the
details would improve does not establish
significance of
clarity of the context the significance of
answering the
and significance.
answering the
question. Each of Each of the main
question. Each of
the main
arguments in the
the main
arguments in the
synthesis is
arguments in the
synthesis is wellsupported by at least synthesis is
supported by at
TWO primary resear either not supporte
ch journal articles, but d by at least
TWO primary rese one article is either
TWO primary rese
arch journal
not highly relevant,
arch journal
articles, and all
recent, or peerarticles, or few
articles are highly reviewed.
articles are highly
relevant, recent,
Connections to the
relevant, recent,
and peer-reviewed. text/course materials and peer-reviewed.
Connections to the and to personal
Connections to the
experiences provide text/course
materials and to
accurate evidence to materials and to
reinforce the research personal
experiences are
provide compelling
superficial and/or
and accurate
minimal and fail to
evidence to
reinforce the
reinforce the
5 pts.
4-3 pts.
2-0 pts.
The summary
The summary
Summary: The summary is
well-written and
is mostly well-written is not well-written
and clear using APA or clear. APA
Skill and clear using APA
guidelines and
guidelines are not
standard English
standard English
followed and writing
characterized by
characterized by
is lacking in
elements of a
elements of a strong elements of
strong writing style; writing
free from grammar, style; mostly free from standard English;
there are frequent
spelling, usage, or punctuation, spelling, errors in grammar,
APA formatting
usage, or APA
formatting errors.
spelling, usage,
and many APA
formatting errors.
Total Score