Please assess the current status of your own role within your organization (or another identified organization) and the ways in which you contribute to or lead the efforts involved in the promotion of diversity (or not).
Each student will create his or her own individualized action plan towards identifying how and in what ways (with specific examples, steps, and details) you will become a leader in promoting diversity, making sure to incorporate the key concepts that you have learned in this course. This action plan should be 3 – 4 pages in length.
Topic: An Evaluation of Google
To encourage diversity and inclusion in the workplace, Google has launched several initiatives
and programs, including one that encourages employees to be aware of their cultural
Part One
Employees can identify their biases and learn mitigation techniques through interactive
exercises and group discussions that are part of the training
. Also, these organizations sponsor training sessions and activities to promote an
understanding of cultural diversity and to inspire staff members to have productive
conversations about topics about inclusion and diversity
In order to inform organizational policies and activities, the survey asks questions concerning
diversity and inclusion.
Google works to establish a culture where all employees may feel valued and supported by
offering resources and education.
Body –
Google is aware of the value of multicultural sensitivity, responsiveness, expertise, and
understanding in fostering a workplace that welcomes people from various racial and ethnic
The Black Googler Network, the Latinx Googler Network, and the Asian Googler Network
are just a few of the employee resource groups that Google offers to employees of diverse
racial and cultural origins
New Year, to mention a few. By commemorating these occasions, Google helps its staff
members feel more connected to one another and inspires them to explore other cultures.
Unconscious bias, cultural competence, and cross-cultural communication are all covered in
these training sessions
Analysis –
. Google actively seeks out applicants from various backgrounds and ensures that its
recruiting procedures are just and balanced.
This enhances employees’ engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction by making them
feel appreciated and supported
Diversity Education:
Google provides
educate staff members on
multiculturalism, diversity, and inclusion.
Resource Groups: Google’s employee resource groups give staff members a forum to discuss
their experiences and understanding of various cultures. Employees participating in these
groups can learn more about diversity and multiculturalism
Part 3 – Challenges
1. All employees have access to these services, which contribute to developing a welcoming
atmosphere that values the distinctive experiences of people from many cultures.
2. Google actively recruits people from various backgrounds and has systems in place to
help it keep and grow its diverse talent. This encourages multiculturalism in the
workplace and contributes to the development of a staff that reflects the diversity of its
3. This enhances employees’ engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction by making them
feel appreciated and supported
4. Training Programs: Google offers training courses to help staff members comprehend the
value of undertaking moral and culture-focused psychological studies
Collaboration with Diverse Groups: Google promotes its employees’ participation in research
collaborations with various groups. This makes it possible to guarantee that research is carried
out with consideration for cultural diversity and takes into account the special experiences and
viewpoints of people from various backgrounds.
Chatzittofis, A., Constantinidou, A., Artemiadis, A., Michailidou, K., & Karanikola, M. N.
(2021). The role of perceived organizational support in healthcare workers’ mental health
during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.
Gopalkrishnan, N. (2019). Cultural competence and beyond: Working across cultures in
culturally dynamic partnerships. The International Journal of Community and Social
Development, 1(1), 28–41.
Mangolini, Y. (2016, February 24). Black Googler Network Fuels Inclusion at google. Google.
Retrieved March 25, 2023, from
Saxena, A. (2014). Workforce diversity: A key to improve productivity. Procedia Economics
and Finance, pp. 11, 76–85.
Steiber, A., & Alänge, S. (2013). A corporate system for continuous innovation: The case of
google inc. European Journal of Innovation Management, 16(2), 243–264.
Tran, S. K. (2017). Google: A reflection of culture, leader, and Management. International
Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 2(1).
Williamson, S., & Foley, M. (2018). Unconscious bias training: The ‘silver bullet’ for gender
equity? Australian Journal of Public Administration, 77(3), 355–359.
An Evaluation of Google
An Evaluation of Google
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Course info
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Due date
An Evaluation of Google
An Evaluation of Google
Guideline 1
To encourage diversity and inclusion in the workplace, Google has launched several
initiatives and programs, including one that encourages employees to be aware of their cultural
preconceptions. The “Unconscious Bias” training program, which informs staff members on how
unconscious biases might affect their views and behaviors toward people from various ethnic and
racial backgrounds, is one method Google encourages this. Employees can identify their biases
and learn mitigation techniques through interactive exercises and group discussions that are part
of the training (Williamson & Foley, 2018).
In order to give employees from underrepresented groups a place to connect, network,
and support one another, Google has also established employee resource organizations, such as
the Black Googler Network and the Latinx Googler Network. Also, these organizations sponsor
training sessions and activities to promote an understanding of cultural diversity and to inspire
staff members to have productive conversations about topics about inclusion and diversity.
Google also promotes a welcoming and inclusive workplace via its “Googlegeist” poll, which
enables workers to anonymously share input about the company’s culture and their experiences at
work (Mangolini, 2016). In order to inform organizational policies and activities, the survey asks
questions concerning diversity and inclusion.
Google urges staff to be aware of their cultural prejudices and endeavors to create a
diverse and inclusive workplace for all people, regardless of ethnicity or race. Google works to
establish a culture where all employees may feel valued and supported by offering resources and
An Evaluation of Google
Guideline 2
Google is aware of the value of multicultural sensitivity, responsiveness, expertise, and
understanding in fostering a workplace that welcomes people from various racial and ethnic
backgrounds. Google encourages its employees to value these qualities in the following ways:
Employee Resource Groups: The Black Googler Network, the Latinx Googler Network,
and the Asian Googler Network are just a few of the employee resource groups that Google
offers to employees of diverse racial and cultural origins. These organizations give workers a
forum to share knowledge and inform others about their cultures and traditions. Google observes
several ethnic occasions and holidays, including Black History Month, Diwali, and the Lunar
New Year, to mention a few. By commemorating these occasions, Google helps its staff
members feel more connected to one another and inspires them to explore other cultures.
Google provides training programs that assist staff members in gaining cultural
sensitivity and awareness. Unconscious bias, cultural competence, and cross-cultural
communication are all covered in these training sessions. Google encourages its employees to
communicate with one another using inclusive language, which includes phrases that are
respectful of many cultures and refrain from using pronouns with specific genders. Google
actively seeks out applicants from various backgrounds and ensures that its recruiting procedures
are just and balanced. Google develops a workplace that is respectful of people from different
ethnic and racial backgrounds by encouraging multicultural sensitivity, responsiveness,
knowledge, and understanding. This enhances employees’ engagement, productivity, and job
satisfaction by making them feel appreciated and supported (Gopalkrishnan, 2019).
An Evaluation of Google
Guideline 3
Google encourages its employees to use multiculturalism and diversity via several
initiatives and programs. Google advertises these concepts in the following ways:
Diversity Education: Google provides programs to educate staff members on
multiculturalism, diversity, and inclusion. Workshops, training sessions, and guest lecturers are
all part of these programs, including the value of diversity and its advantages at work. Employee
Resource Groups: Google’s employee resource groups give staff members a forum to discuss
their experiences and understanding of various cultures. Employees participating in these groups
can learn more about diversity and multiculturalism.
Google provides its staff with psychological support services such as coaching, therapy,
and tools for stress management. All employees have access to these services, which contribute
to developing a welcoming atmosphere that values the distinctive experiences of people from
many cultures. Google has implemented several policies that support multiculturalism and
diversity, like helping non-native English speakers with their language skills and making
accommodations for staff members with disabilities. These guidelines show Google’s dedication
to fostering an atmosphere that values and respects people from all backgrounds (Chatzittofis et
al., 2021).
Google actively recruits people from various backgrounds and has systems in place to
help it keep and grow its diverse talent. This encourages multiculturalism in the workplace and
contributes to the development of a staff that reflects the diversity of its consumers (Tran,
2017). By fostering multiculturalism and diversity in psychological education, Google fosters a
culture that recognizes and respects people from all origins. This enhances employees’
engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction by making them feel appreciated and supported.
An Evaluation of Google
Guideline 4
In a variety of methods, Google encourages staff to understand the significance of
undertaking culturally relevant and moral psychology research with people from racial,
linguistic, and ethnic minority backgrounds:
Training Programs: Google offers training courses to help staff members comprehend the
value of undertaking moral and culture-focused psychological studies. These training courses
address subjects including research ethics, cultural sensitivity, and the use of various research
methodologies. Research Guidelines: Google has produced research guidelines that support staff
members in doing courteous, inclusive, and culturally aware research. These rules make a
guarantee that research is carried out honestly and responsibly.
Collaboration with Diverse Groups: Google promotes its employees’ participation in
research collaborations with various groups. This makes it possible to guarantee that research is
carried out with consideration for cultural diversity and takes into account the special
experiences and viewpoints of people from various backgrounds. Google works with
communities representing racial, linguistic, and ethnic minorities to advance cultural sensitivity
and inclusivity in research. This ensures that research is done respectfully and considers different
groups’ needs and viewpoints.
Monitoring and Evaluation: To ensure that its research procedures are considerate, inclusive, and
culturally sensitive, Google keeps a close eye on and assesses them. This makes it easier to spot
areas that require improvement and guarantees that research is carried out ethically and
responsibly. Google fosters a culture that embraces diversity and tolerance by urging staff to
understand the significance of undertaking culturally relevant and moral psychology research
with people from racial, linguistic, and ethnic minority backgrounds. This makes it possible to
An Evaluation of Google
guarantee that research is carried out in a way that respects, includes, and is sensitive to cultural
differences and supports the well-being of people from various backgrounds (Saxena, 2014).
Guideline 5
The following are some ways that Google encourages its staff to work to apply culturally
appropriate abilities in clinical and other applied psychological practices:
Cultural Competence Training: To aid in the development of employees’ understanding
of various cultures and their various demands, Google offers cultural competency training to its
staff members. With the help of this training, staff members can use culturally competent
techniques in their clinical and other applied psychological practices. Google encourages all of
its staff members to collaborate with people from different cultural backgrounds collaboratively.
This method entails collaborating with clients to pinpoint their needs and create efficient,
culturally acceptable treatment strategies.
Diversity Education: To help its employees grasp the significance of cultural competency
in clinical and other applied psychological activities, Google offers diversity education. This
instruction covers details regarding cultural standards, precepts, and values and how they affect
mental health. Employee Resource Groups: Google’s employee resource groups give staff
members a forum to discuss their experiences and understanding of various cultures. Thanks to
this, employees can then use culturally relevant abilities in their work by developing their
cultural sensitivity and awareness.
Feedback and Evaluation: To help its employees become more culturally competent in
clinical and other applied psychological settings, Google gives them feedback and evaluation.
Employees are given opportunities to improve their abilities and are given the opportunity to
indicate areas that require improvement. Google fosters a culture that embraces diversity and
An Evaluation of Google
fosters the well-being of people from various cultural backgrounds by encouraging staff to work
toward applying culturally-appropriate abilities in clinical and other applied psychological
activities. This makes it possible to guarantee that people get the treatment they require in a
courteous, welcoming, and culturally aware way.
Guideline 6
Google encourages its workers to promote the creation and adoption of organizational
(policy) development and practices that are culturally informed in the following ways:
Programs for diversity and inclusion: Google offers programs for diversity and inclusion
that help staff members learn about various cultures and their particular requirements. These
initiatives give staff members the resources and information they require to support
organizational (policy) development and practices that are culturally sensitive (Steiber & Alänge,
Collaborative Approach: Google encourages employees to collaborate while creating
organizational policies and practices. This strategy entails collaborating with people from various
cultural backgrounds to pinpoint their needs and create successful, culturally sensitive policies.
Feedback from Employees: Google asks for employee opinions to help it better understand how
to adapt its practices and policies to different cultural contexts. This feedback allows workers to
improve their skills while pointing out areas that require adjustment.
Google promotes inclusive decision-making by including staff members from all
backgrounds in the creation of organizational rules and procedures. This strategy aids in ensuring
that effective, culturally sensitive policies and practices are implemented. Google promotes a
culture of continuous improvement by routinely examining and assessing its procedures and
An Evaluation of Google
policies to ensure they are efficient and influenced by local cultural norms. By doing this, the
company can better meet the demands of its workers from various cultural backgrounds.
Google fosters a culture that embraces diversity and fosters the well-being of people from
various cultural backgrounds by encouraging employees to use organizational change processes
to support culturally aware organizational (policy) development and practices. This makes it
possible to guarantee that the organization’s policies and procedures are created in a considerate,
inclusive, and culturally aware way.
Executive Summary
Based on the APA Standards on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice,
and Organizational Transformation for Psychologists, this essay evaluates Google. According to
the study, Google is dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace by encouraging
employees to be sensitive, responsive, knowledgeable, and accepting of other cultures. Google
encourages its employees to be aware of their own cultural biases, develop cultural sensitivity
and awareness, and use multiculturalism and diversity in their work through programs like the
Unconscious Bias training program and the creation of employee resource groups. Google also
offers research standards and training programs to ensure ethical and culturally relevant
psychological research. Overall, it is concluded from this study that Google is committed to
fostering an environment where all workers are respected and supported.
To continue to make progress in diversity and inclusion, Google should consider the
following recommendations:
Continue to invest in diversity and inclusion initiatives: Google should continue to invest
in initiatives to increase diversity and inclusion within the company. This includes programs to
An Evaluation of Google
attract and retain diverse talent and initiatives aimed at increasing diversity at the leadership
Address bias in AI algorithms: Google should continue investing in initiatives to address
bias in its algorithms. This includes training data sets to be more diverse and creating transparent
and explainable algorithms.
Ensure diverse representation in search results: Google should continue to work on
ensuring that search results are diverse and representative of all groups. This includes improving
the algorithms used to generate search results and working with external partners to ensure that
search results are inclusive.
Partner with other companies and organizations: Google should work with other
companies and organizations to promote diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. This
includes partnering with organizations that focus on diversity and inclusion and collaborating
with other tech companies to share best practices and resources.
An Evaluation of Google
Chatzittofis, A., Constantinidou, A., Artemiadis, A., Michailidou, K., & Karanikola, M. N.
(2021). The role of perceived organizational support in healthcare workers’ mental health
during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.
Gopalkrishnan, N. (2019). Cultural competence and beyond: Working across cultures in
culturally dynamic partnerships. The International Journal of Community and Social
Development, 1(1), 28–41.
Mangolini, Y. (2016, February 24). Black Googler Network Fuels Inclusion at google. Google.
Retrieved March 25, 2023, from
Saxena, A. (2014). Workforce diversity: A key to improve productivity. Procedia Economics
and Finance, pp. 11, 76–85.
Steiber, A., & Alänge, S. (2013). A corporate system for continuous innovation: The case of
google inc. European Journal of Innovation Management, 16(2), 243–264.
Tran, S. K. (2017). Google: A reflection of culture, leader, and Management. International
Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 2(1).
Williamson, S., & Foley, M. (2018). Unconscious bias training: The ‘silver bullet’ for gender
equity? Australian Journal of Public Administration, 77(3), 355–359.