Annotated Bibliography Formatting SamplePSYCH/665 Version 3
University of Phoenix Material
Annotated Bibliography Formatting Sample
This sample annotated bibliography is formatted according to the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of
the American Psychological Association. This sample serves only as a formatting guide, and does not
reflect accurate reference information or master’s-level content depth. Include an APA-formatted title
page in your annotated bibliography.
Annotated Bibliography
Barker, P. J. (2006). Modeling transformational leadership in nonprofit organizations
(Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. (UMI No.
This qualitative study examines the various forms of transformational leadership
practiced in nonprofit organizations in the Southeastern United States. The study takes a
comparative approach, investigating similarities and differences between leadership
styles in for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Based on the results of open-ended
interviews with executive leaders, the study offers a detailed analysis and
recommendations for strengthening nonprofit leadership using transformational
DuFour, R. (2002). Beyond instructional leadership: The learning-centered principal.
Educational Leadership, 59(8), 12–15. doi: 10.1909/17845930958349604
In this short article, DuFour describes his experience as a principal and the issues he
faced in that role regarding instructional leadership. DuFour promoted a shift from
instruction-oriented leaders to learning-oriented leaders, citing the need to focus on
outcomes rather than process in education. To facilitate this change, DuFour recommends
the implementation of a systemic method of monitoring and evaluating student progress.
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Annotated Bibliography Formatting Sample
PSYCH/665 Version 3
Rousseau, D. M. (1997). Organizational behavior in the new organizational era. Annual Review
of Psychology, 48(2), 515–546. Retrieved from
In this historically comprehensive article, Rousseau discusses the paradigmatic shift in
the meaning of the word organization as it changes from an entity-based term to focus on
the components of the entity.
Copyright © 2015, 2014 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.