Hi Jasmine,
Thank you for your response. Currently, Caffeine is not classified as a Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD) in the DSM-5. However, when the DSM-5 was revised it was noted that caffeine was a topic for further study. With that being said, there is still a bit of controversy regarding whether caffeine is an addictive substance or not. While it is a stimulant, it does not impact the reward systems in the brain in the same way that other stimulants such as Amphetamines and Cocaine does. However, those who consume it regularly will often report cravings for more. Some report building a tolerance to caffeine which results in needing more to experience the same desired effects. Finally, when they do not consume caffeine, withdrawal symptoms result. In considering treatment for alcoholism and considering the effects of caffeine, is it ethical to treat someone who has an alcohol addiction with an another substance which they may develop a dependency too?Take care,Dr. Green