During a full week I need to eliminate any praise I use on a daily basis and instead use encouragement. I added the instruction in the document. The paper should be between 3-4 pages with a title page. No outside sources can be used aside from the lecture notes that is provided in the attachment and the textbook which is also provided in the document. I provided some notes which the paper must be based around. The notes should not be used word for word but rather the structure for the paper. I provided various example which can be changed as well in addition to adding a few more. Please keep in mind the main focus where I eliminated praise and employed encouragement is with the children I work with.
– Throughout days and weeks we come across situations where people say good job…
what is the coincidental phrase on social media (likes)
– Spend a full week –
o Of eliminating praise from your process to the best of your ability and instead
employ encouragement
▪ Encouragement: telling somebody about themselves something they did
that you value
• I really appreciate that you did X, y, and z instead of great job
o How it impacted you, how it makes you see things differently, how you see the
other person differently
o Observe how often you use praise
– My full-time job is a nanny. I currently work with two children. The oldest is turning two
in May and the youngest is 5 months.
– When working with little children I recognize that I used praise very often
– Mention why is praise used a lot with little children
– Provide examples of praise I use
o When he picks up after himself I day “Good job”
o When he finishes a puzzle I say “that’s awesome”
– In the past I recognized praise as something good but now I am aware that praise is evil
– Why is praise “evil” or “bad” (refer to lecture notes)
o For example: children can become conditioned to seek approval of others
– Explain why this transition was difficult (specifically in my role as a nanny)
o For example, because I am so used to saying certain phrases of praise I would
catch myself wanting to repeat these phrases but then corrected them
– Observe and mention how often I typically use praise
– I thought that by providing praise for the child it will help build confidence in what they
are doing but encouragement more beneficial
– Briefly speak about what is the benefits of encouragement over praise (refer to lecture
– My main focus for this week was to shift from praising the child to encourage the child
and overtime hope to see some differences
– Everyday when I pick him up from school I get updates on how he did so I started using
this information and encourage the child
o For example: you shared your toys with your friends at school today you should
be proud of yourself
o Example: rather than saying “that’s awesome” when he finishes a puzzle I said
“wow you worked so hard and finished the puzzle that must feel good”
– Aside from school what other incidents did I employ encouragement
o For example at home: I really appreciate when you sit at your table and finish
your dinner without getting up.
Now mention how this process impacted you, how it makes you see things differently,
how you see the other person differently
Because the experiment was only a week, signs of change were minor but I am looking
forward to seeing how this change will positively affect the child
Text Book (Recommended):
Dreikurs-Ferguson, E. (2000) Motivation: A Biosocial and Cognitive Integration of
Motivation and Emotion. Oxford University Press: New York.
– The paper should be between 3-4 pages
1. Typed
2. Doubled Spaced
3. Times new Roman font
4. 12 point font
5. 1 inch margins all around
6. Title page (student id)
7. All pages numbered
Lecture Notes:
Praise (we don’t like praise; its not a good thing except at sporting events and concerts)
Is anything that is equivalent of an applause
Praise is evil
Only 2 instances where praise is acceptable (sporting event or concert) because
are incapable of doing the thing that is good a things call incongruent
Praise is not good, it is used to reinforce behavior
Reward given to reinforce behavior
Encouragement is good – when you direct focus of person being encourages or
praised internally
Anything that redirected student to something the kid did and they can
see it and understand it they develop an appreciation for what they did
Praise: clapping
Encouragement: carries out longer than praise
directing attentions to interests, autonomy, ability to make decisions
What is it?
Is it universal or culture specific?
Does the source matter?
Yes it does matter
Why do people use praise (change behaviors, reinforce, make connections)
If there is no connection the value of the praise goes down
Must come from source that is meaningful to you
Praise doesn’t help people grow
Encouragement and learning about one self is helpful for a person to