After completing chapter 12, you should now understand how important it is to have advanced directives in place. This is why it needs to be completed before going into Chapter 13, death and afterlife. There are 2 documents you will need to complete.
(1) Click the link below to complete your Advanced Directives (specify wishes towards your health care in the event that you are unable to make decisions for yourself):
Fill in your information as requested but do NOT check the “Medical Power of Attorney” box because it is not free. It is not free to download either so do not download it.
Be sure to include your thoughts on each of the following areas from the Advanced Directives link (Legacy Writer) in your assignment submission.
Continue through each step. If you do not understand a question click on the area that is blue with a line under it and a box will pop up to define the term to you.
This does not get turned into me – Keep it for your own personal records.
(2) In addition to the above it is also a good idea to have a Last Will and Testament (specify where your items and estate go to upon your death). The below link will help you understand how to create your own. It is not free but you are allowed to go through each step until a form of payment is requested. Therefore, go through each step to help complete your own which can be done by using Microsoft Word. You can use the free trial if you want to download your completed forms.…
Fill in your information as requested and continue through each step. Use this to help complete your own word document.
This does not get turned into me – Keep it for your own personal records.
(3) Lastly, write about how you felt completing this assignment, how it relates to the textbook content, and why it was important to this class.