DB 4.1
Please discuss the literature linking peer pressure to positive and negative behaviors in adolescents. What are some specific evidence-based interventions that counselors can use to help children and adolescents effectively cope with peer pressure? Please be sure to use peer-reviewed academic journal article(s) to support your assertions.
DB 4.2
In thinking about the special needs of teens, after viewing the video “The Road to Crazy Jane.”, What issues do you think are demonstrated in the video that are specific to a teenage population? How does this video compare to the “Adolescent Addict” video? How do you think that these teenage issues different from many that adults encounter?
DB 4.3
Two common drugs of abuse for teens that are on the rise are 1) DXM (cough medicine) and 2) prescription medication. In thinking about these issues, why do you think teen use is so popular? What did you learn about these forms of abuse?
Unit 4
Welcome to Unit 4!
Welcome to Unit 4!Assignments due for Unit 4 in addition to material presented in class:For Unit 4, please complete the following listed below.
ReadChapter 11inStevens & Smithas our unit discussion this week will be on adolescent substance abusers. Please read the whole chapter but focus on information about adolescents and teens.
Read CNN’s article about the teenage brain by clicking the link or copying and pasting the URL into your browser:
Read the following article specific to outcomes of teen alcohol/substance use by Medical News Today by clicking
HERE – Alternative Formats
Complete the discussion board assignments for the unit listed below. Note the minimum posting/reply requirements.
Unit Objectives:
To examine the special population of adolescence addicts and the issues specific to this group of drug and alcohol users;
To learn more about the popular drugs of abuse for teens and the results the occur physically and psychology with short or long-term use.
Peer Pressure:
Peer Pressure:Peer pressure is a major factor in drug and alcohol issues with teens. Research shows that social influence is one of the largest factors in why teens start and continue using substances. Please follow the link below and read the information listed on the websites,
, on peer pressure. Teen Specific Video:Teen Specific Video:Please view following videos:Road to Crazy JamesAdolescent Addict
DMX and Prescription Medications:
DMX and Prescription Medications:Two common drugs of abuse for teens that are on the rise are 1) DXM (cough medicine) and 2) prescription medication.Please review the facts, effects, and view at least one video provided on the website
In thinking about prescription medications, please view a short video
Prescription Drug Video