(1) describe the theory and research presented in the scientific paper listed for your topic (2) explain how that theory and research addresses the applied challenge, in other words, to explain how the psychological science (the theory and research in the paper) might help to solve the problem faced by the person with the applied challenge.
Paper assignment: Applying Psychological Science Paper #2
(A) to address an applied challenge, that is, some challenges faced in the “real world,” outside
of university departments of psychology, by (B) making use of information in a scientific paper
that presents some psychological science that can be used to address the challenge.
(1) describe the theory and research presented in the scientific paper listed for your topic
(2) explain how that theory and research addresses the applied challenge, in other words, to
explain how psychological science (the theory and research in the paper) might help to solve
the problem faced by the person with the applied challenge.
The paper you write should be 3.5 – 4 pages in length, double-spaced. That is font size 12,
1-inch-margins, and 3.5 – 4 pages of actual text that you yourself write. (This would total roughly
1100 words of writing.) In these 3.5-4 pages, you should be accomplishing the two asks above:
(1) describe the theory and research presented in the scientific paper you read (answer
questions such as: What is the main idea of the paper? What are the main research findings
supporting this idea? What methods did the researcher use to support their findings?), and (2)
explain how that theory and research can be applied to the applied problem (explain what the
person facing the applied challenge might do differently if they knew about the theory and
research in the paper). You should probably spend about an equal amount of space on each of
the two tasks; your paper thus would have about 2 pages describing the theory and research
that is presented in the relevant scientific paper, and about 2 pages explaining how the scientific
information might be used to solve the applied problem.
The Prompt/applied problem to solve
Education and Student Interest
Imagine that you’re a teacher. You want to make the class interesting for the students. To this
end, you try to make your reading assignments easy, try to keep projects as simple as possible,
and try to make the class fun for students by showing a lot of wacky TV shows and cartoons
during class. Yet the students seem bored. What might you be able to do differently to enhance
student interest?
Relevant scientific paper Silvia, P. J. (2008). Interest—the curious emotion. Current Directions in
Psychological Science, 17, 57-60.
Notes on writing style:
For this paper, you should have little or no direct quotes from the paper. Unlike a writing style in
the humanities (e.g., an English class in which you are writing about a work of fiction), here in
the social sciences there is rarely any need at all to quote directly, word-for-word, from a paper
you are reading. The text in your paper should be text written by you.