Hello I have to respond to these discussion postsRespond to Vincent’s post below:A variable is often used in mathematics and statistics when comparing data using charts. The simple definition of a variable is anything that is measurable and that can be counted (Statistical Language – What Are Variables?). The variables that are seen in statistics are very similar to the ones used in a research study. The two types of variables typically seen in both situations are independent variables and dependent variables. When used in statistical experiments, the independent variable is described as the cause and the dependent variable is the effect (Bhandari, 2022). A simple example of this would be if someone was looking at the amount of time someone practices playing a sport and how that would impact their overall performance. The independent variable, which in this case would be the cause, is the amount of time spent practicing a sport. The dependent variable or the effect, is that individual players performance.Now, when variables are used in research it is very similar to a statistical experiment. Although there are many more variables to consider in a research study such as, potential mediating variables, potential confounding variables, effect modifiers, and variables describing study participants (Duckett, 2021), independent and dependent variables are still included. Duckett explains that dependent variables are ones that must be defined conceptually and are all the outcomes of the study (2021). Essentially, this is the same thing as the effect or dependent variable in a statistical experiment. The independent variable is described as the experimental intervention (Duckett, 2021). This is the causative factor in the research question and what is going to be the main topic of discussion. To better explain it the independent variable is the one that can be manipulated and the dependent variable is the result from making those changes (Kravitz, 2016). The research question for the study I am proposing is, in patients suffering from mental health disorders, how does implementing the Broset Violence Checklist and having early psychiatric intervention compared to not having these interventions, affect patient aggression towards staff, within the hospital admission. The independent variables are implementing the Broset Violence Checklist and having early psychiatric consultations, and the dependent variable is patient aggression.References:Bhandari, P. (2022, May 4). Independent vs. Dependent Variables | Definition & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from
independent variable is the,changes in the independent variable.\Duckett, L. J. (2021). Quantitative Research Excellence: Study Design and Reliable and Valid Measurement of Variables. Journal of Human Lactation, 37(3), 456–463.
Kravitz, L. (2016). Understanding and Translating Research. IDEA Fitness Journal, 13(2), 16–19.
;db=c8h&AN=113313900&site=ehost-liveStatistical Language – What are Variables? (n.d.-b). Retrieved October 6, 2022, from
language – what are variables#:~:text=A variable is any characteristics,type are examples of variables.Respond to Jackelyn:Every research includes variables; these are characteristics that can be measured. Variables can have various values, including temperature, size, scores, age, and efficiency (National Library of Medicine, 2017). In research studies, there are mainly two types of variables: the independent and the dependent variables. These variables are used to determine and explore the cause-effect relationship between the two variables (National Library of Medicine, 2017). In an experimental study, an independent variable is one that you change or alter to examine its effects. It is named “independent” because it is unaffected by other study variables (Andrade, 2021). The experimental variables, which let the researcher directly alter independent variables to examine how they affect the dependent variable, are one of two primary categories of independent variables (Andrade, 2021). The second is subject variables, which are unchangeable by researchers but can be used to categorically group research subjects (Andrade, 2021).On the other hand, a dependent variable is altered as a result of the modification of an independent variable (Andrade, 2021). Your independent variable depends on the outcome you are interested in measuring. After changing the independent variable, you record the dependent variable. By performing statistical studies, you can utilize this measurement data to determine whether and how much your independent variable affects the dependent variable. In my PICOT question; For cancer patients that use central Venous Catheters (CVCs) (P), is the use of evidence-based guidelines (I) compared to CLABSI education module (C) lead to a decline rate of Central line-associated blood infections (O) within one month (T)? The dependent variables are evidence-based guidelines and the CLABSI education module. The independent variable, in this case, is the rate of central line-associated blood infections. The research will test the variables to establish what effect evidence-based guidelines have on the reduction rate of CLABSI and what effect the education module has on the reduction rate of CLABSI in the cancer patients who are the group under study or the sample population.