Cognitive Processes Class
Please be aware that the research is going to be submitted on plagiarism software such as Turnitin and Originality Report SafeAssign enabled
Research Paper Requirements:
All Research paper submissions must follow apa writing standards and format which include narrative format, proper page and paragraph line spacing with properly formatted citations and references.
You can use your textbook as one of the reference source.
EXP 3604 DAX-DL01: Cognitive Processes
Class book for reference
Title: Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience
Author: Goldstein, Bruce E.
Publisher: Wadsworth. Cengage Learning
Edition: 5th
ISBN Code: 978-1-285-76388-0
Research Instructions
In this paper you are to research the concept of Heuristics. (Review Chapter 13).
What are heuristics? Basically they are simple strategies that humans, animals, organizations, and even machines use to quickly form judgments, make decisions, and find solutions to complex problems. Often this involves focusing on the most relevant aspects of a problem or situation to formulate a solution.
In this paper you are to research heuristics and present an overview of the different types. Than select one that you believe you use most often and explain why. Then present how this form of decision making helps you navigate the decisions in your daily life. Do not forget to discuss the accuracy of the decision made using heuristic thought.
Cognitive Processes Class
Please be aware that the research is going to be submitted on plagiarism software such as Turnitin and
Originality Report SafeAssign enabled
Research Paper Requirements:
All Research paper submissions must follow apa writing standards and format which include
narrative format, proper page and paragraph line spacing with properly formatted citations and
Each submission requires a
1) Title page,
2) 4 pages (minimum) of content and
3) a reference page. In addition, research of any topic requires multiple sources. (4 minimum).
You can use your textbook as one of the reference source.
EXP 3604 DAX-DL01: Cognitive Processes
Class book for reference
Title: Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience
Author: Goldstein, Bruce E.
Publisher: Wadsworth. Cengage Learning
Edition: 5th
ISBN Code: 978-1-285-76388-0
Research Instructions
In this paper you are to research the concept of Heuristics. (Review Chapter 13).
What are heuristics? Basically they are simple strategies that humans, animals, organizations,
and even machines use to quickly form judgments, make decisions, and find solutions to
complex problems. Often this involves focusing on the most relevant aspects of a problem or
situation to formulate a solution.
In this paper you are to research heuristics and present an overview of the different types.
Than select one that you believe you use most often and explain why. Then present how this
form of decision making helps you navigate the decisions in your daily life. Do not forget to
discuss the accuracy of the decision made using heuristic thought.
Cognitive Psychology: Connecting
Mind, Research, and Everyday
Experience, 5e
Chapter 13: Judgment,
Decisions, and Reasoning
Goldstein, Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience, 5th Edition. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be
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Icebreaker: Two Truths and a Lie
Students should spend a few minutes writing two truths and a lie
about themselves. Then, in small groups, each student should share
their two truths and a lie while other students guess which one is the
Goldstein, Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience, 5th Edition. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be
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Chapter Objectives (1 of 2)
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
13.01: Identify the main factors contributing to the strength of an
inductive argument.
13.02: Explain how the availability heuristic, illusory correlations, and the
representative heuristic can cause errors in reasoning.
13.03: Explain how the myside bias, confirmation bias, and limitations to
our ability to objectively evaluate evidence can influence our
13.04: Explain the difference between the potential validity and potential
truth of a categorical syllogism.
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Chapter Objectives (2 of 2)
13.05: Describe the mental model approach to determining the validity of
13.06: Describe the impact of presenting a conditional syllogism as a real-world
problem, as opposed to an abstract problem, on the ability to assess the
syllogism’s validity.
13.07: Describe research suggesting that people often fail to follow the
decision-making procedures proposed by expected utility theory.
13.08: Explain how decision making can be influenced by emotions, contextual
factors, and the way that choices are presented.
13.09: Describe evidence suggesting that the prefrontal cortex and insula are
involved in both social and individual decision making.
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Section 13.1
Inductive Reasoning: Making Judgments from
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Decisions and Reasoning
Decisions: the process of making choices between alternatives
Reasoning: the process of drawing conclusions
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Inductive Reasoning (1 of 2)
Reasoning that is based on observation
Reaching conclusions from evidence
Strength of argument
– Representativeness of observations
– Number of observations
– Quality of observations
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Inductive Reasoning (2 of 2)
Used to make scientific discoveries
– Hypotheses and general conclusions
Used in everyday life
– Make a prediction about what will happen based on observation about
what has happened in the past
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Activity: Knowledge Check (1 of 2)
Which of the following characteristics contribute to the strength of an
inductive argument? Select all that apply
a) Quality of the evidence
b) Motivation to accept the evidence
c) Representativeness of observations
d) Falsifiability of the observations
e) Number of observations
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Activity: Knowledge Check—Answers (1 of 2)
Which of the following characteristics contribute to the strength of an
inductive argument? Select all that apply
a) Quality of the evidence
b) Motivation to accept the evidence
c) Representativeness of observations
d) Falsifiability of the observations
e) Number of observations
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Heuristics (1 of 8)
“Rules of thumb” that are likely to provide the correct answer to a
problem, but are not foolproof
Two more commonly used heuristics include the availability heuristic
and the representativeness heuristic
Goldstein, Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience, 5th Edition. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be
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Heuristics (2 of 8)
Availability heuristic: events more easily remembered are judged as being
more probable than those less easily remembered
Table 13.1 Causes of Death
More Likely
Less Likely
Percent of Participants Picking Less Likely
Homicide (20)
Drowning (5)
Auto-train collision
Asthma (920)
Asthma (20)
Appendicitis (2)
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Heuristics (3 of 8)
Illusory correlations: correlation appears to exist, but either does not
exist or is much weaker than assumed
– Stereotypes: an oversimplified generalization about a group or class of
people that often focuses on the negative
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Heuristics (4 of 8)
Representativeness heuristic
– Probability that A is a member of class B is determined by how well
properties of A resemble properties normally associated with B
– Use base rate information if it is all that is available
– Use descriptive information if available and disregard base rate
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Heuristics (5 of 8)
Conjunction rule: probability of conjunction two events cannot be
higher than the probability of the single constituents
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Heuristics (6 of 8)
Conjunction rule:
probability of conjunction
two events cannot be
higher than the probability
of the single constituents
In this figure, because
feminist bank tellers are a
subset of bank tellers, it is
always more likely that
someone in a bank teller
than a feminist bank teller.
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Activity: Group Discussion (1 of 2)
Your instructor will break you into groups, and each group will be
assigned one of the following: availability heuristic, (b) illusory
correlations, and (c) the representativeness heuristic.
In your group, generate at least two examples of how your assigned
concept can cause errors in reasoning.
When you’ve had a few minutes to discuss this with your group, one
person from each group should report the best example to the rest of
the class.
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Heuristics (7 of 8)
Law of large numbers: the larger the number of individuals randomly
drawn from a population, the more representative the resulting group
will be of the entire population
Myside bias: tendency for people to generate and evaluate evidence
and test their hypotheses in a way that is biased toward their own
opinions and attitudes
Confirmation bias: tendency to selectively look for information that
conforms to our hypothesis and overlook information that argues
against it
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Heuristics (8 of 8)
The myside bias
Lord and coworkers (1979)
– Had those in favor of capital punishment and those against it read the
same article
Those in favor found the article convincing
Those against found the article unconvincing
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Activity: Group Discussion (2 of 2)
Your instructor will break you intro groups.
Each group will be assigned to think about an important decision that
a person has to make and discuss how either the myside bias or
confirmation bias (your instructor will assign you to one) might impact
that decision.
When you are finished discussion, groups should take turns reporting
their main ideas to the rest of the class.
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Section 13.2
Deductive Reasoning: Syllogisms and Logic
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Deductive Reasoning (1 of 3)
Determining whether a conclusion logically follows from premises
– Two statements called premises
– Third statement called conclusion
Categorical syllogism
– Describe relation between two categories using all, no, or some
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Deductive Reasoning (2 of 3)
Syllogism is valid if conclusion follows logically from its two premises
If two premises of a valid syllogism are true, the syllogism’s
conclusion must be true
– Do not confuse “validity” with “truth”
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How Well Can People Judge Validity?
Many errors in evaluation
– Belief bias: The tendency to think that a syllogism is valid if its
conclusions are believable
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Activity: Written Reflection (1 of 2)
Spend a few minutes responding to the following prompt:
Write a conditional syllogism that is valid, but untrue.
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Mental Model Approach (1 of 2)
Mental model: A specific situation represented in a person’s mind that
can be used to help determine the validity of syllogisms in deductive
Create a model of a situation
Generate tentative conclusions about model
Look for exceptions to falsify model
Determine validity of syllogism
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Mental Model Approach (2 of 2)
Mental model: A specific situation represented in a person’s mind that
can be used to help determine the validity of syllogisms in deductive
Create a model of a situation
Generate tentative conclusions about model
Look for exceptions to falsify model
Determine validity of syllogism
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Activity: Think–Pair–Share (1 of 3)
On your own, write a conditional syllogism.
Together with a partner, discuss how this could be solved using a
mental model approach.
Share your syllogisms and mental models with the rest of the class.
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Deductive Reasoning (3 of 3)
• Conditional syllogisms: “If p, then q”
Table 13.3
Four Syllogisms That Begin with the Same First Premise
First premise of all syllogisms: If p, then q.
Second Premise
Is It Valid?
Judged Correctly?
Syllogism 1: Modus ponens
Therefore, q
Syllogism 2: Modus tollens
Not q
Therefore, not p
Syllogism 3
Therefore, p
Syllogism 4
Not p
Therefore, not q
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The Wason Four-Card Problem (1 of 4)
Effect of using real-world items in a conditional reasoning problem
– Determine minimum number of cards to turn over to test: if there is a
vowel on one side, then there is an even number on the other side
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The Wason Four-Card Problem (2 of 4)
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The Wason Four-Card Problem (3 of 4)
Falsification principle: to test a rule, you must look for situations that
falsify the rule
– Most participants fail to do this
– When problem is stated in concrete everyday terms, correct responses
greatly increase
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The Wason Four-Card Problem (4 of 4)
Permission schema: if A is satisfied, B can be carried out
– Used in the concrete versions
– People are familiar with rules
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Wason Test in the Real World
Cosmides and Tooby (1992)
– Created unfamiliar situations where cheating could occur
– Participants did well
– People may be more sensitive to situations involving permissions or
– From evolutionary perspective, being on the lookout for cheaters is
important to survival
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Conditional Reasoning
Context is important
Familiarity is not always important
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Activity: Think–Pair–Share (2 of 3)
On your own, write a conditional syllogism both as a real-world
problem and as an abstract problem.
Team up with a partner and take turns reading each other the
syllogisms to solve. Which was harder, the abstract or real-world?
Share your syllogisms with the rest of the class.
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Section 13.3
Decision Making: Choosing Among Alternatives
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Decision Making (1 of 9)
Expected utility theory
– People are rational
– If they have all relevant information, they will make a decision that
results in the maximum expected utility
Utility: outcomes that are desirable because they are in the person’s
best interest
– Maximum monetary payoff
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Decision Making (2 of 9)
Advantages for utility approach
– Specific procedures to determine the “best choice”
Problems for utility approach
– Not necessarily money, people find value in other things
– Many decisions do not maximize the probability of the best outcome
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Decision Making (3 of 9)
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Decision Making (4 of 9)
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Activity: Think–Pair–Share (3 of 3)
Think about the evidence presented in this chapter indicating that
people do not make decisions in line with expected utility. What do
you think the most compelling or interesting evidence is?
Get together with a partner and discuss together how this evidence
demonstrates a violation of expected utility.
Pairs can take turns sharing their main ideas with the rest of the
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Decision Making (5 of 9)
Emotions affect decisions
Expected emotions
– Emotions that people predict that they will feel concerning an outcome
People inaccurately predict their emotions
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Decision Making (6 of 9)
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Incidental emotions: Emotions that are not specifically related to
decision making
– May be related to one’s general disposition or personality, recent
experience, or one’s general environment or surroundings
– Can affect one’s overall decision-making processes
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Decision Making (7 of 9)
Decisions depend on how choices are presented
– Opt-in procedure
Active step to be organ donor
– Opt-out procedure
Organ donor unless request not to be
Status quo bias
– Tendency to do nothing when faced with making a decision
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Risk-Taking Strategies
Risky decisions
– Risk aversion strategy used when problem is stated in terms of gains
– Risk-taking strategy when problem is stated in terms of losses
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Decision Making (8 of 9)
Framing effect: decisions are influenced by how a decision is stated
– Can highlight one aspect of situation
Tversky and Kahneman (1981)
When situations are framed in terms of gains, people tend toward a risk
aversion strategy
When situations are framed in terms of losses, people tend toward a risktaking strategy
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Decision Making (9 of 9)
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Activity: Written Reflection (2 of 2)
Spend a few minutes to think about and then respond to the following
Think about a choice you’ve made in the past year. Describe how the
decision was influenced by each of the following: Emotions,
contextual factors, and the way that choices were presented.
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The Physiology of Thinking (1 of 4)
– One finding: decisions are influenced by emotions, and those emotions
are associated with activity in specific areas of the brain
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The Physiology of Thinking (2 of 4)
Sanfey and coworkers (2003)
– Ultimatum game
– Often rejected low offers because they became angry that offers were
– Less angry with an “unfair” computer
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The Physiology of Thinking (3 of 4)
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The Physiology of Thinking (4 of 4)
Sanfey and coworkers (2003)
– More activation of right anterior insula (connected with emotional states),
participants more likely to reject more offers
– Emotion is important in decision making
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The Dual Systems Approach to Thinking (1 of 2)
Kahneman (2011)
– Two mental systems
System 1: fast, automatic, intuitive, nonconscious
System 2: slower, deliberative, conscious, controlled
– Much of our day-to-day existence is handled by System 1
– System 2 takes over when we need to be more thoughtful
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The Dual Systems Approach to Thinking (2 of 2)
Stanovich and West (2000)
– Favor terms Type 1 processing and Type 2 processing
– Similar characteristics as Kahneman’s System 1 and System 2 concept
– Favored by many researchers because better reflects the
interconnected, distributed processing that occurs in the brain
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Activity: Knowledge Check (2 of 2)
In the ”ultimatum game,” when rejecting participants’ brains
(compared to accepting), the insula showed ____ activity and the
prefrontal cortex showed ____ activity when participants rejected an
a) more; less
b) more; the same amount of
c) less; more
d) less; the same amount of
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Activity: Knowledge Check – Answers (2 of 2)
In the ”ultimatum game,” when rejecting participants’ brains
(compared to accepting), the insula showed ____ activity and the
prefrontal cortex showed ____ activity when participants rejected an
a) more; less
b) more; the same amount of
c) less; more
d) less; the same amount of
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Assessment Slide
Think about and describe how one of the things you’ve learned in this
chapter can be applied to your everyday life.
What was the most difficult concept for you to understand in this
chapter? Try explaining it to someone you know who is not in this
class or a psychology student. Do you understand it more now?
What was the easiest thing for you to understand in this chapter?
Why do you think it was so easy to understand? Now try to explain
this concept to someone else, too. Were you able to explain it as well
as you’d like?
If you could identify one thing that everyone should know about this
topic, what would it be?
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Summary Slide (1 of 3)
Now that the lesson has ended, you should have learned how to:
13.01: Identify the main factors contributing to the strength of an
inductive argument.
13.02: Explain how the availability heuristic, illusory correlations, and
the representative heuristic can cause errors in reasoning.
13.03: Explain how the myside bias, confirmation bias, and limitations
to our ability to objectively evaluate evidence can influence our
13.04: Explain the difference between the potential validity and
potential truth of a categorical syllogism.
Goldstein, Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience, 5th Edition. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be
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13.05: Describe the mental model approach to determining the
validity of reasoning.
13.06: Describe the impact of presenting a conditional syllogism as a
real-world problem, as opposed to an abstract problem, on the ability
to assess the syllogism’s validity.
13.07: Describe research suggesting that people often fail to follow
the decision-making procedures proposed by expected utility theory.
13.08: Explain how decision making can be influenced by emotions,
contextual factors, and the way that choices are presented.
Goldstein, Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience, 5th Edition. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be
scanned, copied, or duplicated or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
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13.09: Describe evidence suggesting that the prefrontal cortex and
insula are involved in both social and individual decision making.
Goldstein, Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience, 5th Edition. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be
scanned, copied, or duplicated or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.