Case Presentation-You will be required to do a presentation on management of a
disease assigned to you or approved by the instructor. You will present your disease
management project to me and available faculty via Microsoft Teams towards the end ofthe semester. You will be assigned your disease or can submit a topic for approval.You will be expected to use a minimum of five current (within the last 5 years) peerreviewed articles and text books as your resources. We will schedule your presentationat the beginning of the semester so that you have it on your calendar and can plantowards that end of September presentation. You will be allotted a 30 minute time slot topresents. There is a rubric with this syllabus as to how the presentation will be graded.Prepare the presentation as you are presenting to a professional population, not thepublic. Here are examples of previous choices in the past.1). Statement of Problem/Rationale:a. Clearly stated reasons for why this topic was chosenb. Well-explained reason/justification for the Disease managementc. Disease management objectives clearly outlined2). Literature Review/Background Theory:a. Relevant previous work thoroughly reviewedb. Gap in knowledge/exploration identifiedc. Succinct/concise
d. References are cited appropriately
3). Methods (Explanation/Appropriateness):
a. Clear description of methods used to manage disease
b. Methods are appropriate to address disease management4). Analysis/Results:a. Figures/tables used appropriately and clearly to present the datab. Findings are presented clearly and accurately5). Conclusion/Discussion:a. Addressed literature conclusionsb. Supported conclusions/discussion are supported by resultsc. Importance of findings are addressed6). Presentation Overall:a. Effective overall aesthetics/organization of posterb. Flow of information is logical and facilitates understandingc. Summarized poster information clearlyd. Length of presentation was appropriatee. Study is innovative and has potential to contribute to the field