Question #1 Describethe principal elements of a performance appraisal system with which youare familiar. Critique this system, specifying what elements of thesystem you believe are appropriate and why they are so as well asspecifying the elements of the system that you believe are weak orinappropriate and why they are so. Use an example or two to demonstratehow this system did or did not work as intended. If you have never beenexposed to an appraisal system, imagine an ideal system; describe how itshould work and why it should be appropriate.Question #2 As a department supervisor, you have long been abeliever in continuing education and training for your employees. Youand two or three of your senior employees have served as instructors. Atthe beginning of the annual budgeting process, you learn that the nextbudget proposal will have to reflect austerity. Heading the list offrills (to use the VP of Finance’s own words) is education. Obviously,proposals for education will be closely scrutinized. Outline theapproach you would propose in an effort to retain as much of youreducation allocation as possible. How would you react if you were leftwith no allocation for external education, travel for education, oreducational materials?