Live SessionModule #6
Patient Safety at a Glance: Ch. 20
Patient Safety in Primary Care
Quality and Patient Safety
1 in 50 primary care involves patient safety incident
1 in 20 of those involves substantial harm
In England (2008-2009), 303.9 million general practice
6 million will experience safety incident
300,000 will experience substantial harm
Including pharmacy, lab, dentistry, nursing, etc, errors
would be higher than estimates show
Factors Influencing Risk of Patient
Safety Problems
First level of contact – general practice
► General practice varies
► Number of patients served
► Services offered
► Specialist and secondary service support
► Diversity of patients
► Size and skill mix of professional team
Emphasis has been placed on general practice
performing more complex care
► Diagnostic uncertainty
► Acting as care gatekeeper
► Emergency assessment
► Managing multiple co-morbidities
Building Safety Culture
Strong safety centered general practice team includes…
► Staff buy-in to safety philosophy giving better care to patients
► Everyone clear on contributions they make to improving safety
► Ability to assume ownership when problems arise
► Take responsibility for actions
► Look beyond blaming and identify the system factors
► Be open to share good practice and voice concerns and opportunities
Methods for Safer Practice
► Several ways to improve safety
► Patient safety as a standing agenda item
► Reflect on results from audits
► Discuss learning from significant event audits and
incident reports
► Use technology to reduce risk
► Provide ways for everyone to give feedback
► Patients and staff
► Have a clear policy
Patient Safety Learning
Example of Incident Report
Example of Technological Safety
Patient Safety at a Glance:
Ch. 37
Population Health and
Population Health
Explores factors that determine health and disease in
Also works to develop/evaluate impact of interventions
Need to define group of patients with common risk
factors, health goals, conditions
Health outcome can be considered
Health determinants can be identified
Policies and interventions can be brought together
Relies on information access
Relies on willingness of stakeholders
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
► World Health Organization (WHO) strategy for
reducing cardiovascular disease (CVD)
► Focused on population-based approach
► Reduce risk factor level
Example – relationship between salt intake and blood
► Reducing dietary sodium
► WHO estimates 49% of heart disease and 62% of strokes are
attributable to high blood pressure
► Western countries consume 10g of salt/day, twice
recommended level
► Prediction that in US, decrease of 3g salt/day would
reduce heart disease cases by 60,000, stroke by 32,000,
heart attack by 54,000 and death by 44,000
Barriers to Implementation
Buy-in at clinical level is essential
Barriers include…
Time constraints
Assumption that preventative strategies are ineffective
Confusion over risk assessment tool
Inadequate training
Potential for adverse influences on clinician/patient relationship
UK Survey
Found 1/3 with high cholesterol and ¼ with high blood pressure do
not take medication correctly
► Maybe due to side effects, poor information about benefits
Telling someone they are at risk does not change behavior
Patients prefer patient-centered approach
RN coordinated prevention program involving dieticians, physical
activity specialists, cardiologists
resulted in healthier diet, improved activity, more effective blood
pressure control
► Reducing CVD requires population-based
► UK, Finland, Portugal, Japan
► Reduced population-wide salt intake
► Combination of regulations on salt content
► Better food labeling
► Better education
► Provided opportunities for exercise
Clinical and societal goal is to reduce preventative
Barriers to population-based efforts are opportunities
for improvement projects
Model for Improvement used to learn how to adopt
evidence-based interventions