HAP 465Assignment #2
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Position Paper
Do consumer ratings give a false perception of quality of care?
Position Paper
Do consumer ratings give a false perception of quality of care?
Thesis Statement
Consumer ratings can sometimes give a false perception of
healthcare quality, as they are influenced by various factors,
potentially leading to inaccurate judgments of healthcare
Main idea/goal for
The main goal of the topic is to set the stage for the discussion Done
of consumer ratings in healthcare and highlight the importance
of examining their potential to provide a misleading perception
of quality of care.
Main idea/goal for
The main goal of the background section is to provide context
on the use of consumer ratings in healthcare and the factors
that can affect these ratings, such as patient expectations,
biases, and external factors. Information derived from patient
satisfaction assessment should be taken into account when
identifying nurses’ training needs, and in-service training
initiatives should be arranged to enhance nurses’ proficiency
and expertise in care planning (Karaca & Durna, 2019).
The main goal for addressing opposing arguments is to
acknowledge and understand the perspectives that argue that
consumer ratings accurately reflect the quality of care. This
section should explore why some believe consumer ratings are
reliable indicators.
Consumer Expectations: Explore how consumer expectations
and prior experiences can influence their ratings of healthcare
Main idea/goal for
Main idea/goal for
Main idea/goal for
External Factors: Examination of external factors, such as
online reviews and social media, and their impact on consumer
ratings is favorable. Healthcare organizations routinely assess
patients’ service experiences as an indicator of healthcare
quality (Arboleda, 2023).
The main goal of the conclusion is to summarize the key points Done
discussed in the paper and reiterate the thesis statement,
emphasizing the need for caution when interpreting consumer
ratings in healthcare.
Arboleda, A. M. (2023). Reprint of: Satisfaction with Life and Perception of Healthcare Services. International
Journal of Hospitality Management, 103516.
Bhandari, A., Scanlon, D. P., Shi, Y., & Smith, B. (Year of Publication). Why do so few consumers use health care
quality report cards? A framework for understanding the limited consumer impact of comparative
quality information. Medical Care Research and Review, 76(5), 515–537.
Karaca, A., & Durna, Z. (2019). Patient satisfaction with the quality of nursing care. Nursing Open, 6(2), 535545.
Assignment #1
HAP 465
Format this reference in
What kind of document
is this? What makes it
Explain why this
reference is relevant to
your topic
Indicate where you plan
to use this reference in
your paper
Provide an example of an
in-text citation for this
Reference #1
Bhandari, N., Scanlon, D. P., Shi, Y., & Smith, R. A. (2019). Why do so few
consumers use health care quality report cards? A framework for
understanding the limited consumer impact of comparative quality
information. Medical Care Research and Review 76(5), 515-537.
The document is a peer-reviewed research article that was written by authors
with expertise on the topic and who presented objective perspectives on the
issue. Also, the credibility of this document is characterized by the authors’
clear and concise presentation of the information, adherence to the
professional standards for journal articles, and currency of the information.
This reference source is relevant to the topic due to its focus on the
consumer’s use of provider quality information to inform their purchasing
decisions and their impacts on the providers’ approaches to making
adjustments to their practices. Hence, this reference material is relevant for
generating both supporting or opposing evidence on the impacts of consumer
ratings on the false perceptions of quality of care.
Due to the quality of evidence from this source on consumer’s use of
providers’ report cards to guide their healthcare decisions, I plan to use this
reference as part of the supporting evidence to the views of other reference
Bhandari et al. (2018) state that despite the low appeal of current provider
quality information to health consumers, there is still a significant number
who use them to inform their purchasing decisions.
Format this reference in
What kind of document
is this? What makes it
Explain why this
reference is relevant to
your topic
Indicate where you plan
to use this reference in
your paper
Provide an example of an
in-text citation for this
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is this? What makes it
Explain why this
reference is relevant to
your topic
Indicate where you plan
to use this reference in
your paper
Provide an example of an
in-text citation for this
Reference #2
Arboleda, A. M. (2023). Satisfaction with life and perception of healthcare
services. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 110, 103450 103516. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2023.103516
The document is a peer-reviewed research article that was written by an
author with expertise on the topic and who started the study’s objectives,
presented facts, and supported his claims with evidence from other peerreviewed articles. Similarly, this article is a credible source of information
because it is a recent publication on the topic and demonstrates the author’s
adherence to the professional standards for research publications.
The information in the reference is relevant to the topic because it describes
the association between patient satisfaction and quality of care that contribute
to the perception of the health system. In this regard, this reference provides
evidence to support arguments that consumer ratings do not lead to a false
perception of the quality of care.
The reference would be used to support the views on the positive impacts of
consumer ratings on measures and strategies for delivering quality care
services to patients in any healthcare setting.
Arboleda (2023) states that healthcare organizations perform long-term
assessments that enable them to meet regulatory requirements for quality
services and develop and implement initiatives to attract and maintain
patients’ loyalty (p.103450).
Reference #3
Endeshaw, B. (2021). Healthcare service quality-measurement models: a
review. Journal of Health Research, 35(2), 106-117.
The document is a peer-reviewed research article that was written by an
author with expertise on the topic and who started the study’s objectives,
presented facts, and supported claims with evidence from other peer-reviewed
articles. Also, the credibility of this document is characterized by its date of
publication within the past five years, the author’s clear and concise
presentation of the information, and its adherence to the professional
standards for journal articles.
This reference is relevant to the topic due to its description of the
measurement models for the quality of healthcare services and their
limitations for guiding consumer ratings of quality care from their providers.
The information from this article will be used to demonstrate how consumer
ratings can lead to false perceptions of the quality of care since the
measurement models are outdated and ineffective.
According to Endeshaw (2021), “the dimensions of quality and an approach to
the measurement of healthcare service quality are still not settled upon”
Format this reference in
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is this? What makes it
Explain why this
reference is relevant to
your topic
Indicate where you plan
to use this reference in
your paper
Provide an example of an
in-text citation for this
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is this? What makes it
Explain why this
reference is relevant to
your topic
Indicate where you plan
to use this reference in
your paper
Provide an example of an
in-text citation for this
Reference #4
Karaca, A., & Durna, Z. (2019). Patient satisfaction with the quality of
nursing care. Nursing Open, 6(2), 535-545. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.237
This document is an original research article that is peer-reviewed, published
within the past five years, and authored by two experts in the field. Also, this
document is a credible source of information because its facts and findings are
supported by sufficient from multiple research studies, contains clear purpose
statements, and well-written clear and concise contents.
The relevance of this reference to the topic is characterized by its detailed
description of the association between patient satisfaction data and nursing
service quality in any clinical setting.
The contents and information from this reference material would be used to
provide background information on the importance of consumer ratings to
efforts to deliver quality care to patients.
Karaca and Durna (2019) state that patients’ responses to patient satisfaction
surveys should inform the changes and priorities in service areas that affect
quality of care.
Reference #5
Sun, Y., Zhang, Y., Gwizdka, J., & Trace, C. B. (2019). Consumer evaluation
of the quality of online health information: Systematic literature review of
relevant criteria and indicators. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(5),
e12522 -e12530. https://doi.org/10.2196/12522
This document is an original research article that is peer-reviewed, published
within the past five years, and authored by experts in the field with similar
publications on the topic. Also, this document is a credible source of
information because its facts and findings are supported by sufficient from
multiple research studies, contains clear purpose statements, and well-written
clear and concise contents.
The relevance of this reference to the topic is characterized by its detailed
description of the suitability and relevance of existing instruments for
collecting consumer ratings of the quality of care from their providers.
The contents and information from this reference material would be used to
provide background information on the importance of consumer ratings to
efforts for delivering quality care to patients.
According to Sun et al. (2019), consumers find it difficult to evaluate the
quality of online health information.
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is this? What makes it
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reference is relevant to
your topic
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to use this reference in
your paper
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in-text citation for this
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is this? What makes it
Explain why this
reference is relevant to
your topic
Indicate where you plan
to use this reference in
your paper
Provide an example of an
in-text citation for this
Reference #6
Poole Jr, K. G., & McDougle, L. (2020). There is still bias in patient
satisfaction data. Journal of the National Medical Association, 112(3), 242242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnma.2020.03.004
This document is a review article that was published within the past three
years and authored by experts in the field with similar publications on the
topic. Also, this document is a credible source of information because its facts
and findings are supported by sufficient from multiple research studies,
contains clear purpose statements, and well-written clear and concise contents
The reference is relevant to the topic because it evidence is useful for
supporting the argument that consumer ratings lead to false perception of the
quality of care due to biases in the data collection process.
The article would be used to support the views on the limitations of the use of
consumer ratings to drive service improvement efforts or implement practices
that lead to the delivery of quality care to patients in any healthcare setting.
Poole Jr, K. G., & McDougle, L. (2020) state that it is difficult to determine
and use fair and achievable ratings for diverse healthcare workers that would
generate the right data for informing quality care practices.
Reference #7
Sotto-Santiago, S., Slaven, J. E., & Rohr-Kirchgraber, T. (2019). (Dis)
incentivizing patient satisfaction metrics: The unintended consequences of
institutional bias. Health Equity, 3(1), 13-18.
The document is a peer-reviewed research article that was written by authors
with expertise on the topic and who presented objective perspectives on the
issue. Also, the credibility of this document is characterized by the authors’
clear and concise presentation of the information, adherence to the
professional standards for journal articles, and currency of the information.
This reference material is relevant for generating opposing evidence on the
impacts of consumer ratings on the false perceptions of quality of care and
supports the views that institutional issues are responsible for the problems
with the wrong application of consumer ratings by healthcare organizations.
The article would be used to oppose the views that consumer ratings
contribute to the false perception of quality of care among healthcare
providers and other stakeholders.
According to Sotto-Santiago et al. (2019), patient’s ratings of their experience
are a vital source of data and information on the competitive advantages of
health systems that inform their actions to deliver quality patient-centered care
to their patients.
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is this? What makes it
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reference is relevant to
your topic
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to use this reference in
your paper
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in-text citation for this
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is this? What makes it
Explain why this
reference is relevant to
your topic
Indicate where you plan
to use this reference in
your paper
Provide an example of an
in-text citation for this
Reference #8
Upadhyai, R., Jain, A. K., Roy, H., & Pant, V. (2019). A review of healthcare
service quality dimensions and their measurement. Journal of Health
Management. https://doi.org/10.1177/0972063418822583
The document is a peer-reviewed research article that was written by authors
with expertise on the topic and who started their study’s objectives, presented
facts, and supported claims with evidence from other peer-reviewed articles.
Also, the credibility of this document is characterized by its date of
publication within the past five years, the author’s clear and concise
presentation of the information, and their adherence to the professional
standards for journal articles.
The reference provides information on the dimension of healthcare service
quality and approaches for measuring them that generate data for informing
improvement actions by healthcare organizations.
The information from this article will be used to demonstrate how consumer
ratings can lead to a false perception of quality of care since the constructs
and measurements do not consider providers’ perspective on the factors that
determine service quality.
According to Upadhyai et al. (2019), the focus on patients’ perspective of
quality is inadequate to inform the practice and models for meeting the
benchmarks and metrics for service quality.
Reference #9
Bayindir, E. E., & Schreyögg, J. (2023). Public reporting of hospital quality
measures has not led to overall quality improvement: Evidence from
Germany: Study examines the impact of public reporting on hospital quality
measures in Germany. Health Affairs, 42(4), 566-574.
The document is a research article that was written by two authors with
expertise on the topic and who presented objective perspectives on the issue.
Also, the credibility of this document is characterized by the authors’ clear
and concise presentation of the information, adherence to the professional
standards for journal articles, and currency of the information.
The reference is relevant to the topic because it provides evidence on how the
different aspects of quality measurement do not lead to improvements that
contribute to quality care of patient.
The contents of this reference material would be used to support the
arguments that consumer ratings are inadequate to inform practice changes or
improvements that lead to quality care.
Bayindir et al. (2023) state that “the quality of care that a hospital provides
can be improved to affect patient selection or to preserve or improve the
institution’s reputation” (p.568).
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is this? What makes it
Reference #10
Shah, A. M., Yan, X., Tariq, S., & Ali, M. (2021). What patients like or
dislike in physicians: Analyzing drivers of patient satisfaction and
dissatisfaction using a digital topic modeling approach. Information
Processing & Management, 58(3), 102516.
Explain why this
reference is relevant to
your topic
This document is an original research article that is peer-reviewed, published
within the past two years, and authored by experts with experience and
authority on the topic area. Also, this document is a credible source of
information because its facts and findings are supported by sufficient from
multiple research studies, contain clear purpose statements, and well-written
clear and concise contents.
This reference material is relevant to the topic through its evidence on the
drivers of positive and negative consumer ratings of their healthcare
Indicate where you plan
to use this reference in
your paper
Provide an example of an
in-text citation for this
The reference material would be used to support or oppose the views that
consumer ratings lead to false perceptions of the quality of care in any
healthcare setting.
According to Shah et al. (2021), patient feedback and ratings are part of the
leading indicators of service quality and guide efforts to address efficiency
and viability issues in any healthcare setting.