DISCUSSION 1—In Unit 6, you had the opportunity to give a town hall presentation to your community. As the director of the local public health department, stakeholders such as academicians, health professionals, state health department staff, representatives from affected communities, and representatives from nongovernmental organizations are looking to you to understand all aspects of the strategic planning process, as well as the results of the community needs assessment.
Using terms that anyone (academician or lay person with no statistical background) could understand, concisely answer the following questions:
- How can you determine (prove) that the public health intervention or approach (applied to a specific community need/problem) you presented will have an effect?
- What is the purpose of having effective size?
- What is the definition of significance (significance testing)?
- As you make decisions about the sustainability of the intervention presented, would effect size or significance be most important in your decision-making process? Why?
DISCUSSION 2—Return to the public health pyramid in Chapter 1 of your textbook, and identify a service level. Then identify and describe an appropriate qualitative method for two stages in the planning cycle (for example, assessment, planning, monitoring, outcome evaluation). Be sure to define the qualitative method and comprehensively explain why you chose it in alignment with the service level identified
DISCUSSION 3—Review the approaches that you have taken as director of the local public health department to facilitate stakeholder (community) involvement, beginning in Unit 1. Discuss how you have involved stakeholders in the planning, development, implementation, and/or evaluation plan. In what ways did your approaches include or not include enough attention to group processes? At what key points in the planning and evaluation cycle did you make (or should have made) recommendations to improve stakeholder involvement overall?
DISCUSSION 4–Find elements of your project where inequality or bias may be an issue. How will the issues of bias and inequalities in your study be addressed?
Equal and fair access to quality mental health services for vulnerable
Expanding mental health solutions and services for the identified
specific demographic group in need.
Implementation of creative and unique resources and programs
pushing for mental health improvements and heightening the
awareness of mental health.
developing child and adolescent psychiatric programs and services
Institutional support.
Promotion of health and
wellness in society
(Pathway2sucess, 2021).
Transformative positive health
African American youth dealing with the consequences of
anxiety and depression in California.
Changes in parenting cultures and attitudes.
Familial structure changes among Black American
Mental health issues among young people of color
Recommending the implementation
of community-based intervention
policies (Colizzi, et al., 2020).
Increasing public awareness about
mental health issues.
Guidance and Counselling.
Government budget.
External help.
Out of the pocket contributions.
Private and investor funding.
Assessment of the efficiency of the
implemented programs and services.
Initiating the same community-based principles
in another state, city, or nation (Rural Hub
Information Hub, 2023).
Sourcing additional and influential financial
Diverse and inclusive community engagement.
More mental health awareness.
Society to embrace the value of guidance and counselling.
There are endless benefits to recoveries.
More support from the government and stakeholders.
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