N5343 Leadership in Complex Healthcare SystemsLeadership Book Review Guidelines
Read the selected leadership text. Create a five minute video with PowerPoint to
address the Leadership Book Review guidelines and grading criteria. Refer to Process
and Tips to Create a Video Presentation with PowerPoint link in the module. The video
will show you giving your presentation using PowerPoint slides. The presentation should
provide a critical review of and reaction to the leadership book and include the
characteristics of a book review (see guidelines and grading criteria). Students will be
evaluated on the components of their oral book review, oral presentation skills, and the
effectiveness of their use of handouts and presentation software. Students should dress
appropriately for the formal presentation.
Book Review:
Briefly describe qualifications of author(s) to write the book
Describe the purposes of the book.
Describe for whom the book was written (target audience).
Analyze the strengths and shortcomings of the book.
Address whether the author(s) achieved the objectives, how well, and
evidence to support the opinion.
Indicates whether you recommend the book, for whom, and under what
Offer a suggestion(s) for further action.
Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
Demonstrate effective writing principles (e.g., spelling, grammar, punctuation).
Presentation Technique:
During the presentation, describe the book in such a way that the audience knows what
the book is about after the review.
Demonstrate effective use PowerPoint and effective use of handouts (may use
PowerPoint for handouts).
Demonstrate effective verbal presentation skills.
Stay within the allotted time frame.
Respond knowledgeably to questions posted by peers.
Review resources on effective presentations and effective use of presentation software
and handouts.
University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing
August 3, 2023
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N5343 Leadership in Complex Healthcare Systems
Upload the link to your video and a copy of your PowerPoint handout to the assignment
drop box. The video should show both you (presenter) and your PowerPoint
presentation. Do not upload the actual video, only the link. Audio-only (voice only) or
voic-narrated PowerPoint presentations will not be accepted.
Upload a copy of your PowerPoint handout to the assignment drop box.
University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing
August 3, 2023
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Process and Tips to Create a Video Presentation with PowerPoint
(Generously provided by the UTA College of Nursing July 5, 2011 Online Class
N5343 Leadership in Complex Health Care Systems)
Students who are not familiar with video sharing websites should allow extra time
to create their video and PowerPoint presentation.
Students who use YouTube should verify that they selected the “public” option. If
“private” is selected, it cannot be viewed by peers, coach, or instructor.
Example 1 (shared by Glen Jett)
Including video within a narrated PowerPoint presentation:
1. Record the video clip(s) you wish to embed in the PowerPoint presentation,
saving in the Windows Media Video (.wmv) file format. Complete any editing or
video effects that you wish to include before saving the video in the final version
to be embedded.
2. Select or add the PowerPoint slide that will include your video and use the ‘insert’
function within PowerPoint to select the video media you wish to include.
3. Next, highlight the inserted video and select the ‘Animation’ routine in
PowerPoint. If you wish the video to automatically play when the slide appears,
set the animation to start ‘With Previous.’ If you want the video to have a
delayed start at some point after the slide appears, you can use the ‘On Click’
start option and then record the click/timing when you record your overall
narration for the PowerPoint presentation.
4. After the video(s) are embedded as desired, complete the PowerPoint
presentation, recording your narration and slide timing as usual. As you are
recording, allow the video to automatically run in full during the recording
session. Alternately, click to start the video at the timing you wish during the
recording session.
5. When completed, your PowerPoint presentation will display the video clip(s)
within the presentation itself, which is an alternative to video recording yourself
presenting the PowerPoint on a physical screen in your ‘studio.’
6. If you will be posting the presentation on YouTube or a similar video blog site,
you can convert and save the entire PowerPoint presentation as a Windows
Media Video (.wmv) and upload it to the destination site. The PowerPoint
recorded narration and embedded video content will run as a seamless,
integrated presentation.
University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing
June 24, 2012
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Example 2 (shared by Lori Visser)
I used my TV screen at home by connecting my laptop to the TV for the PowerPoint
piece. This required a USB cable for the connection. I used a flip video to record the
presentation. Had I not had a flip video I would have used my phone to record the
video. I used YouTube and posted the link to the discussion board
Example 3 (shared by Tarra Kerr)
You Tube with Zentation
I created my PPT presentation.
I used the webcam on my laptop to record myself speaking in the program
Windows Movie Maker and saved it to my computer desktop.
I then uploaded my video to YouTube. You can easily sign up for you tube for
I went to zentation.com and signed up for the FREE service.
It is very detailed and user friendly. I uploaded my video and PPT as it instructed
and it then provides you with a link to share your video/presentation.
I highly recommend Zentation. This was my first time using it and it was extremely easy
to use and it is a free service.
Example 4 (shared by April Malone)
I used YouTube and Zentation to complete my book report.
First create a YouTube account, record the video presentation, and copy the link.
Create an account with zentation.com and sign in.
Upload the YouTube video to Zentation.com.
Next upload the PowerPoint presentation to Zentation and “sync” the two.
Edit edit the times so that the slides and video match.
Once you have completed this edit, copy that link because it will have your whole
presentation. Post the link on the discussion board.
Example 5 (shared by Carlos Delgado)
I have a MacBook Pro and they are usually preloaded with a program called iMovie.
Example 6 (shared by Pamela Duffey)
I did my video in a conference room that was equipped with a projector and computer. I
used my camera and someone I work with videoed me while I was doing the
University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing
June 24, 2012
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Example 7 (shared by Damon Watkins)
Here is the process I utilized to complete the book review presentation. I’ll add pearls of
wisdom too. After assembling my PowerPoint presentation and script, I took the
following steps.
1. I hung a white sheet on the wall, borrowed a projector, and projected the images
onto the wall. Pearl of wisdom: I first tried to link my computer to my HD TV, but
the image was too bright to capture the slides on video. Also, I recommend
students iron the sheet. I didn’t like the wrinkles.
2. Initially, I used my iPhone to record my video presentation. If a student has a 4G
or greater, the camera is a HD camera. Also, there is a link to YouTube. So, it is
easy to submit. I was alone when I did the assignment so consider the following
pearl of wisdom. I used blue painter’s tape and secured the phone to a regular
step-ladder. This gave me the height to capture the slide (projected onto the
sheet) and myself. I also marked my spot on the floor with the tape.
3. One of my secrets: I printed the script out in large font (48 and 60 font) and
taped it to the wall (a poor man’s teleprompter). This way if I lost my train of
thought, I could refocus easily.
4. I had a still camera with a video option. So, I wanted to see if the quality was
better using the camera. Again, I taped the camera to the ladder.
5. The lighting was off for me too. (I have a minor in photography in undergrad,
therefore, I am critical of lighting.) So, I placed lamps on the floor in different
areas to improve the lighting on myself without diminishing the slide quality.
Students should take a “trial-and-error” approach with this process.
6. I strongly encourage students to start the process early. Do not wait until the last
minute. I promise, the students will probably encounter some technology issue.
7. For example, I used my camera version rather than the iPhone version and it
took 20-30 minutes to upload. So, it is a bad idea to wait until 2200 the night the
assignment is due.
8. BTW, students can also use the camera “webcam” on their computer. I tried this
option too.
Example 8 (shared by Darla Johnston)
I used Quick Time Player to record my presentation. Then I again used Quick Time
Player in the record screen mode with my power point and presentation playing at the
same time. I then loaded this presentation on to u-tube. I did quite like Zentation
Example 9 (shared by Mary Berczy)
I had trouble with this assignment, I can share some tips of what not to do. I embedded
my video in my PowerPoint; however, it would not play anywhere else except with my
computer. I suggest that the students are informed that they are to have someone
video tape them giving a presentation about their book review and to make sure that
when they post it on YouTube that the link is set so they can view. I worked three long
days trying to get my power point presentation to play, and should have had someone
video tape me giving it. I hope this helps other students.
University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing
June 24, 2012
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Example 10 (Shared by Catherine Ifeoma)
Software: Sony Vegas Pro 10.0
1. Download the software listed above; a trial may be necessary since the price is
quite expensive
2. Obtain two or more media clips such as pictures videos, animation, etc… I used
two videos in my presentation
3. Place the first media clip on the track board.
4. If you want to do a split screen of two or more, place the next media clip right
underneath it and not beside. Place another one below the second if you want a
three way split screen. The process continues if you want to share the screen
with multiple media clips.
5. When you clip play, you will only notice one media clip. This is so, because the
others, depending how much you did, are directly under it. Due to this issue, you
will have to re-size the first media clip and eventually the rest to make all fit on
one screen. You do this with the “track motion” feature located on the bottom left
hand side, right by one of your media clips. You may have more than one “track
motion” feature if you have more than one media clip.
6. When you re-size the first one, you than move on to the next repeating the
process, but this time with a different “track motion” feature located on the same
location but near the next media clip.
7. You can now save your project. Sony Vegas allows you to immediately convert to
media files such as mp4, wmv, avi, and many more. You do this by locating to
the the navigational tab “files.” Scroll down and you will see something that says
render as, click that and choose your pick.
Example 11 (shared by Melissa Alvarado)
My process was pretty basic, but I would be happy to share it with students who may
benefit. I created my power point presentation following the rubric as an outline. Due to
the fact that my video camera was broken, I used my husband’s cell phone to video the
presentation. I then connected my computer to my big screen TV and sat in a chair
next to it while giving my presentation. When it was complete, I downloaded onto my
established YouTube account, copied the link, and pasted it into the assignment board.
Example 12 (shared by Heather Perez)
My process of creating a book review ppt, was easy, I along with a fellow classmate
made arrangements to get together and video each other doing the ppt. Although, I
loved how other classmates incorporated their ppt with their video on the same pg. It
was cumbersome for me to try this as I’m not that computer savvy, so we managed to
video our presentation and post to “YouTube” for submission. So the first tip I would
suggest is to buddy up with a classmate, if that is not possible to allow plenty of time to
work on this project and have a family member or friend video you. You then need to
post it to YouTube and this process is pretty simple to do. If you go to the main pg it
allows you to download a video from your device or computer. The handout slides can
either be scanned into your computer to submit or saved from your ppt.
University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing
June 24, 2012
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