Below you will find a list of majority African American cities in the United States.
- Arlington Woods – Indianapolis, Indiana
- Avondale – Cincinnati, Ohio
- Buckeye – Cleveland, Ohio
- East Tampa – Tampa, Florida
- Grove Park – Atlanta, Georgia
- Historic West End – Charlotte, North Carolina
- Near East Side – Columbus, Ohio
- Russell – Louisville, Kentucky
- South Chicago – Chicago, Illinois
Select a different city to focus on and find out the top public health issues impacting that area. So, if your midterm focused on Avondale in Cincinnati, your final should focus on a different community. Contact the local health department, federally qualified health center (FQHC), or another community-based health center for more information then answer the following questions:
- What are the topic five public health issues impacting this community? Please rank them from highest to lowest. It would be nice to see numbers as well.
- What is being done to address these issues? Inquire about marketing campaigns, testing sites, health education initiatives, community engagement, etc.
- What local, state, national, and/or federal organizations (if any) are you working with to improve the health of the population?
- With your current plan in place, what type of results are you expecting to see in the next 12 to 24 months? How will you measure success?
- What has been one of the biggest challenges when it comes to addressing these issues? And, what is being done to fix it?
What has been the biggest success when it comes to addressing these issues?
- Your paper should not exceed two pages of content. Place on your sources (links only) on third page.
- Please include the name of the health agency and the first name only of the person you spoke with via email, phone call, Zoom, etc.