Course name:Medical Coding & Billing
Course number:
HCI 213
1. Volume 1, Tabular List, of the I-10 contains 21 chapters.
Code Z is one of the special codes in I-10. Describe Z
codes and their categorization. (5.0 Marks).
Assignment title or task:
2. Describe the 7th Character and Placeholder X. Provide an
example for each 7th character and X placeholder. (2.5
3. What does Laterality mean? And why it is important in
coding. (2.5 Marks).
Student name:
Students Id Number:
Submission date:
HCI 213: Medical Coding & Billing
Instructor name:
Proper guidelines mentioned in the assignment must be followed.
▪ Conduct your own research to explore further online resources and avoid
using the course textbook as a reference.
▪ Avoid using online blogs as a reference.
▪ Do not use bullet points in representing your answer.
▪ Use APA referencing style.
▪ Avoid plagiarism to avoid losing marks.