For this project, you are to gather and read through evidence related tothe food system issue you identified for your final paper. Much of this will havealready been done for your annotated bibliography. Next, create a well-referencedPowerPoint (PPT) presentation and deliver it using VoiceThread in Canvas or anyother technology you choose (including YouTube, your own software, etc.). You areexpected to examine what the academic literature supports or does not support inrelation to the policy/health/sustainability/ethics issue you have been working on.In the presentation, you are to discuss the importance and substance of the researchquestion you chose. Next, provide some depth in terms of what literature offers asevidence in relation to that question, and the extent to which literature provides anyconsensus on the topic (or fails to). Finally, offer your insights in one of two ways,either: 1) whether more research is necessary, and if so, what kind and why, or 2)what the average consumer can do in light of the evidence you have described. It isyour choice which direction to go on this last criterion, depending on what might bemore applicable or interesting depending on your chosen topic. Critical Examination of Food Systems Issues – Food Systems Sustainability
Annotated Bibliography
Nguyen, H. (2018). Sustainable food systems: Concept and framework. Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Rome, Italy.
Sample Size
Duration of
What is the impact of food systems sustainability on human health and the
Comprehensive analysis of the available literature.
An in-depth exploration of the available literature on sustainable food systems
provides valuable insights on the rationale for the increasing trends in the
recognition of its inference for human health and the surrounding. In addition
to optimizing profitability, social and environmental stability, sustainable
food systems are reputed ending hunger, and promoting food security and
The findings presented by the article are relevant and applicable, as they have
been devised from a critical analysis of the present literature on the
differential impacts of sustainable food systems on people’s health and social,
environmental and economic benefits. The results shows the desirability of
sustainable food systems in the present-day context and the subsequent
recognition of its inference in promoting human health and economic
sustainability. The implications of these findings is increasing trends in the
development and adoption of sustainable food systems best practices. The
presented arguments are sound, as they align with the sustainable
development goals (SDGs), which underscore the importance of transforming
agriculture and the food systems to achieve food security and optimal
nutrition. Besides, there have been rapid developments characterizing
changing food systems over the past three decades especially in developing
countries, resulting in increasing and significant challenges particularly
affecting food security and nutrition, and identified limitations of current
approaches, all which underscore the essence of the review.
2- Reference
Hofman-Bergholm, M. (2022). A transition towards a food and agricultural
system that includes both food security and planetary health. Foods, 12(1),
Sample Size
Duration of
The author proposes the need for devising an interdisciplinary approach,
collaboration and knowledge exchange to bridge the gaps perpetuating the
insufficiencies of the current global food systems.
The author leverages a multidisciplinary approach to understand the impact of
agricultural practices on on food and health issues.
The method is anchored on a non-structured qualitative analysis that is
conducted exclusively through conventional literature review. Results from
the analysis shows the presence of a multifaceted and intricate relationship
between the challenges impacting the present-day society food systems and
people’s culture especially in regard to food practices. The food and
agricultural systems in place directly impacts food security and planetary
The author employs a multidisciplinary framework that is specifically
structured by combining distinct research disciplines to enhance the
understanding of the prevalent challenges of the present-day highly
unsustainable food system. The rationale is to leverage the garnered evidence
to inform the development of appropriate interventions. Based on the results
garnered, the current food production methods largely employed have
deleterious implications to the surrounding, as can be evidenced by significant
greenhouse gas emissions, which negatively affect biodiversity and climate
change. The results will serve as a call for action among stakeholders as they
underscore the unsustainability, and the negative effects of the present-day
food systems. This will serve as a best practice to reducing the negative
impacts of climate change, such as global warming while encouraging the
standardization of more environmentally-friendly techniques. The presented
argument is sound as it seeks to foster food security and planetary health, in
line with the SDGs and the 2030 sustainability agenda.
3- Reference
Fanzo, J., Bellows, A. L., Spiker, M. L., Thorne-Lyman, A. L., & Bloem, M.
W. (2021). The importance of food systems and the environment for nutrition.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 113(1), 7-16.
Sample Size
Duration of
The article seeks to evaluate how food systems affect diet, human health and
the environment.
The authors conducted a comprehensive evaluation of related literature.
As noted, the authors employed a comprehensive exploratory analysis of the
available literature on the impact of food systems on population diet, nutrition
and health outcomes. The results depicted food systems as complex and
multifaceted entities that directly affects population health, food
sustainability, and environmental, social and economic dimensions. As such,
food systems contributes to and are subject to climate and environmental
The available literature postulated climate and environmental change as key
determinants of the suitability of food systems and as elements that will
continue to affect human health n a large scale. The interconnectedness of
climate and environmental changes exacerbates the situation by threatening
the extinction (inadequacy) of key elements of human health such as clean
water and air and people’s ability for optimal production. In-depth analysis of
the literature shows a close correlation between the posited environmental
change and the continued redundancy of the standard food systems. The
immediate and long-term implications of this being decreased food security
and poor nutrition. Therefore, the research results should serve as a metric
that underscores the importance of optimizing the food systems, according to
the prevailing trends as a best practice for improving regional, and overall
global food security. The arguments presented by the authors are sound,
appropriate and effective for application across the present-day global
4- Reference
Medina Hidalgo, D., Nunn, P. D., & Beazley, H. (2021). Challenges and
opportunities for food systems in a changing climate: A systematic review of
climate policy integration. Environmental Science & Policy, 124, 485-495.
Sample Size
After reviewing 209 climate change integration articles, a sample size of 39
that focused on food systems was identified for analysis.
Duration of
The articles had been published between 2010 and 2020.
The authors explored the enablers and barriers of climate policy integration,
with emphasis being placed on challenges and opportunities specific to food
The study leveraged the PRISMA statement and the four-phase diagram in
reporting the systematic review results.
The process entailed a detailed exploration of the 209 selected articles, which
resulted in the identification of the 39 that focused on food systems. The
identified relevant articles were then summarized using the PRISMA fourphase diagram. The results showed the existence of institutional and
governance structures that pose barriers to the incorporation of appropriate
climate goals, and notable challenges and opportunities impacting food
systems and food security.
The authors used an effective method in identifying the appropriate articles
for inclusion in the research. The selection was guided by afore-outlined
selection criteria, with specific components including selecting only those
published in peer-reviewed journals and whose publication date was between
2010 and 2020. Besides, the criteria necessitated the articles to make an
explicit mention of aspects related to policy integration and address climate
change adaptation. The results underscore the essence of climate change
interventions, such as policy resolutions dealing with potential synergies and
trade-offs that could stem from strategy implementation. This followed the
realization that climate change is a cross-cutting issue that cannot be managed
in silo but must instead be considered in terms of how it affect other policy
outcomes. The authors also identified opportunities for climate policy
integration, including ensuring compatibility between climate adaptation and
mitigation objectives, and challenges, such as lack of well-devised and tested
tools for facilitating policy development process. The presented arguments
are sound, and can seamlessly be incorporated in practice.
5- Reference
Kanianska, R. (2016). Agriculture and its impact on land‐use, environment,
and ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology – The Influences of Land Use and
Anthropogenic Impacts of Landscape Creation.
Sample Size
Duration of
The author sought to explore the 21st century agricultural practices and their
impact on the surroundings and health.
The author employed the DPSIR model given its potential to capture the
cause-effect relationship between agriculture and the economic, social,
economic and human factors.
The selected model has been extensively applied in analyzing the interacting
processes encompassing human and environmental systems. It was
specifically employed in this case to aid in the identification of the core
indicators and the interactions between the distinct driving forces. The results
posited a growing population trend characterized by increased land use
patterns as the key drivers of the present-day unsustainable food systems.
The DPSIR method employed by the author has over time, proven reliable in
extracting causal-effect relationships between distinct variables. The results
pointed towards a rapidly increasing population growth rate globally, an
attribute that has been associated with having direct implications on land
cover and land-use patterns. Human population growth contributes to
competitive land use as a result of increasing food requirements. Thus, the
analysis method employed was effective in depicting the causal-effect
relationship between the distinct variables. The land-use change has been
cited as a key component of the evidenced global environmental change as it
directly impacts climate and biodiversity. Besides, the increasing demand for
food, coupled with the prevalent shortages, negatively impacts global
population’s food security, nutrition and wellness. The implications of this
research findings is an increasing predisposition of policymakers and other
pertinent stakeholders to continually devise strategies, policies and programs
that promote food system sustainability in the immediate and long-term. The
presented arguments are in line with the present-day trends evidencing
increasing global food shortages and the need for timely corrective action.
6- Reference
Wijerathna-Yapa, A., & Pathirana, R. (2022). Sustainable agro-food systems
for addressing climate change and food security. Agriculture, 12(10), 1554.
Sample Size
Duration of
The researchers sought to investigate the major elements that promote
sustainable agro-food systems towards improving food security.
Comprehensive analysis of the available literature.
The researchers conducted a detailed analysis of the present-day trends in
agriculture, which has emerged as a notable part of human civilization today.
The key focus is on evaluating the agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from plant and animal-based undertakings. Results from the
analysis showed plant-based foods as having a relatively safer environmental
impact compared to animal-based foods and practices, including animal
Evaluation of the prevailing literature on the impact of agricultural practices
on the environment and the impact of the ongoing trends evidencing climate
change provided a robust basis for this research analysis. Based on the results,
a relatively large number of people are currently affected by hunger, with
more being prospected to encountering the same in the future. The trend has
been informed by the continued climate change and the application of
inappropriate mitigation and agricultural practices. Most present-day
agricultural practices are ineffective and present deleterious implications to
the environment, thereby exacerbating the food crisis situation. The authors
acknowledged the importance of employing environmentally-friendly
interventions such as agro-foods systems, which unlike most animal-based
interventions promotes environmental health, which in the long term, would
positively impact population health while optimizing food security. The
research is highly relevant especially given the prevailing circumstances at
the global level that characterizes burgeoning population pressure and a
continued reduction in forest and other vegetation cover for human settlement
and agriculture. The cited research work is also relevant and applicable to the
7- Reference
Çakmakçı, R., Salık, M. A., & Çakmakçı, S. (2023). Assessment and
principles of environmentally sustainable food and agriculture systems.
Agriculture, 13(5), 1073.
Sample Size
Duration of
The review explored the principles of environmentally sustainable food and
agriculture systems.
Systematic literature review.
The authors extensively explored the principles of sustainable food and
agricultural systems in the wake of notable trends characterized by decreasing
food security and sustainability at the global scale. The authors cited the
increasing public awareness on the demerits of the present-day industrialized
food system especially on food security, safety and sustainability as the basis
for exploring the principles of environmentally sustainable food and
agricultural systems. The results underscored the importance of supporting
economically and ecologically sustainable food systems and alignment of
agricultural policies and regulations with the global trends.
The authors leveraged an elaborate analytical process that commenced with
underscoring the positive benefits of sustainable food systems in improving
production processes, meeting population needs and optimizing their health
and wellness. Given the prevailing global changes on population awareness
regarding the dangers of unsustainable food practices, there have been
constant efforts by a myriad of parties to optimize food systems sustainability,
which in turn, positively impacts population health and wellness, and the
overall food security. The results depicted the need for consolidated efforts in
restoring and protecting ecosystems, which could be achieved by employing a
rational management strategy at the national and international levels, and
redesigning food systems to ensure they have a neutral, or positive impact on
the environment. According to the authors, this would provide a good basis
for ensuring health nutrition and food security. The validity of the author’s
arguments can be evidenced by the prevailing trends in advocacy towards the
reorganization of most global and regional food systems given their identified
deleterious implications on the environment, population health and food
8- Reference
Yan, Z., Xiong, C., Liu, H., & Singh, B. K. (2022). Sustainable agricultural
practices contribute significantly to one health. Journal of Sustainable
Agriculture and Environment, 1(3), 165-176.
Sample Size
Duration of
The researchers sought to evaluate the impact of agricultural practices on
sustainable environment and human outcomes by analyzing the one health
Comprehensive research analysis.
The authors specifically employed a nexus of human, soil and plant
microbiomes to provide a detailed exploration into the concept of sustainable
agricultural production from the one health perspective. According to the
authors, improving agricultural practices should be correlated with efforts to
protect environmental health. The results showed a close correlation between
the two elements, especially with respect to food security and improving
human health and underscored the importance of utilizing microbiomes as an
enabling best practice.
The authors leverage a multifaceted approach to depict the impact of
agricultural practices on environmental sustainability and human health. They
employ the one health concept, which as outlined, emphasizes about the
existence of connections between human beings, animals and the
environment, which necessitate a transdisciplinary approach in mitigating the
prevailing issues. Besides, the analysis points towards food as the link
between the three identified components, which collectively makes an
ecosystem. Importantly, the research analysis enabled the authors to identify
the microbial loop between the different grounds and the factors that facilitate
the transmission of microbes and pathogens in an ecosystem. Besides, the
aspects of resistance and the effects of chemical pesticides were also
comprehensively explored. The results analysis showed the important role
sound and appropriate agricultural practices play in fostering a sustainable
environment and overall, promoting outcomes on human health. Such could
be achieved through harnessing plant and soil microbiomes as this could
subsequently minimize chemical effects on human health. The arguments
provided are sound and evidences the impact agricultural practices have on
sustainable environment and population health.
9- Reference
Muhie, S. H. (2022). Novel approaches and practices to sustainable
agriculture. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 10, 100446.
Sample Size
Duration of
What are the novel approaches that can be leveraged to facilitate food system
Exploration study.
The authors explores literature depicting the current trends in population
increase, the role of agriculture in ensuring food security and sustainability
and approaches that could be leveraged to promote food system sustainability.
The results posit the need for a diversified approach that focuses on the use of
novel agricultural practices such as organic farming and regenerative
approaches to mitigate the resultant challenges.
The selected method was effective in depicting the prevailing trends in
inconsistencies between an increasing global population and a subsequent
increase in food demand, which the existing systems cannot effectively
handle. This causes of this inability are multifaceted, as they embed the
deleterious impacts of climate change that result from the continued clearing
of forest and vegetation covers for agricultural practices, which has been
found to significantly endanger future generations. The results posited a
notable trend characterized by lack of, or poor implementation of the
recommended novel approaches to sustainable agricultural practices, which if
well standardized, have been proven to positively impact sustainability, food
security and population health. The arguments presented by the author are
sound, since adopting effective and sustainable agricultural practices would
align with the projected increases in food demand, attributed to the increasing
population pressure. Recent estimates according to the United Nations (UN)
reports projected that the global population is likely to increase to over 9.7
billion by 2050 and to over 10.5 billion by 2080. This underscores the
importance of annual food resources balancing the demand of the cumulative
10- Reference
Bajželj, B., Quested, T. E., Röös, E., & Swannell, R. P. (2020). The role of
reducing food waste for resilient food systems. Ecosystem Services, 45,
Sample Size
Duration of
What is the role and significance of embracing innovative ways in facilitating
the resilience of food systems?
Comprehensive literature analysis.
The authors investigate the potential impact novel approaches such as
reducing food wastage on food systems resilience. Garnered literature shows
that food waste significantly aggravates damage to the ecosystem, hence the
need for consolidated efforts aimed at addressing this pertinent challenge. The
research resulted in the identification of interventions that supported shortterm and long-term resilience towards improved sustainability.
A careful, and comprehensive analysis of the garnered literature on the
principles, policies and strategies for achieving food waste reduction and
increased resilience, and research studies evaluating the negative impacts of
continuous population increase, and contemporary agricultural practices on
global food sustainability forms the basis for this research. The results
indicated the importance of implementing and ensuring resilience
interventions, for instance, by embracing diversity of crops, livestock and
production systems, adaptability and flexibility. The proposed short-term
interventions focused largely on primary production to distribution and
packaging. Long-term interventions should mainly focused on behavioral and
technical interventions to food wastages. The authors also propose a myriad
of policy interventions, as in other research studies. However, the underlying
concept should ensure the alignment of systemic food policies at the national
and international levels as it serves as a best practice for reducing and
discouraging over-production while presenting notable opportunities to
farmers and producers. The appropriateness of the presented arguments in
optimizing food security and sustainability can be evidenced by existing
research on the suitable interventions for increasing food systems resilience.
Bajželj, B., Quested, T. E., Röös, E., & Swannell, R. P. (2020). The role of reducing food
waste for resilient food systems. Ecosystem Services, 45, 101140.
Çakmakçı, R., Salık, M. A., & Çakmakçı, S. (2023). Assessment and principles of
environmentally sustainable food and agriculture systems. Agriculture, 13(5), 1073.
Fanzo, J., Bellows, A. L., Spiker, M. L., Thorne-Lyman, A. L., & Bloem, M. W. (2021).
The importance of food systems and the environment for nutrition. The American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 113(1), 7-16.
Hofman-Bergholm, M. (2022). A transition towards a food and agricultural system that
includes both food security and planetary health. Foods, 12(1), 12.
Kanianska, R. (2016). Agriculture and its impact on land‐use, environment, and ecosystem
services. Landscape Ecology – The Influences of Land Use and Anthropogenic
Impacts of Landscape Creation.
Medina Hidalgo, D., Nunn, P. D., & Beazley, H. (2021). Challenges and opportunities for
food systems in a changing climate: A systematic review of climate policy
integration. Environmental Science & Policy, 124, 485-495.
Muhie, S. H. (2022). Novel approaches and practices to sustainable agriculture. Journal of
Agriculture and Food Research, 10, 100446.
Nguyen, H. (2018). Sustainable food systems: Concept and framework. Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Rome, Italy.
Wijerathna-Yapa, A., & Pathirana, R. (2022). Sustainable agro-food systems for addressing
climate change and food security. Agriculture, 12(10), 1554.
Yan, Z., Xiong, C., Liu, H., & Singh, B. K. (2022). Sustainable agricultural practices
contribute significantly to one health. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and
Environment, 1(3), 165-176.