Decision-Making Process Paper
In this assignment, you will be writing a 6–8-page paper identifying, comparing and contrasting
at least 3 different decision-making approaches of care from a multidisciplinary perspective
using a pertinent and significant topic in nursing (examples might include nursing shortage and
nurse turn-over, nurse staffing ratios, unit closures and restructuring, use of contract employees
(i.e., registry and travel nurses), continuous quality improvement and patient satisfaction, and
magnet designation or another current and relevant nursing issue) the topic MUST BE
APPROVED by your nursing instructor before writing the paper. . You are required to use
APA 7th edition format and the page count does not include title page or reference page. Reflect
on your own decision-making practices and the implications this will have regarding differing
approaches taken of nursing leaders and staff nurses/clinical practitioners in decision making
within to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following:
1. Select and describe an issue in nursing that impacts nurses at all levels from bedside
to advanced practice. Make sure to provide an adequate background and its
significance to all levels of nursing using a strong review of the literature.
Additionally, this should include a thorough literature review that provides a good
understanding of what the cause of this problem is; what is suggested to address this
problem. Essentially, this review must support your choices of the decision-making
models and this needs to include how all levels of nursing practice (the bedside nurse
to the APN are impacted by the problem).
2. Identify how you would expect a nurse leader/manager, a bedside/staff nurse and an
Advanced practice nurse (CNO or NP) to address your selected issue using at least 3
different decision-making approaches which are clearly supported by the literature
review. This must first include aa detailed analysis/overview of the selected decision
making models and how they are used in practice. Then a detailed analysis of how
these decision-making approaches/models would address the problem/along with a
detailed analysis of how each of the three selected models would be applied to
address the selected issue/problem making sure to incorporate this at all levels of
practice. One of the decision-making models may be more applicable to the bedside
nurse; whereas the other more applicable to the APN; however, all levels of nursing
practice need to be addressed with at least one of the chosen 3 decision-making
models. However, this does not mean that each decision-making model will apply to
all levels of practice only that in this discussion needs to include how each level of
nursing practice would utilize the decision-making model to address the problem.
For instance, one decision making model may apply to the bedside nurse; the second
decision making model may be more applicable at the level of APN (CNO, NP, etc)
and the other decision-making model may be best applied to the nurse manager. This
section should be detailed; meaning specific, well thought out, realistic solutions of
how the nurse (at the level identified; this may include more than one level for the
same decision-making model or not) would address the problem using the decisionmaking model is provided and well supported by the literature. of the benefits and
limitations of various decision-making approaches that are applied appropriately to
the level of nursing practice to address the selected issue/problem. This is informed
from course readings, literature, clinical scenarios and other evidence-based and
scholarly sources.
3. Prioritize the best decision-making approach/model to address the selected problem
that is grounded in best practice. This should provide a well-supported rationale for
this choice that includes a good comparison and contrasting of the 3 chosen decisionmaking models that clearly illustrates why the choice was made, that is consistent with
the decision making model and how it would address the chosen topic or problem.
4. Identify a possible funding source that would addresses your approach to solving the
problem. For instance, if the best approach to solving the nurse-to-patient ratio problem
is through the use of SDM and shared governance, perhaps you may seek a local funding
source to provide you with funding to implement a small EBP or research project that
would be funded by a local nursing organization such as Sigma Theta Tau or perhaps if it
was geared more towards assessing the value of this model towards NP in practice than
seeking a local organization that supports funding for projects being implemented by
practicing NP? If seeking money for research this would need to be overseen by a nurse
with a DNP or a PhD or someone with the credentials to do so that are part of their scope
of practice. Consider looking at federal, state, or local organizations. For example: There
are many grants available through the CDC, HRSA, etc. Again, this need to be
specifically applied with sufficient details
5. Use at least 10 references other than your main text. Uses APA 7th edition formatting. At
least 5 of these need to be within the past five years.
Introduce the overall
concepts that will be
described in the paper (10
7-10 pts
Clear and concise introduction
of the concepts to be presented
in the paper
4-6 pts
Mostly clear but somewhat
generic introduction of the
concepts to presented in the
0-3 pts
Vague, unclear or no
introduction of concepts to be
presented in the paper
Identification and description
of an issue in nursing that
impacts all levels of nursing
practice from bedside, nurse
management to advanced
practice with a good
background and significance
(21 pts)
15-21 pts
Identifies, describes and
demonstrates a sophisticated
understanding of the nursing
issue/problem as it relates to all
levels of nursing practice with a
specific and strong background
and significance to nursing
8-14 pts
Identifies, describes and
demonstrates an acceptable
understanding of the nursing
issue/problem as it relates to all
levels of nursing practice
illustrating some but not explicit
background and significance of
the topic to nursing
0-7 pts
Identifies, describes and
demonstrates an incomplete
and vague understanding of
the nursing issue/problem as it
relates to all levels of nursing
practice with a vague and
unclear background and
Literature Review
Provides a thorough analysis
of the literature about the
identified problem that
incorporates the main causes
of the problem, the
implications, the impact, and
current suggested ways the
identified problem is being
addressed in practice and/or
theory. (21 pts)
15-21 pts
Clear and thorough analysis
and review of the existing
literature on the identified
problem as it relates to nursing.
The literature review
comprehensively examines the
causes, implications, impact,
and current ways the identified
problem is being addressed in
practice and/or theory.
8-14 pts
Mostly clear but somewhat
vague review of existing
literature of the identified
problem as it relates to nursing.
The literature review mostly but
not comprehensively examines
the causes, implications, impact,
and current ways the identified
problem is being addressed in
practice and/or theory.
Detailed description of 3
decision making
approaches/models and how
they are used in practice that
is well supported by the
literature. This section
describes how the various
levels of nursing practice will
apply the three selected
decision-making models to
address the identified
problem which is clearly
linked to the literature
review. (30 pts)
21-30 pts
Clear, detailed, and
comprehensive description of
the three chosen decisionmaking approaches/models and
how they are used in practice
that is well supported by the
provided literature. This
presents a clear, comprehensive
discussion of how the various
levels of nursing practice will
apply the decision-making
approaches in practice to
address the selected problem
that demonstrates a clear link to
the literature review.
11-20 pts
Mostly clear but somewhat
vague description of three
approaches/models and how
they are used in practice that is
mostly but not well supported
by the provided literature. This
section also presents a
somewhat unclear discussion of
how the various levels of
nursing practice will apply the
three decision making models to
address the selected problem.
There is some link to the
literature review.
Prioritize the best decisionmaking approach to the
selected problem. Make sure
to provide a clear and wellsupported rationale for the
choice of the selected model.
This section should compare
and contrast the three
decision making models as
they would be used to
address the identified
problem with a detailed
discussion of the limitations
and benefits of each model to
address the problem from all
levels of nursing practice. (30
21- 30 pts
Prioritizes one of the three
selected decision-making
approaches/models to address
the identified problem. This
includes a detailed and clear
comparison and contrast of the
three models with a
comprehensive discussion of
the limitations and benefits of
each model in addressing the
identified problem with a clear
and insightful rationale for the
choice of the prioritized model
11-20 pts
Prioritizes one of the three
selected decision-making
approaches/models to address
the identified problem. This
includes a somewhat detailed
and clear comparison and
contrast of the three models
with a somewhat unclear
discussion of the limitations and
benefits of each model in
addressing the identified
problem with a largely
insightful but somewhat vague
rationale for the choice of the
prioritized model provided.
Identify a possible funding
source that addresses your
topic (so this does not
necessarily need to be tied to
your decision-making
approach though it could be,
but it does certainly need to
be tied to how you plan to
address the problem. This can
13-18- pts
Integrated and full descriptions
of an appropriate funding
source that addresses your
chosen topic. The description
includes real-world examples of
fundings sources that include
either a state, local or federal
7-12 pts
Somewhat integrated but not
full description of an
appropriate funding source that
addresses your chosen topic.
The description includes mostly
real-world examples of potential
fundings sources at either the
state, local or national level.
0-7 pts
Unclear, vague or failure to
review existing literature of
the identified problem as it
relates to nursing. The
literature review is unclear,
incompletely or fails to
examine the causes,
implications, impact, and
current ways the identified
problem is being addressed in
practice and/or theory.
0-10 pts
Vague, unclear or failure to
provide a description of three
decision making
approaches/models and how
they are used in practice that
is minimally or not well
supported by the provided
literature. This section also
presents an unclear and or
failure to discuss how the
various levels of nursing
practice will apply the three
decision making models to
address the selected problem.
There is failure or unclear link
to the literature review.
0-10 pts
Fails to prioritize or limitedly
selects one of the three
approaches/models to address
the identified problem. This
fails to include or only
limitedly includes a
comparison and contrast of
the three models with little or
no discussion of the
limitations and/or benefits of
each model to address the
identified problem with a
vague and unclear rationale
for the choice of the
prioritized model provided.
0-6 pts
Limited to no description of
an appropriate funding source
that addresses the chosen
topic. The description fails to
include or limitedly includes a
real-world example of a
potential funding source at the
local, state, or federal level.
be at a local, state, or national
level. (18 pts)
Conclusion/Summary (10
7-10 pts
Summarizes the key points
made throughout the paper in a
succinct but comprehensive
4-6 pts
Somewhat summarizes the key
points made throughout the
paper in a mostly clear but not
entirely comprehensive manner
Writing Mechanics:
Language and direction of
the paper follows the
assignment outline and is
clear and easy to follow. (18
13-18- pts
Demonstrates clarity,
conciseness and correctness.
writing is free of grammar and
spelling errors. The assignment
outline was followed and
guides the paper content
7-12 pts
Somewhat concise and clear
grammar and spelling used.
Guidelines was mostly used to
guide the paper content. Some
spelling and grammar issues
(less than 3-4 errors within
APA formatting (paper is
formatted per APA 7th edition
guidelines including font,
level of headings, appropriate
number of references, in-text
and reference list citations)
(18 pts)
13-18- pts
APA formatting is followed
throughout the paper with
correct citations and includes at
least 10 scholarly references
that are correctly APA 7th ed.
citations. At least five of these
were published in the past five
years. References clearly and
thoroughly support the cited
text within the paper.
7-12 pts
APA formatting is mostly
followed throughout the paper
with mostly correct citations
with at least 8 to 9 scholarly but
not required 10 with less than 4
of the references within the past
5 years and/or 2-3 incorrect
APA 7th ed. referencing or
formatting. References clearly
support the cited text within the
Total: 176 pts
0-3 pts
Vague and unclear summary
of the key points made
throughout the paper that is
not succinct or
0-6 pts
Many deficiencies in
grammar, spelling, or failure
to follow the assignment
guidelines. Writing has
frequent spelling and
grammar errors
0-6 pts
Multiple errors in APA
formatting throughout the
paper identified. Fewer than 8
scholarly references provided
with less than 3 of the
references in the past 5 years
and/or > 3 to 4 errors in APA
7th ed referencing and
formatting. References fail to
support the cited text within
the paper.