For this section of your research proposal assignment, you will focus on the sampling, reliability, and validity of your research proposal. This section will include information on sampling, reliability, and validity.
The following components should be addressed in your paper this week:
Information on your sample
APA formatting, references, and citations are required.\
Effective Strategies to Maintain Emotional Health for Nurses
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Instructor’s Name and Title
Due Date
Effective Strategies to Maintain Emotional Health for Nurses
The emotional well-being of nurses plays a crucial role in their being able to balance the
responsibilities of their career with providing patients with high-quality care. Over the years,
nurses’ emotional difficulties have become a major research topic as professional and long-term
solutions are needed to support their emotional well-being. This literature review aims to
investigate the practical methods to support nurses’ emotional well-being by critically examining
relevant scholarly sources to identify key strategies to enhance nurses’ emotional well-being.
Literature Review
The relationship between nursing and emotional health is explored by Pinho et al. (2021),
by defining and analyzing emotional health in the context of nursing and figuring out what
influence’s nurses’ emotional health. The article emphasizes the importance of emotional health
for nurses’ professional practice and patient outcomes by providing a conceptual framework and
highlighting the significance of emotional health in nursing (Pinho, et al., 2021). Brunero et al.
(2006) explore the impact of stress on nurses’ emotional health and provide strategies for
managing and reducing stress in the workplace. The importance of recognizing stress signs is
discussed while offering practical recommendations, such as relaxation exercises, time
management techniques, and seeking social support (Brunero, 2006). The valuable insights in the
literature review emphasizes the importance of stress management strategies in fostering
emotional well-being among nurses.
Lartey el at. (2020) investigates the factors influencing emotional health among nurses
and proposes strategies for improvement. The research method examines the impact of
organizational factors, work-life balance, social support, and self-care on emotional well-being
and suggests that nurses create supportive workplaces and practice emotional resilience. This
source contributes to the literature review by comprehensively analyzing influencing factors and
strategies to enhance emotional health (Lartey, Osafo, Andoh-Arthur, & Oppong Asante, 2020).
These factors are supported in the article “Three-Questions-Method for Coping with the
Emotional Burden of Nurses and Nursing Students during COVID-19″ that reveals the emotional
challenges nurses and nursing students face during the pandemic. As a way of dealing with
emotional challenges, the research proposes the three-questions-method, consisting of three
questions aimed at initiating conversations about emotional well-being (Bot & Vos, 2022). In the
study’s findings, fear, impotence, dissatisfaction, and pressure to finish internships effectively
plagued nurses and nursing students. The study suggests that healthcare organizations and
educational institutions should ensure that nurses receive adequate emotional support, and
incorporate the three-question method into both practice and instruction (Bot & Vos, 2022).
However, the study revealed that despite the method helping nurses cope with their emotional
burdens and maintain their well-being during crises, it was limited to small sample size and the
needed more cross-cultural studies.
The article ” The effectiveness of coping strategies for enhancing nurses’ emotional health
and wellbeing” examines effective strategies to support nurses’ emotional health, including stress
reduction techniques, self-care practices, and fostering positive work environments. The author
highlights the importance of organizational support while also providing insights into treatments
that might improve emotional well-being (Adhikary, Bhattacharya, Choudhury, Sharma, &
Panda, 2022). The analysis and methodology sections highlighting the importance of multiple
strategies and organizational involvement in maintaining emotional health for nurses.
Additionally, Shelton (2015) discusses strategies for enhancing emotional health among nurses,
emphasis on the significance of being present at the time and building awareness (Shelton,
2015). It highlights the benefits of mindfulness-based practices, such as meditation and deep
breathing exercises, in promoting emotional well-being.
The article highlights the emotional burden nurses face, ways of dealing with emotional
challenges in nursing, and the potential benefits of the three-questions-method as a coping
strategy. The findings emphasize the value of peer support, emotional support, and safe working
conditions in boosting nurses’ well-being. The three-questions-method would help healthcare
organizations support nurses and nursing students in managing their emotional burden and
maintaining their overall health and resilience. Further research can explore efficient methods for
promoting nurses’ emotional wellbeing can be gained by further research on the method’s longterm impacts, cross-cultural variances in coping strategies, and the impact on patient outcomes.
Adhikary, T., Bhattacharya, L., Choudhury, P. R., Sharma, R., & Panda, S. (2022). The
effectiveness of coping strategies for enhancing nurses’ emotional health and wellbeing.
Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 14-23.
Bot, C. M., & Vos, A. J. (2022). Three-Questions-Method for Coping with the Emotional Burden
of Nurses and Nursing Students during COVID-19. International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health, 1-9.
Brunero, S. (2006). Stress Management for Nurses. New South Wales Nurses’ Association.
Lartey, J. K., Osafo, J., Andoh-Arthur, J., & Oppong Asante, K. (2020). Emotional experiences
and coping strategies of nursing and midwifery practitioners in Ghana: a qualitative
study. BMC Nursing, 1-12.
Pinho, L., Correia, T., Sampaio, F., Sequeira, C., Teixeira, L., Lopes, M., & Fonseca, C. (2021).
The use of mental health promotion strategies by nurses to reduce anxiety, stress, and
depression during the COVID-19 outbreak: A prospective cohort study. Environ Res, doi:
Shelton, D. (2015). Overview and Summary: Emotional Health: Strategies for Nurses. OJIN,
DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol20No01ManOS.
Effective Strategies to Maintain Emotional Health for Nurses
Student’s First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name and Title
Due Date
Effective Strategies to Maintain Emotional Health for Nurses
Problem Statement
The high rate of nurses leaving bedside nursing due to mental health issues poses a
significant challenge that needs to be addressed urgently. Psychological disorders like
exhaustion, empathy exhaustion, and cognitive weariness do not solely impact nurses’ overall
health. Additionally, they have negative outcomes for patient health and healthcare providers.
The challenging aspect in the field of nursing, together with insufficient assistance
mechanisms and restricted availability of mental health services, has caused a severe
predicament that not only disturbs the accessibility of proficient nursing practitioners
(Motaung, 2018). Additionally, it undermines the standard and security of healthcare
provision. Decreasing the number of nurses leaving their occupations due to mental health
concerns is imperative. This can be achieved by applying efficient tactics to encourage
nurses’ emotional wellness, which can increase nurse turnover.
Research Questions
1. What are the most common factors contributing to mental health issues among
2. What strategies and interventions can be implemented to promote and maintain
emotional well-being among nurses?
3. How can healthcare facilities provide adequate mental health support and resources
for nurses?
4. What are the barriers and challenges in implementing effective strategies to maintain
emotional health for nurses?
Explanation of Significance to Nursing
The topic selected for research is highly significant within the nursing field. Nurses
have a vital role in delivering excellent patient care. However, they frequently encounter
elevated stress levels, emotional strain, and burnout. Nurses’ mental wellness and satisfaction
directly influence their capacity to provide exceptional care and maintain job satisfaction
(Capone et al., 2022). This research aims to identify successful methods for preserving the
emotional well-being of nurses, which could potentially decrease attrition rates, increase
employee retention, and enhance overall job satisfaction. Ultimately, this research aims to
ensure the well-being of nurses and create a supportive environment for them, enabling them
to provide the best care to patients. The findings also highlight the need for comprehensive
mental health resources in healthcare facilities, highlighting shortcomings.
Capone, V., Borrelli, R., Marino, L., & Schettino, G. (2022). Mental well-being and job
satisfaction of hospital physicians during COVID-19: Relationships with efficacy
beliefs, organizational support, and organizational non-technical skills. International
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3734.
Motaung, R. P. (2018). Exploring nursing presence as an approach to prevent relapse of
discharged mental health care users (Doctoral dissertation, North-West University).