Continuing with the problem stated in your Week 2 assignment, gather scholarly evidence describing 3 differing solutions to or interventions for the problem. For example, if the chosen problem is opiate abuse among pregnant women, differing solutions might be 1) funding for detoxification programs, 2) criminal prosecution for placing the fetus at harm, 3) voluntary sterilization programs to prevent future fetal harm. Write an essay describing the differing solutions. Discuss why nurses may or may not support the differing solutions.
Texas Health Concerns
Vinsetta Buford
American Military University
NURS505: Healthcare Systems and Health Policy
Dr. Michelle Lenox
08 July 2023
Texas Health Concerns
Texas faces various health challenges requiring immediate attention and intervention
measures. The three critical health issues Texas faces that greatly concern me include healthcare
access disparities, mental health challenges, and chronic disease burden.
Healthcare access disparities are a significant concern in Texas, especially in low-income
and rural communities. People in these areas face barriers to accessing primary, preventive, and
specialty care (Turner et al., 2020). Studies show that issue is exacerbated by the widespread
racial and ethnic disparities in Texas, with Latino and Black populations being less likely to
receive preventive care and early/timely treatment (Carballo, 2021). The disparities are
associated with historic systemic barriers such as the increased likelihood of having inadequate
health insurance, lower income, and living in neighbourhoods with limited healthcare providers
among Hispanic and Black populations. These factors keep populations from accessing care.
To address the issue, providers need to collaborate with Texas nursing associations and
other professional practice groups to advocate for increased funding and provision of healthcare
facility resources in facilities in underserved areas. Also, healthcare providers could adopt
telehealth initiatives to bridge the access gaps by providing virtual/remote consultations and
monitoring. Also, healthcare providers could advocate for incentivizing healthcare professionals
working in rural areas to help address the provider shortage gap. Also, expanding healthcare
services in historically underserved regions can help mitigate healthcare access disparities.
Reducing the disparities in Texas is vital since it will improve the lives of millions of Texans
through early diagnoses, adequate disease management, and reduced healthcare costs (Turner et
al., 2020). Prioritizing the interventions can ensure healthcare administrators and providers work
toward a more equitable and accessible healthcare system.
The other issue of concern in Texas is the ongoing mental health crisis that affects people
of all ages. This has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many adults reporting
anxiety and depression symptoms indicating the pandemic’s impact on mental health. For
instance, data shows that about 37% of Texan adults reported anxiety and depressive disorder
symptoms compared to 32.3% of U.S. adults (KFF, 2023). This problem is associated with
increased mental health professionals’ shortage and limited access to mental health services
resulting in an increased number of untreated conditions, substance abuse, and homelessness. For
instance, over 80% of counties in Texas have been designated as mental health professional
shortage areas, with many skilled and experienced mental health providers approaching
retirement and the state’s higher education institutions being unable to meet demand (Simpson,
2023). Addressing the crisis is a priority to promote the overall well-being of the Texas
population. In this case, healthcare providers could play a role by integrating mental health
services into primary care settings through collaboration with mental health professionals to
ensure early identification and intervention in mental health issues. In addition, providers
healthcare administrators could advocate for the allocation of more resources to expand health
services by healthcare administrators. This includes establishing outpatient clinics, crisis
intervention programs, and education programs to create awareness on mental health, reduce
stigma, and promote early intervention. This can have a positive impact on mental health
outcomes in Texas.
Lastly, chronic diseases impose a significant burden on the Texas population with
conditions including cardiovascular diseases, lower respiratory diseases, cancer, obesity, and
cerebrovascular diseases leading as causes of death (Hellerstedt, 2018; Zumrun, 2016). Chronic
diseases in Texas result in reduced quality of life and increased healthcare costs (Zumbrun,
2016). This makes effective prevention and management strategies crucial to address the issue.
Healthcare providers can contribute to addressing the problem by implementing evidence-based
care guidelines, regularly screening patients, and educating patients on the need for lifestyle
modification (regular physical activity, healthy eating, and avoiding smoking) to help prevent
and manage existing chronic conditions (United Health Foundation, 2023). In addition,
healthcare administrators can allocate resources to support community health programs that
support healthy lifestyles. In addition, healthcare providers can encourage and empower
individuals to take an active role in their care to help tackle the chronic disease burden in Texas.
In conclusion, addressing the pressing healthcare issues in Texas requires the collective
effort of healthcare providers and administrators. By prioritizing healthcare access, mental health
service provision, and management of chronic diseases, the state can make significant progress
in improving health outcomes.
Carballo, R. (2021). Houston Chronicle: Texas ranks among worst in the nation for racial health
disparities. Lloyd Doggett.,to%2015%20percent%20for
Disparities In Texas 2020: An Update in the Time of COVID-19. Altarum.
Hellerstedt J. (2018). The State of Health in Texas. Texas Medicine, 114(2), 22–27.
KFF. (2023). Mental Health in Texas.
Simpson, S. (2023). Texas’ shortage of mental health care professionals is getting worse. The
Texas Tribune.
Turner, A., LaVeist, T. A., Richard, P., & Gaskin, D. J. (2020). Economic Impacts Of Health
United Health Foundation. (2023).America’s Health Rankings analysis of CDC: Behavioral Risk
Factor Surveillance System. AmericasHealthRankings.
Zumbrun, J. (2016). Chronic Disease Prevention in Texas: Presentation to the House Committee
on Public Health. Texas Department of State Health Services.