Just to clarify:Communicable diseases are those caused by an infectious agent. For example, the
SARS-CoV-2 virus causes Covid disease. This disease can be passed from person to
Noncommunicable diseases/disorders are those conditions in which the underlying
cause is not an infectious agent. For example, breast cancer is a leading cause of death
in the US, but it is not caused by an infectious agent. Accidents and Intentional selfharm are considered to be disorders (although it is possible that a psychiatric illness
might induce self-harming behavior). These diseases/disorders are not communicable
from person to person as infectious diseases are.
For example, you could choose breast cancer (noncommunicable disease) and
influenza (H1N1) (communicable disease).
Due Week 5
Week 5 – Part I: Understanding Health and Disease Research Project: Etiology
and Resource Analysis (80 points)
Addresses course outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4
Note: You must submit your disease research topic selections in the appropriate Week
3 discussion thread before submitting your resource analysis.
For Part I of the research project, you are required to submit an analysis of credible
references for your two chosen diseases from Week 3. Please review the UMGC
resource: “Is My Source
Credible?” https://sites.umgc.edu/library/libhow/credibility.cfm. The resource analysis
should be written in your own words with less than 20% quoted material. The following
should be included in the Research Resource Analysis submission:
Title Page (5)
1. Paper title (1)
2. First and last name (1)
3. Professor’s name (1)
4. Course name (1)
5. Due date (1)
Paper format (6)
1. 12-point, Times New Roman font (1)
2. Double-spaced text (1)
3. Single-spaced table (1) – – see below
4. One-inch margins (1)
5. 3-4 pages (not including end references) (2)
Introduction (10)
1. Rationale for paper (4)
2. Brief introduction to communicable and noncommunicable diseases, mentioning
two disease choices (6)
Resource Evaluation (18/9 for each disease) Using 3 references for each
disease choice, fill in the table by listing the following information:
1. Etiology – what qualifies the disease as communicable or noncommunicable
2. Risk factors – behavior or conditions that make people more susceptible to the
3. Prevalence – most recent data for how many US citizens present with the
Complete one table for your communicable disease and one table for your
noncommunicable disease:
NAME here
Risk Factors
Resources (20) – Cite in-text and end references in APA
format https://libguides.umgc.edu/apa-examples . Please ensure that each cited
full article or book chapter is accessible or upload the articles or chapters with
your submission.
1. 3 credible references for communicable disease (6)
2. 3 credible references for noncommunicable disease (6)
3. In-text-references (4)
4. End references (4)
Summary (6) – Using information gathered from your sources, explain why your
disease choices are among the top public health threats
Grammar (5) – proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar
usage will be considered
Submission (10) – Submit to appropriate assignment folder as a Word
document. (NO PDF files)
a) Save file with your first and last name and your two disease selections (2)
b) Turnitin similarity score (8)
Avoid plagiarism – It is very important to write with your own words. If you do
copy one or two sentences directly (use sparingly), use quotation marks (“)
around the copied text. Your assignment should consist of less than 20% direct
quotes. All information sources need to be included in the reference list at the
end as well as in-text references. Plagiarism will be reported to the proper UMGC