Assignment Overview: This assignment reflects important key learning and concepts to apply your understanding of all material content in week 10. There are enriched readings in week 10 as it relates to data management, security, and information management. You also learned about three (3) key security concepts at the heart of the computer security, namely: confidentiality, integrity and accessibility. Also included was lesson on understanding computer security challenges and the levels of impacts and the diverse different attacks. This assignment requires critical thinking, analysis and writing and is meant to reflect your breadth and knowledge of the key issues.
Instructions: You are NOT to use the Internet for this assessment. Instead, you are to read and reflect on the learning in all of the reading materials within week 10. This includes my PPT lecture, lesson plan, and readings. Using the structure format that is outlined under “additional lab resources for written labs,” which includes sub-headings (followed by ONE conclusion at the end), please review and answer comprehensively in complete sentences, the following key questions in a 1000-word document and upload to dropbox by the deadline (See rubric for this written assignment):
Identify and describe e-health Ontario. Highlight and explain three (3) security challenges as it relates to privacy and information. Using examples of each challenge, describe, how these same three challenges impact the e-health Ontario mandate? Be very specific and clear.
Integrity Assurance:
Describe and explain three (3) different integrity assurance issues.
Detail what are some of the preventative measures.
What would you do if your computer was intruded by an attacker?
What are the steps you would take to mitigate and if it occurred, what would be the steps to gain back access to your information?
Lessons Learned:
What are three (3) lessons learned regarding unauthorized disclosure attacks?
What are three lessons learned to address privacy and security in the future?
Why was this information relevant in your future roles as a health information manager? Explain.
Deadline: All Assignments must meet the due date in drop box and not accepted via email. Given this is a Post
Graduate Program, no late assignments are accepted. All dates are noted in the weekly, your calendar and
submission box. Therefore the instructor will not accept any assignment outside of the drop box deadline date and
time. Therefore, please do not email your professor as your assignment will not be accepted. Students are expected
to project manage their time and take responsibility. This includes issues with not being familiar with FOL,
computer dysfunction, uploading issues and/or inability to project manage time effectively. The only exception is for
circumstances that are outlined on the Course Information Sheet (i.e. death of an immediate family member where
you must travel to attend the funeral or illness that includes a medical note). As noted on your detailed course
syllabus, your individual assignment(s) are based on your own personal experience and insightful knowledge, and
not to be shared with other students. This is also noted on each of the individual assignments. Therefore, any time
you hand in an assignment with your name on it, it is presumed to have been created entirely by you unless you
indicate otherwise. In other words, you are to provide a citation indicating the information is from another source. In
addition, any content you did not create yourself (i.e., ideas, information, data graphics, etc.) must be cited using
APA, 7th ed. Resources re: APA 7th ed. are posted under the tab “APA resources” in FOL.
General Instructions (Developed by Silvie MacLean, Professor):
Purpose: The purpose of this written lab is to assess your ability to critically examine and understand key
information that was outlined in week 10 reading materials and determine whether you have understood
the information in the Professor’s PPT lecture, lesson plan and FOL readings regarding data management,
security and information management. Key questions outlined on page two of these instructions are used
to examine your critical thinking and writing skills. A rubric is used to assess your critical understanding
and writing of your written lab reflection. See rubric under additional lab resources.
Length: This assignment must be completed in WORD and involves answering key questions in less
than 1000 words single space (excludes cover and reference page). A guide for this format structure of
the written lab is provided on FOL under additional lab resources. Text: 12 font, Style: Times New
Roman or Arial. All written assignments must conform to APA 7 referencing and writing style
guidelines. A main rubric is posted and used to assess/grade your lab. You will have a minimum of two
weeks to complete this written lab reflection.
The following are the minimum standards for all written assignments:
▪ Integrity: Ensure your assignment contains no plagiarized segments. If it does, it will be considered an
academic offence. Note: Quotations and paraphrasing of any source without proper in-text citations and
attached reference list is considered plagiarism.
▪ Purpose: Ensure that your assignment answers the key questions with relevancy and achieves the primary
purpose – at least in a minimal way. A rubric is provided as an assessment to your learning and to improve
your inquiry, analysis and writing skills. Please also write in complete sentences. Therefore, no bullet
points (included numerical points) are accepted.
▪ Readability: Ensure that your assignment is edited to account for the majority of grammar, punctuation,
and spelling errors. If it contains too many errors that create confusion of meaning and severely limits
communication, then it will not meet the minimum standards.
▪ References: You must reference ALL sources from which you obtained information from on a separate
document, and provide a citation for any information using APA format (description of cheating is posted
on FOL-week 1 slide deck). If you have not cited work or provided a reference list, this is considered
PLAGIARISM and you may receive a grade of 0. (Note: plagiarism is an academic offence – please check
Fanshawe’s A136 policy on what is considered plagiarism).
Assignment Overview: This assignment reflects important key learning and concepts to apply your understanding
of all material content in week 10. There are enriched readings in week 10 as it relates to data management, security,
and information management. You also learned about three (3) key security concepts at the heart of the computer
security, namely: confidentiality, integrity and accessibility. Also included was lesson on understanding computer
security challenges and the levels of impacts and the diverse different attacks. This assignment requires critical
thinking, analysis and writing and is meant to reflect your breadth and knowledge of the key issues.
Instructions: You are NOT to use the Internet for this assessment. Instead, you are to read and reflect on the
learning in all of the reading materials within week 10. This includes my PPT lecture, lesson plan, and
readings. Using the structure format that is outlined under “additional lab resources for written labs,” which
includes sub-headings (followed by ONE conclusion at the end), please review and answer comprehensively in
complete sentences, the following key questions in a 1000-word document and upload to dropbox by the
deadline (See rubric for this written assignment):
Challenges: Identify and describe e-health Ontario. Highlight and explain three (3) security challenges as it relates
to privacy and information. Using examples of each challenge, describe, how these same three challenges impact the
e-health Ontario mandate? Be very specific and clear.
Integrity Assurance: Describe and explain three (3) different integrity assurance issues. Detail what are some of
the preventative measures. What would you do if your computer was intruded by an attacker? What are the steps
you would take to mitigate and if it occurred, what would be the steps to gain back access to your information?
Lessons Learned: What are three (3) lessons learned regarding unauthorized disclosure attacks? What are three
lessons learned to address privacy and security in the future? Why was this information relevant in your future roles
as a health information manager? Explain.
Remember for this assignment, please only use Canadian context. Therefore, please only use Canadian context and
the materials associated with the teaching and learning in the themed week. US context is not relevant or consistent
with Canadian healthcare system. Please also refrain from using erroneous information from the Internet as it
provides no relevancy and does not prove you are doing the work you are being assessed on. Moreover, US context
is not relevant nor consistent with Canadian healthcare system. It is important that you write in complete sentences
and provide an in text citation showing exactly where your information is coming from. Use the APA 7 th edition,
two step rule (i.e., providing an in-text citation and also reference). Please do not copy information as this is
plagiarism and not acceptable. Instead paraphrase in your own words and provide an in text citation noting the
authors last name and year. For example. if you were using the main report you would provide an in text citation as
(Canadian Patient Safety Institute, 2014). Followed with a full reference at the end as noted in the APA guidelines.
Lab Submission:
Please cite all your work and ensure that you write in complete sentences (no bullet points or numerical points).
Please ensure to read the 2-page instructions of this lab as well as the accompanying rubric used for assessing this
assignment. The “main rubric” is located under the contents of FOL. Your assessment is based on the rubric. Hence,
it is very important for you to understand the rubric. Your turn-it-score cannot exceed 15%.
Please also note the dropbox deadline. Assignments not meeting the dropbox
deadline will not be accepted. There are no exceptions unless of a circumstance which is outlined on your CIS.
Computer issues or uploading problems do not constitute an exception. This is clear on your CIS as well as outlined
on the assignment (first page) as well as your verbal instructions by your Professor.
Your insights and critical thinking is what is most important for this written lab reflection.
All the best! Professor Silvie MacLean
Health Systems Environment
INFO – 6058
Week 10: Information Technology in Health Care
(Part II: Data Management, Security, Computer Security & Principles)
By Dr. Silvie MacLean
Information Technology
Health System Management
School of Information Technology
Heavy and lots of terminology that is important.
Today’s Objectives:
• Define computer security and outline 3 key security concepts at the heart
of computer security, namely:
• Confidentiality (data confidentiality, privacy)
• Integrity (data integrity, system integrity)
• Availability and assurance of system working promptly and services
are not denied to authorized users
• Identify computer security challenges and levels of impact (how info is
accessed and shared electronically)
• Highlight assets of the computer and prevention of passive/active attacks
• Review fundamental security design principles
• Identify key security measures and security policy strategies
• Reflect via case/video information shared
The NIST Computer Security Handbook
defines the term Computer Security as:
The protection afforded to an automated information system in
order to attain the applicable objectives of preserving the
integrity, availability and confidentiality of information system
resources” (includes hardware, software, firmware,
information/data, and telecommunications).
Key objectives that are at the heart of
computer security – CIA Triad:
Accessibility of
Data and
-Data confidentiality
Key Security Concepts:
• Preserving
restrictions on
information access
and disclosure,
including means
for protecting
personal privacy
and proprietary
• Guarding against
modification or
including ensuring
nonrepudiation and
• Ensuring timely
and reliable
access to and use
of information
Levels of Impact:
The loss could
be expected to
have a limited
adverse effect on
assets, or
The loss could
be expected to
have a serious
adverse effect on
assets, or
The loss could
be expected to
have a severe or
adverse effect on
assets, or
• Computer security is not as
simple as it might first appear to
the novice
• Potential attacks on the security
features must be considered
• Procedures used to provide
particular services are often
• Physical and logical placement
needs to be determined
• Additional algorithms or
protocols may be involved
• Attackers only need to find a
single weakness, the developer
needs to find all weaknesses
• Users and system managers
tend to not see the benefits of
security until a failure occurs
• Security requires regular and
constant monitoring
• Is often an afterthought to be
incorporated into a system after
the design is complete
• Thought of as an impediment to
efficient and user-friendly
Check Point: Your Turn
What are the 3 objectives that are at the
heart of the computer security?
A. Confidentiality, Integrity, Accountability
B. Confidentiality, Data, Integrity
C. Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
D. Confidentiality, Standards, Integrity
Computer Security Terminology:
Adversary (threat agent):
An entity that attacks, or is a
threat in a system.
Attack: An assault on
system security that derives
from any intelligent threat
that is deliberate attempt to
evade security services and
violate the security services
and violate the security
policy of a system.
Countermeasure: An
action-device, procedure, or
technique that reduces a
threat, a vulnerability or an
attack by eliminating or
Source: RFC 4949, Internet Security Glossary, May 2000
Computer Security Terminology:
Risk: An expectation of loss
expressed as the probability
that a particular threat will
exploit a vulnerability with a
harmful result.
Security Policy: A set of rules
and practices that specify or
regulate how a system or
organization provides security
services to protect sensitive
and critical system resources.
System Resources (assets):
Data contained in an info
system, or services provided
by a system or system
capability such as processing
power or bandwidth, or an
items of system equipment or a
facility that houses info.
Source: RFC 4949, Internet Security Glossary, May 2000
Computer Security Terminology:
Threat: A potential for violation of
security, which exists when there is a
circumstance, capability, action or
event that could breach security and
cause harm. Specifically is a threat
that is a possible danger that might
exploit a vulnerability.
Vulnerability: A flaw or weakness in
a system’s design, implementation,
or operation and management that
could be exploited to violate the
system’s security policy.
Source: RFC 4949, Internet Security Glossary, May 2000
Figure 1.1 Shows the relationship of
these 8 terms:
wish to
Threat agents
wish to abuse
may damage
rise to
Figure 1.1 Security Concepts and Relationships
Assets of a Computer System
categorized as follows:
Hardware (systems, data, processor,
Software (operating systems, system
utilities and applications)
Data (files, databases, security-related
data, password files)
Communication facilities and networks
(LAN, WAN, bridges, routers)
Vulnerabilities, Threats and Attacks:
Categories of vulnerabilities
• Corrupted (loss of integrity)
• Leaky (loss of confidentiality)
• Unavailable or very slow (loss of availability)
• Capable of exploiting vulnerabilities
• Represent potential security harm to an asset
Attacks (threats carried out)
• Passive – attempt to learn or make use of information from the system
that does not affect system resources
• Active – attempt to alter system resources or affect their operation
• Insider – initiated by an entity inside the security parameter
• Outsider – initiated from outside the perimeter
Means used to
deal with
may remain
May itself
introduce new
Goal is to
residual level
of risk to the
Check Point: Your Turn
Threat is defined as an explanation of loss
expressed as the probability that a
particular threat will exploit a particular
vulnerability with a particular harmful
A. True
B. False
Kinds of Threat Consequences (RFC 4949):
A circumstance or
event whereby an
entry gains access
to data for which
the entity is not
Threat Action (Attack)
Exposure: This can be deliberate, as when an insider intentionally releases
sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, to an outsider. It can also
be the result of a human, hardware, or software error, which results in an entity
gaining unauthorized knowledge of sensitive data. There have been numerous
instances of this, such as universities accidentally posting student confidential
information on the Web.
Interception: Interception is a common attack in the context of communications.
On a shared local area network (LAN), such as a wireless LAN or a
broadcast Ethernet, any device attached to the LAN can receive a copy of
packets intended for another device. On the Internet, a determined hacker
can gain access to e-mail traffic and other data transfers. All of these situations
create the potential for unauthorized access to data.
Inference: An example of inference is known as traffic analysis, in which an
adversary is able to gain information from observing the pattern of traffic on
a network, such as the amount of traffic between particular pairs of hosts on
the network. Another example is the inference of detailed information from
a database by a user who has only limited access; this is accomplished by
repeated queries whose combined results enable inference.
Intrusion: An example of intrusion is an adversary gaining unauthorized
access to sensitive data by overcoming the system’s access control protections.
Kinds of Threat Consequences:
Threat Consequence
Threat Action (Attack)
Deception: a
circumstance or event
that may result in an
unauthorized entity
receiving false data
and believing it to be
Masquerade: One example of masquerade is an attempt by an
unauthorized user to gain access to a system by posing as an
authorized user; this could happen if the unauthorized user has
learned another user’s logon ID and password. Another example
is malicious logic, such as a Trojan horse, that appears to
perform a useful or desirable function but actually gains
unauthorized access to system resources or tricks a user into
executing other malicious logic.
Falsification: This refers to the altering or replacing of valid data
or the introduction of false data into a file or database. For
example, a student may alter his or her grades on a school
Repudiation: In this case, a user either denies sending data or a
user denies receiving or possessing the data.
Kinds of Threat Consequences:
Threat Action (Attack)
Disruption: A
circumstance or
event that interrupts
or prevents that
correct operation of
system services
and functions.
Incapacitation: This is an attack on system availability. This could occur as
a result of physical destruction of or damage to system hardware. More
typically, malicious software, such as Trojan horses, viruses, or worms, could
operate in such a way as to disable a system or some of its services.
Corruption: This is an attack on system integrity. Malicious software in this
context could operate in such a way that system resources or services
function in an unintended manner. Or a user could gain unauthorized access
to a system and modify some of its functions. An example of the latter is a
user placing backdoor logic in the system to provide subsequent access to a
system and its resources by other than the usual procedure.
Obstruction: One way to obstruct system operation is to interfere with
communications by disabling communication links or altering communication
control information. Another way is to overload the system by placing excess
burden on communication traffic or processing resources.
Kinds of Threat Consequences:
Threat Consequence
Threat Action (Attack)
Usurpation: A circumstance
or event that results in
control of system services or
functions by an unauthorized
Misappropriation: This can include theft of
service. An example is a distributed
denial of service attack, when malicious software
is installed on a number of hosts
to be used as platforms to launch traffic at a target
host. In this case, the malicious
software makes unauthorized use of processor
and operating system resources.
Misuse: Can occur by means of either malicious
logic or a hacker that
has gained unauthorized access to a system. In
either case, security functions
can be disabled or thwarted.
Check Point: Your Turn
What term is most related to a means used to
deal with security attacks?:
A. Deception
B. Countermeasures
C. Disclosure
D. Disruption
WannaWorm Ransome Wear Update:
The threat arrives as a dropper Trojan:
Main components:
A component that
tries to exploit the
SMB EternalBlue
vulnerability in
other computers
known as
The dropper tries
to connect the
following domain
using the API
Computer and Network Assets, with Examples of Threats
Equipment is stolen or
Hardware disabled, thus denying
An unencrypted CDROM or DVD is stolen.
Programs are deleted,
An unauthorized copy
denying access to users. of software is made.
A working program is
modified, either to
cause it to fail during
execution or to cause it
to do some unintended
An unauthorized read
of data is performed.
Files are deleted,
An analysis of
denying access to users.
statistical data reveals
underlying data.
Existing files are
modified or new files
are fabricated.
Messages are destroyed
Communication or deleted.
Lines and Communication lines
Networks or networks are
rendered unavailable.
Messages are read. The
traffic pattern of
messages is observed.
Messages are modified,
delayed, reordered, or
duplicated. False
messages are
What are passive attacks?
Attempts to learn or make use of
information from the system but
does not affect system resources
Eavesdropping on, or monitoring
of, transmissions
Goal of attacker is to obtain
information that is being
Two types:
• Release of message contents
• Traffic analysis
What are active attacks?
Attempts to alter system resources or
affect their operation
Involve some modification of the data
stream or the creation of a false
Four categories:
• Replay
• Masquerade
• Modification of messages
• Denial of service
Fundamental Security Design Principles:
Economy of
Open design
Separation of
Least privilege
Least common
Attack Surfaces:
Consist of the reachable and exploitable
vulnerabilities in a system
Open ports on
outward facing
Web and other
servers, and code
listening on those
Services available
on the inside of a
Code that
incoming data,
email, XML, office
documents, and
custom data
exchange formats
Interfaces, SQL,
and Web forms
An employee with
access to
vulnerable to a
social engineering
Attack Surface Categories:
Vulnerabilities over an
enterprise network,
wide-area network, or
the Internet
Vulnerabilities in
application, utility, or
operating system code
Included in this category are
network protocol
vulnerabilities, such as those
used for a denial-of-service
attack, disruption of
communications links, and
various forms of intruder
Particular focus is
Web server software
Human Attack
created by
personnel or
outsiders, such as
social engineering,
human error, and
trusted insiders
Security Risk
Security Risk
Security Risk
Security Risk
Attack Surface
Figure 1.3 Defense in Depth and Attack Surface
Computer Security Strategy:
Security Policy
• Formal statement of rules
and practices that
specify or regulate how a
system or organization
provides security
services to protect
sensitive and critical
system resources
• Involves four
complementary courses
of action:
• Prevention
• Detection
• Response
• Recovery
• The degree of confidence
one has that the security
measures, both technical
and operational, work as
intended to protect the
system and the
information it processes
• Process of examining a
computer product or
system with respect to
certain criteria
Check Point: Your Turn
What type of attack is very difficult to detect because it
does not include any alteration of data?
A. Replay
B. Passive
C. Active
D. Masquerade
• Key objectives that are at the heart of the computer are: confidentiality,
privacy and integrity.
• Levels of impact range from low to high leaving computer security to be
quite complex.
• It is important to recognize the different computer security technology
terminologies (attack, countermeasures, risk, system resources, threats
and vulnerabilities).
• Assets of the heart computers such as hardware, software, data and
communication/networks require to be protected at all measures given
the 4 threat consequences (unauthorized, deception, disruption,
• Attack tree is a branching, hierarchical data structure that rep. a set of
potential techniques for exploiting security vulnerabilities.
• First step in devising security services and measures is developing a
security policy that factors value of the assets, vulnerabilities of the
system, potential threats and the courses of action required and
•Fanshawe’s School of Information Technology, Information
Security Management
•National Institute of Standards and Technology (US), NIST
Computer Security Handbook.
•RFC 4949, Internet Security Glossary.
•National Centres of Academic Excellence in Information
Assurance/Cyber Defense jointly sponsored by the US
National Security Agency and US Department of Homeland
Security (NCAE13).
Videos (Reflections):
Cyber attacks/hacking (22 -25 minutes length)
Reflection: From the video, if hacking and cyber threats
increase, especially with regards to health information, three
fundamental questions are required to be answered:
1. What assets do we need to protect?
2. How are those assets threatened?
3. What can we do to counter those threats?
Thank You/Questions?
Next Class:
Focus: Canada Health Infoway
Federal Information and Information Systems, FIPS PUB 200
Glossary of Terms
(FIPS PUB 200)
(page 1 of 2)
(Table can be found on page 26 in the
(FIPS PUB 200)
(page 2 of 2)
(Table can be found on page 27 in the
International Journal on Advances in Security, vol 9 no 3 & 4, year 2016,
Data Security Overview for Medical Mobile Apps
Assuring the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of data in transmission
Ceara Treacy, Fergal McCaffery
Regulated Research Centre & Lero
Dundalk Institute of Technology,
Dundalk, Ireland
e-mail: {ceara.treacy, fergal.mccaffery }
Abstract— Mobile medical apps are a growing mechanism
for healthcare delivery through an increasingly complex
network of information technology systems connecting
patients, doctors, nurses, pharmacists and medical devices.
Characteristically, these apps are designed to gather
measure and transmit sensitive personal health data, which
is required to be kept secure through regulations and
legislation. With the integration of mobile medical apps into
the healthcare industry, the multitude of sensitive personal
health data transmitted across various applications,
technologies and networks is increasing. This raises
questions about compromised patient privacy and the
security of the data associated with the mobile apps. The
detections of increased app hacking by security companies
and researchers are especially significant amidst today’s
rapid growth in healthcare mobile apps. Consequently,
security and integrity of the data associated with these apps
is a growing concern for the app industry, particularly in the
highly regulated medical domain. Until recently, data
integrity and security in transmission has not been given
serious consideration in the development of mobile medical
apps. This paper provides an overview of existing mobile
medical apps data security issues and security practices. We
discuss current regulations concerning data security for
mobile medical apps. The paper introduces our current
research in data security for mobile medical apps. There are
currently no procedures or standard practices for
developers of mobile medical apps to assure data integrity
and security. The paper introduces the concept of a process
model to assist mobile medical app developers to implement
data security requirements to assure the Confidentiality,
Integrity and Availability of data in transmission. The
research is grounded on the only published medical device
security standard IEC/TR 80001-2-2:2012.
Keywords- Mobile Medical Apps; data security; Mobile
Medical Apps data regulations.
In mHealth, mobile apps are in general classified into
mobile health/wellbeing apps (MHAs) and mobile medical
apps (MMAs) [1]. This classification is predominantly
driven by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Mobile Medical Applications Guidance [2] and is outlined
in Table I. Medical professionals and the general public
use mobile apps to perform many tasks, such as: sharing
medical videos, photos and x-rays; health and fitness
tracking; blogs to post medical cases and images; share
personal health information; and keep track of alerts on
specific medical conditions and interests [3].
MMAs are evolving quickly coinciding with the
processing capabilities of mobile devices and are currently
one of the most dynamic fields in medicine [4]. The use of
mobile apps enables dynamic access to personal
identifiable information and the collection of greater
amounts of sensitive data relating to personal health
information (PHI). The use of mobile apps implicates
changes in the way health data will be managed, as the
data moves away from central systems located in the
services of healthcare providers, to apps on mobile devices
[5]. MMAs by design collect process and transmit large
quantities of information and data. Increasing reliance on
mobile apps raises questions about compromised patient
privacy [6] and the security of the data accompanying the
apps [5]. There is continued mistrust in mobile apps in
healthcare handling personal identifiable information and
PHI in a secure and private manner. The 2015 PwC’s
Health Research Institute’s survey, claims 78% of
surveyed consumers were worried about medical data
security, while 68% were concerned about the security of
their data in mobile apps [7].
The impact of data breaches in the medical industry is
far-reaching in terms of costs, losses in reputation [8] and
potential risk to patient safety. Reasons for obtaining
access to PHI can be for monetary gain, to inflict harm and
for personal intention [9]. An example of the importance
of cybersecurity can be seen with the health insurer
Anthem in the US. A reported breach involved hackers
obtaining personal identifiable information and PHI for
about 80 million of its customers and employees [10]. The
information stolen falls under the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which is the
federal law governing the security of medical data and
could result in fines of up to $1.5million. A data breach
that maliciously makes changes to a medical diagnosis or
prescribed medication has serious consequences in terms
of physical harm and patient safety. With PHI breaches,
either through physician diagnosis or a treatment plan, the
possibility of personal harm or loss is pronounced. In 2014
the SANS Institute, a leading organization in computer
security training, indicates health care security strategies
and practices are poorly protected and ill-equipped to
2016, © Copyright by authors, Published under agreement with IARIA –
International Journal on Advances in Security, vol 9 no 3 & 4, year 2016,
Medical Mobile Apps – Focus of FDA
Regulatory Oversight
Mobile apps that:
Are extensions of one or more medical
Provide patient-specific analysis and
providing patient-specific diagnosis, or
treatment recommendations
Transform the mobile platform into a
regulated medical device
Become a regulated medical device
Mobile Apps which FDA Intends to
Exercise Enforcement Discretion
Mobile apps that:
Provide or facilitate supplemental clinical
Provide patients with tools or access to
Specifically marketed to help patients
document, show, or communicate to
providers potential medical conditions
Perform simple calculation.
Interact with PHR systems or EHR systems
handle new cyber threats exposing patient medical records,
billing and payment organizations, and intellectual
property [11].
It is largely assumed MMAs are not typically deployed
in “hacker rich” mobile environments [12]. The detection
of increased app hacking by security companies and
researchers is significant amidst today’s rapid growth in
healthcare mobile app usage [7], [11]–[13]. An Arxan
report states that many sensitive medical and healthcare
apps have been hacked with 22% of these being FDA
approved apps [12]. In the MMA domain, developers do
not have extensive experience with the types of threats
other consumer app industries (e.g., banking) are familiar
with. Consequently, privacy has not been given serious
consideration until recently, while the importance of
security is getting recognized little is yet being done [14].
The FDA regulates medical devices in the U.S and are
alert to the cybersecurity of medical devices. In July 2015,
the FDA issued a cybersecurity alert to users of a Hospira
Symbiq Infusion System pump, where it strongly
recommended discontinued use, as it could be hacked and
dosage changed [15]. In September 2015, the FBI issued a
cybersecurity alert, outlining how Internet of Things (IoT)
devices may be a target for cybercrimes and may put users
at risk [16]. If a cyber-thief changes patient medical
information or a physician diagnosis, serious medical harm
or even death can result. An article that references the
DarkNet, describes how it is now possible to purchase a
medical identity that mirrors individual ailments, size, age
and gender, to seek “free” medical services that would not
be suspicious to a clinician [17]. According to CISCO the
estimated cost associated with medical identity theft in the
US, to the healthcare industry in 2015 is $12 billion [18].
Development of MMAs is picking up momentum as
many companies are lured into the domain by the
explosion of the market and the potential financial gains.
However, issues arise such as: many of these developers
do not have a background in the highly regulated domain
of medical devices and are not aware of the data protection
and privacy requirements of electronic PHI (ePHI).
Developers coming from the medical device domain are
discovering the technical complications of entering the
mobile domain. The job of securing mobile apps in health
care is primarily up to those building them, which also has
its challenges because the developers tend not to be
Mobile Apps that are NOT Medical
Mobile apps that:
Provide access to electronic records,
textbooks or other reference materials or
educational tools
Are for medical training, general patient
education and access, automate general
office operations, are generic aids or are
general purpose products
security experts [19]. The European Commission’s ‘Green
Paper on mHealth’ findings are that this market is
dominated by individuals or small companies, with 30%
being individuals and 34.3% are small companies (defined
as having 2-9 employees) [20]. This would advocate a lack
of experience, knowledge and financial means to address
the issues outlined above. The survey conducted by
research2guidance [21] highlights that MHA developers
regard the main market barrier for the next five years to be
the lack of data security. The health industry is reaching
out for help in designing security into mobile apps in
healthcare that go beyond simple encryption to meet the
potential sophistication of future threats [16]. This
research aims to assist developers address privacy and
security of data for MMAs, drawing from the standards
and best practice perspectives.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section
II covers background on MMAs, data transmission and
MMA data security. Section III, outlines the privacy and
security laws for health data. In Section IV, we introduce
our research on the development of a process model to
assure the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA)
of data in transmission for developers of MMAs. The
concept of a corresponding testing suite is also introduced
in this section. Finally, we conclude the paper and present
the future work in Section V.
A. MMAs and Data Transmission
In July 2011, the FDA issued draft guidance for
MMAs and defined a “mobile medical app” as a software
application run on a mobile platform (mobile phones,
tablets, notebooks and other mobile devices) that is either
used as an accessory to a regulated medical device or
transforms a mobile platform into a regulated medical
device and can be used in the diagnosis, treatment, or
prevention of disease [2]. Thus, a MMA is an app that
qualifies as a medical device and is therefore required to
follow the applicable medical device regulatory
requirements. Mobile devices, on which MMAs run, now
provide many of the capabilities of traditional PCs with the
additional benefit of a large selection of connectivity
options [22]. Data is transmitted to and from the MMA
through various approaches depending on the goal of the
2016, © Copyright by authors, Published under agreement with IARIA –
International Journal on Advances in Security, vol 9 no 3 & 4, year 2016,
application. There are numerous MMA deployment
scenarios that require consideration to ensure data is
secure. As a result, MMAs use a variety of channels, wired
or wireless, for transmission in a point-to-point, point-tomultipoint and multipoint-to-multipoint setting, to
communicate information. Transmission of data may
occur between the MMA and for example: remote
Health/Service Centers; Medical Professionals; or Health
Record Networks. In some cases, the information sent to
the MMA is processed on the app and retransmitted to the
specified device or center. Through MMAs the collection
of significant medical, physiological, lifestyle and daily
activity data [20] is greatly amplified and transmitted via
varied and numerous networks. Data in transit has a higher
level of vulnerability to both losses through oversight and
to misappropriation. Misappropriation in the context of
this research is the unauthorized use of another’s name,
likeness, or identity without that person’s permission,
resulting in harm to that person. Consequently, particular
attention is necessary to protect information made
accessible in transmission, particularly when it is personal
data and ePHI.
Common technologies used for data transmission in
MMAs include: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) [23];
Body sensor networks (BSN) [24]; Wireless Body Area
Network (WBANs) [25]; Bluetooth/ Bluetooth Low
Energy (BLE) [24]; ZigBee [26]; UWB [27]; Wireless
Medical Telemetry Service (WMTS) [28]; communication
networks such as Wi-Fi [22]; wired communication
communication) [14]; and mobile networks 3G/4G and as
it becomes more widely available 5G [26]. MMAs are
predominantly executed from mobile devices and connect
to wireless sensor networks. Consequently the data
transmission to and from the MMAs will be predominantly
via wireless technologies [24].
B. Mobile Medical Application Data Security
Security and privacy related to patient data are two
essential components for MMAs. The fundamental
concepts when considering data security are
confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA).
Confidentiality is protection of the information from
disclosure to unauthorized parties. Integrity refers to
protecting information from being modified by
unauthorized parties. Availability is ensuring that
authorized parties are able to access the information when
needed. The intention of health data security and
protection is to assure patient privacy through
confidentiality, within the development of functional
devices, while sustaining the data integrity and availability
necessary for use [29].
When considering data security risks for MMAs it is
necessary to specify what types of security threats they
should be protected against. Deployment of MMAs
involves security threats from multiple threat sources
which include: attacks; the user; other mobile apps;
network carriers; operating systems and mobile platforms.
These security risks are further extended when
consideration is given to the unauthorized access to the
functionality of supporting devices and unauthorized
access to the data stored on supporting devices [30]. Given
the context in which MMAs are deployed and used, the
information going to and from the MMA travels across
potentially many different and varying networks in diverse
operation settings [31]. In addition, consideration that
wireless networks and channels are accessible to everyone
[32] and have shared features, means information and
network security is equally important in this domain [33].
The potential for breaches of CIA of data in transmission
is consequently greatly amplified by these circumstances.
The 2015 Ponemon report on mobile app security,
emphasized that not enough is spent on mobile app
security [34].
1) Attacks: Attacks are techniques that attackers use
to exploit vulnerabilities in applications. There are
numerous tools available for hacking into MMAs and
wireless networks. Hackers target mobile apps to gain
entry into servers or databases in the form of malware
attacks. A recent list of these tools can be found in the
Appendix of the Araxan Report [12]. This report examined
20 sensitive medical and healthcare apps and discovered
90% of Android apps and no iOS apps have been subject
to hacking [12]. When data travels across a network, they
are susceptible to being read, altered, or “hijacked”.
Potential for breaches of confidentiality of data occurs
during collection and transmission of data. Data in
transmission to and from the MMAs must be protected
from hacking. Some of the most common issues (but not
inclusive) are Easvesdropping, Malware, Node
Compromise, Packet Injection, Secure Localization,
Secure Management, Sniffing Attacks, Denial of Service
(DoS), SQL injection attacks, Code Injection and Man-inthe Middle attacks. The consideration of WBANs for
MMAs must satisfy rigorous security and privacy
requirements [35]. Wireless channels are open to
everyone. Monitoring and participation in the
communication in a wireless channel can be achieved
with a radio interface configured at the same frequency
band [36]. This may cause severe damage to the patient
since the cybercriminal can use the attained data [35] for
many of the illegal purposes mentioned above. The
ISO/IEEE 11073 standard deals only with mutual
communication protocols and frameworks exchanged
between and has never considered security elements until
recently, irrespective of all sorts of security breaches [37].
Security issues must be resolved while designing medical
and healthcare apps for sensor networks to avoid data
security issues [24].
2) Users: Many of the mobile devices will be personal
and bypass the majority of inbound filters normally
associated with corporate devices which leaves them
vulnerable to malware. It is important that the user has
good knowledge of the security safeguards, what measures
2016, © Copyright by authors, Published under agreement with IARIA –
International Journal on Advances in Security, vol 9 no 3 & 4, year 2016,
to follow and what precautions to take [38]. A key
challenge with MMA data is the lack of security software
installed on mobile devices [39]. Many mobile device
users do not avail of or are unacquainted with basic
technical security measures, such as firewalls, antivirus
and security software measures. Mobile device operating
systems are very complex and therefore demand additional
security controls for the prevention and detection of
attacks against them [40]. The accessibility of social media
and email make it easy to post or share information in
violation of HIPAA regulations. An example being, a
New York nurse was fired because she posted a photo to
Instagram of a trauma room after treating a patient [41].
Mixed with the availability to mobile phone cameras and
social media apps, the risk of employees divulging PHI
and violating HIPAA requirements has increased [42].
One of the greatest threats to MMA data security lies with
the fact that most are on mobile devices which are
portable, making them much more likely to be lost or
stolen [43]. Potentially any data on the device is accessible
to the thief, including access to any data and hospital
networks. Due to the regulatory protection of PHI, it is
important that even when the app is on a stolen device the
security of the data remains protected and is regularly
backed-up [40]. Measures should be available to remotely
lock the MMA, disable service, completely wipe out the
data [40] and restrict access to supporting devices.
Not all users’ password-protect their devices. Even
when passwords are used because of the lack of physical
keyboards with mobile devices, users tend to not use
complex passwords to secure their information. The use of
more than one type of authentication technique suggested
by Alqahtani, would afford better data security for MMAs
[40]. The difficulty is requesting lengthened authentication
requirements from a busy medical professional. Inputting
numerous passwords, or waiting for an authentication code
in a pressurized situation is not desirable.
3) Other mobile apps: Unfortunately, many users
download mobile apps often without considering the
security implications. Unintentionally, a user can
download malware in the form of another application, an
update or by downloading from an unauthorised source.
The difficulty in detecting the attack was due to the fact
that there currently is no mobile device management
application programming interface (API) to obtain the
certificate information for each app [44]. An attacker can
use Masque Attacks to bypass the normal app sandbox and
get root privileges by attacking known iOS vulnerabilities
[44]. Cloned apps are a concern, over 50% of cloned apps
are malicious and therefore pose serious risks. A recently
discovered iOS banking app malware, Masque Attacks,
replace an authentic app with malware that has an identical
UI. The Masque Attacks access the original app’s local
data, which was not removed when the original app was
replaced and steal the sensitive data [44]. The mobile
device management interface did not distinguish the
malware from the original as it had used the same bundle
4) Operating systems & development: Consideration
with handling data on mobile devices includes unintended
data leakage. It is essential that the MMA is not
susceptible to analytic providers that will sell the data to
marketing companies. The app stores are attempting to
address this, e.g., Apple is banning app developers from
selling HealthKit data or storing it on iCloud. Google
insists that the user is in control of health data as apps
cannot be accessed without the user providing permission.
Developers could include analytics that report how often a
section of the MMA was viewed, similar to the analytics
credit card provider’s use to flag unwanted access to data.
It is equally important to consider the intentional or
unintentional sharing of personal information. Leakage of
personal data from the device to the MMA and the leakage
of MMA data onto personal devices are key
considerations. The bypass of outbound filters elevate the
risk of non-compliance with data privacy laws and
requirements, e.g., the use of personal Dropbox.
A basic requirement such as encryption is not used in
many MMAs. Data is encrypted so that it is not disclosed
whilst in transit. Data encryption service provides
confidentiality against attacks. The requirement of
encryption is stressed, not only for the data, but for the
code in development to assure data security [24][40]. Data
encryption of passwords and usernames if they are to be
stored on the MMA is essential; many apps store this
information in unencrypted text. This means that anyone
with access to the mobile device the MMA resides on can
see passwords and usernames by connecting the device to
a PC. If the MMA is hacked, the information encrypted
will be useless to the cybercriminals. Many apps send data
over an HTTPS connection without checking for revoked
certificates [45]. MMA developers should ensure that
back-end APIs within mobile platforms are strengthened
against attacks using state of the art encryption. As
discussed above a MMA could expose healthcare systems
that had not previously been accessible from outside their
own networks. In MMA data security consideration
developers should always use modern encryption
algorithms that are accepted as strong by the security
Hackers are aware that just because a patch was
released does not means it was applied, which, in turn
make the app vulnerable for attacks [46]. Some
recommend the installation of “Prevention and Detection”
software for defending and protecting against malware as
essential [40]. Consequently, software that tracks detection
and anticipates attacks would require consideration in
MMA development.
It is essential that developers research the mobile
platforms they are developing for. Each mobile OS offers
different security-related features, uses different APIs and
2016, © Copyright by authors, Published under agreement with IARIA –
International Journal on Advances in Security, vol 9 no 3 & 4, year 2016,
handles data permissions its own way. Developers should
adapt the code accordingly for each platform the MMA
will be run on. There are no standards that straddle
development or security testing across the different
platforms. Developers design security for each individual
This section of the paper highlights some of the
difficulties MMA manufacturers encounter understanding
PHI data security and privacy requirements. It describes
the key regulations on data security and privacy, MMA
developers are required to observe in Europe and the
United States.
Increasingly, MMA developers must deal with a range
of international regulations if they want to perform
business in more than one country. The absence of privacy
laws in some countries, in addition to inconsistency or
even conflicting laws means PHI is often misused and
treated superficially. In the rush to market the aspects of
privacy and security are not properly considered [47].
Some MMA providers find they are in breach of
regulation only when they are warned or fined, blindsided
by regulatory issues, due to the complexity [48]. Due to
the surge in value of PHI on the black-market, owing to
the lack of security controls within healthcare and the
increase in the security of credit card data [17], privacy
and security policy issues relating to data with MMAs are
now of primary importance. The Thomas Reuters
Foundation and mHealth Alliance published a global
landscape analysis of the privacy and security policies to
protect health data [48]. The report states, that most
jurisdictions agree, data security is essential. The report
proposes the world of privacy law is divided into three
major groups: Omnibus data protection regulation in the
style of the European laws that regulate all personal
information equally; U.S.-style sectorial privacy laws that
address specific privacy issues arising in certain industries
and business sectors, so that only certain types of personal
information are regulated; The constitutional approach,
whereby certain types of personal information are
considered private and compelled from a basic human
rights perspective but no specific privacy regulation is in
place otherwise [48].
A. European Union
Data protection and privacy has always been a strong
concern for European law makers. Within the EU, the EU
Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC) [49] is the
key piece of regulation that will affect how you manage
health data. This Directive is currently implemented in
laws of Member States and requires establishment of
supervisory authorities to monitor its application.
However, at the beginning of 2012, the EU approved the
draft of the European Data Protection Regulation (EDPR)
[50], and will be enforced by 2018. This means the law
will apply generally over all states in the EU, it will not
require individual Member States implementation. With
this progression in regulation, all Member States will be at
the same stage of security and data protection [47].
The Directive enables ease in definition of terms.
Health data is regarded in the Directive under the ‘special
category of data’ known as sensitive data [49]. The
Directive has specific sections in relation to sensitive data
which include: Rules on lawful processing of sensitive
data, Article 8 (1- 7); Rules on secure processing, Article
17, Article 4 (2), and Article 16. The sections stipulate
specific rules about sensitive data, the processing,
protection and the requirement that this data is not
transferred to an end point that does not have acceptable
levels of protection. The Directive is now the international
data protection metric against which data protection
adequacy and sufficiency is measured [51], [52].
Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and
Council of 12 July 2002 [53], known as the ePrivacy
Directive, is concerned with the processing of personal
data and the protection of privacy in the digital age. It is
now law in all EU countries and covers all non-essential
cookies, and tracking devices. This Directive principally
concerns the processing of personal data relating to the
delivery of communications services. It provides rules on
how providers of electronic communication services,
should manage their subscribers’ data. It also guarantees
rights for subscribers when they use these services. The
key parts that MMA developers are concerned with in the
directive are: processing security; confidentiality of
communication; processing traffic and location data;
cookies and controls.
B. United States
The key law that applies to health data in the US is
HIPAA. HIPAA was established to classify security
policies and privacy rights across the healthcare spectrum
[29]. As a result, new federal standards were implemented
to assure patient’s medical information privacy, in addition
to security procedures for the protection of privacy [54].
HIPAA is organized into separate Titles and the security
and privacy of health data is addressed in Title II, referred
to as the ‘Privacy Rule’ and the ‘Security Rule’ [55]. The
HIPAA Privacy Rule covers all PHI in any medium while
the HIPAA Security Rule covers ePHI. The Security Rule
necessitates security controls for the physical and ePHI to
ensure the CIA of the data. The US does not have any
centralized legislation at the federal level regarding data
protection and follows a fragmented approach, which
requires looking at a number of laws and regulations to
form the definition of terms [55]. The basic HIPAA
requirements for MMA developers include: Secure access
to personal health information via unique user
authentication; Encryption of data that will be stored;
Regular safety updates to protect from any breaches; A
system to audit the data and ensure that it hasn’t been
accessed or modified in any unauthorized way; A mobile
wipe option that allows personal health information to be
wiped if the device is lost; Data backup in case of a device
loss, failure, or other disaster [56].
2016, © Copyright by authors, Published under agreement with IARIA –
International Journal on Advances in Security, vol 9 no 3 & 4, year 2016,
HIPAA was updated in the HIPAA Omnibus Rule
required by The Health Information Technology for
Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2010, (HITECH
Act). The HITECH Act established new information
security breach notification requirements that apply to
businesses that handle personal health information and
other health data [57]. The FDA released guidance
“Content of Premarket Submissions for Management of
Cybersecurity in Medical Devices” [58]. This provides a
list of recognized consensus standards dealing with
Information Technology and medical device security [58].
The circumstances in which MMAs may transmit
information wirelessly places them in the domain of
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulation,
to ensure consumer and public safety [59]. Recognizing
the need for regulatory clarity, the FCC, FDA, Office of
the National Coordinator (ONC) and the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS) came together in a
grouping called the Food and Drug Administration Safety
and Innovation Act (FDASIA) Working Group. The
group, through the FDA, released a report that contains a
proposed strategy and recommendations on an appropriate,
risk-based regulatory framework pertaining to health
information technology including MMAs [60].
A. Research Perspective
As the MMA domain grows and becomes a standard
established mechanism for healthcare delivery, both the
security and privacy of health data will be essential. The
reference [12] report, which included investigation of
MHAs and MMAs, highlighted that hacks are on the rise
in mobile apps. Mobile apps in healthcare are being
developed persistently without proper data security
functionality. This is largely due to the lack of
understanding of current standards and regulation
requirements pertaining to data security and partly due to
the fact that many of these apps are developed by
businesses not familiar with the medical device industry.
Consequently, a gap exists as there is no standardized way
to assist mobile app developers in the healthcare domain
and particularly the highly regulated MMA domain, to
observe security related requirements of regulation or
assure data security in operation. A study analyzing
security vulnerabilities explicitly in mobile health apps,
highlighted the lack of a global security standard for
mobile devices [13]. There are no specific MMA standards
for cybersecurity, which are visible in other industries
where standards and guidance are available, e.g. the NIST
Special Publication 800-82 Guide to Industrial Control
Systems Security [61]. For mobile apps in healthcare,
existing regulation and standards must be applied in a
patchwork method to address security.
The aim of this research is to investigate this gap
further and provide a solution to assist clarity in relation to
data security and regulation for MHA and MMA app
developers. The intention of this research is to develop a
Process for identifying the most applicable objective
evidence to assist MMA developers to assure data security
for MMAs during development, with specific focus upon
data transmission. Due to the nature of MMAs and their
use of public and open networks for data transmission,
data is particularly exposed at this stage.
B. Research Setting
1) International standards, technical reports and best
practice: This section briefly outlines the international
standards, technical reports and best practice literature, in
which the research is to be grounded. The research
leverages on two medical device standards, IEC/TR
80001-2-2:2012 [62] and IEC/TR 80001-2-8 [63]. The
overall objective of the research is to develop a process in
order to establish security controls pertinent to MMAs for
all 19 security capabilities outlined in the IEC 80001-22:2012 standard. IEC/TR 80001-2-2:2012 is the only
published medical device security standard and presents 19
high-level security-related capabilities in understanding
the type of security controls to be considered and the risks
that lead to the controls [64]. It is the only guidance
available that specifically addresses security requirements
for networked medical devices [65]. IEC/TR 80001-2-8
(currently at a committee draft stage) is a catalogue of
security controls developed relating to the security
capabilities defined in IEC/TR 80001-2-2. The security
controls support the maintenance of confidentiality and
protection from malicious intrusion [66]. The report
provides guidance to healthcare organizations and MD
manufacturers for the selection of security controls to
protect the CIA and accountability of data and systems
during development, operation and disposal [66].
This research proposes using the applicable security
controls in IEC/TR 80001-2-8 relating to two of the
capabilities directly associated with data transmission from
IEC/TR 80001-2-2, as an exemplar. The intent is to use the
measured applicable security controls outlined in IEC/TR
80001-2-8, with further research completed to assemble
security controls pertinent to the mobile aspect, with
comparative expert validation, by means of analysis of
applicable standards and best practices. In addition, the
research aims to establish a corresponding testing suite to
assure data CIA in data transmission for MMAs against
the developed security controls.
The two specific capabilities from IEC/TR 80001-2-2 that
relate to data transmission are, TXCF – Transmission
Confidentiality and TXIG – Transmission Integrity. Each
capability comes with recommended reference material
and a common standard to consider when developing and
establishing security controls. The security controls
established in IEC 80001-2-8 associated to the TXCF and
TXIG capabilities will be mapped through the common
standard and reference materials to establish security
control objectives and technical strategies for MMA
developers. Additionally, the security controls will be
mapped to wireless network and healthcare standards to
2016, © Copyright by authors, Published under agreement with IARIA –
International Journal on Advances in Security, vol 9 no 3 & 4, year 2016,
determine if further controls are required for MMAs. The
standards currently being mapped to the IEC 80001-2-8
established security controls are: ISO/IEC 27033-2:2012;
ISO/IEEE 11073; NIST SP 800-153.
2) Threat Modeling Analysis (TMA): The research
revealed Threat Modeling Analysis (TMA) assists in
understanding and assessing the security risks an asset can
be exposed to. A key part of TMA is threat modeling. The
research revealed that threat modelling analysis and threat
modelling are established methods considered in National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards
and best practice (OWASP) in relation to mobile app
security risk assessment. Threat modeling is an important
basis for defining security requirements of information
systems [67] and information protection. Threat modeling
is widely acknowledged in NIST standards [68] and
recognised as being best practice [69] in risk assessment
for network and mobile app security. Threat modeling is
widely recognized as an effective means to establish a
solid basis for the specification of security requirements in
app development and is considered as a significant step in
the security requirement model [70].One of the objectives
of this research is to develop an operational threat model
from the developed security controls for MMA data
transmission. Therefore, an understanding of best practices
in threat modeling is essential for this research. The aim of
the research is to create a threat modelling analysis
framework that incorporates a threat model which is
aligned with the developed security controls from the
process model. Primary research has established the
recommended TMA and threat modeling methods. This
will be the foundation for the development of a threat
modelling analysis framework, developed through focus
groups and validation in two MMA development
companies and the standards community.
3) Threats and attacks: The introduction of risk
assessment requires an understanding of the threats and
how they exploit vulnerabilities to alter or attack an asset
from the position of MMA data security. To establish this
understanding, additional investigation was conducted in
the area of threats and attacks on mobile apps. The
research on the classification and some of the most
common threats and corresponding attacks in the mobile
app field for data in transmission can be seen in Table II,
[22], [31], [34], [71]–[73], [74]. This section of the
research is currently being written into a conference paper.
By understanding the threats and corresponding attacks in
this domain, this research will leverage on the existing
understandings in app security to the MMA field.
4) Testing suite: The dynamic nature of mobile app
development creates difficulties for inexperienced
developers and small organizations, particularly in the
medical device domain. This is partially due to the
budgetary resources or motivation to conduct extensive
testing and this in turn can leave an app, the user’s device,
and the user’s network vulnerable to exploitation by
attackers [75]. Security testing of mobile apps is largely a
manual, expensive and difficult process[76] and security
testing is seen as primarily a manual process, with little
hybrid or automation testing available for use or used by
developers and a significant challenge [77]. Complexity of
testing the application security itself and consideration
relating to the security requirements of open platforms in
which apps transmit data is an additional emphasized
difficulty [78]. Investigation has commenced in the area of
transmission security testing methodologies and testing
methods and mobile apps, to fully review the landscape of
transmission security testing. This research was
undertaken with the collaboration of data security experts
within a specialist testing company. The company and
experts have vast experience in working in both network
and app data security. In collaboration with the testing
company, their experts and academic experts the
expectation is to develop a testing suite against the
considered security controls. The testing suite will be
developed to follow the information discovery process,
which includes the threat modeling analysis that was
developed to address the MMA security controls. A
diagrammatic summary of the adapted OWASP Testing
Guide 4.0 [79] and researched considerations required
when completing mobile app security testing, concerning
this research, can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Diagrammatic summary of requirements for mobile
app security testing.
OWASP highlight the need to have a clear
understanding of the testing objectives and, therefore, the
security requirements to have a successful testing program.
The information discovery step would be accomplished
with the completion of the first step in TMA, the collection
of background information, and the first two steps of threat
modeling. Both static analysis and dynamic analysis are
standard requirements in any software testing process,
2016, © Copyright by authors, Published under agreement with IARIA –
International Journal on Advances in Security, vol 9 no 3 & 4, year 2016,
neither analysis approaches are sufficient alone to address
all testing limitations [79]. In recent years much research
and development has been completed in the field of static
source review tools, called code scanners. These scanners
automatically look for coding errors that can determine
some security issues. Many organizations are using static
source code scanners, however this approach is not
effective when used alone [79]. The limitations of dynamic
analysis are, it only monitors the behavior of the app
during runtime and lacks the ability to identify potential
vulnerabilities [80]. The dynamic approach is therefore
generally used in the second step of the testing process
[75], [80].
5) Validation and trailing: Validation will combine
expert opinion from the standards community, recognized
experts in mobile data security, testers and developers
from within the MMA industry. The trailing will be
completed in two identified MMA companies, which are
currently collaborating with the research to assure data
security of their MMAs. Action Design Research (ADR)
was considered the most appropriate approach for this
research. ADR methodology was developed to facilitate a
useful approach to benefit the interests of both IS research
and organisational research [81] and the evaluation of an
IT artifact. It was chosen in order to accommodate the
development of IT artifacts, in collaboration with industry
and stimulate organisational change when addressing
transmission security in the development of MMAs. This
research involves collaborative development of artifacts
through theory- ingrained research and practice inspired
research. ADR can account for both technological and
organisational contexts, shaping of the artifact via design
and use and influences of designers and users [82].
Additionally, consideration of the dynamic setting and
development environment in which this research will be
conducted, ADR was considered appropriate methodology
to facilitate these challenges.
Gaining unauthorized access to a device and its
Based on the layers
Denial of Service
Attacks on networks, in order to bring them to a
stop or interrupt the system by saturating
communication links or by flooding hosts with
requests to deny access to the user.
Port Scans
Distributed Network Services
SQL Injection
Session hijacking/replaying
Port redirection
Cross-site scripting
Security Misconfiguration
Privilege Escalation Attack
Distributed Denial of Service Attack
Physical Layer
Jamming/ De-synchronization
Data Link
Neglect and greed
Black holes
Referred to as information gathering, an activity
that does not noticeably interfere with the regular
operation of the device. They often serve as
preparation for further attacks.
Access Attacks
Grouping of
Attack Vectors
2016, © Copyright by authors, Published under agreement with IARIA –
International Journal on Advances in Security, vol 9 no 3 & 4, year 2016,
Grouping of
Attack Vectors
Malware Attacks
A program covertly inserted into another program
with the intent to destroy data, run destructive or
intrusive programs.
Network Attacks
This paper examined existing data security issues and
practices in relation to MMAs. A summary of regulations
relating to data privacy and security MMA providers are
mandated by law to adhere to, were outlined. Compliance
and improved understanding of data security regulations
and best practices will assist developers to meet the
security requirements for data in transmission. The
security gaps in MMAs are exploited due to lack of
knowledge, understanding or amalgamated regulation for
data security with MMAs.
The mobile app industry claim innovation is stifled,
due to the lack of clarity in regulations and security
concerns. Developers will need to find the optimal balance
between data security and privacy as MMAs expand and
PHI enters into new aspects. The lack of consistent data
security to assure privacy, to allow interoperability, and to
maximize the full capabilities [83], presents a significant
barrier to the industry. The primary focus for the continued
research in this area will be two fold. The development of
a framework to establish security controls for transmission
of PHI to assist MMA developers assure CIA. The security
controls will be completed in examining and mapping the
referenced standards and best practices currently
recognized in the medical, applications and data security
domains. The intention is to fill the gap in knowledge and
understanding for MMA developers, through ease of
accessibility to the most appropriate information. The
second objective of the future research is the establishment
of a practical testing suite for the MMA developers in the
data transmission domain. The testing suite will be
Worms (Mass Mailing)
Bot/Botnet /Malicious Mobile Code
Viruses (Compiled, Interpreted)
Path Traversal
Byzantine Wormhole Attack
Byzantine Attacks
Black Hole Attack
Worms (Network Services)
Flood Rushing Attack
Floor Rushing Attack
Port Scan
developed against the validated mobile transmission
security controls for PHI. The aim is to test the
implemented transmission security controls during
development, use and security patch updates to assure data
CIA. The implementation of the transmission security
controls would be encouraged from the preliminary
development stage with the future research providing a
checklist for developers with MMAs in the market.
Validation of the research will be completed in
collaboration with two identified MMA development
companies. The MMAs being developed will have
different transmission requirements and capabilities to
assure diversity.
This research is supported by the Science Foundation
Ireland Research Centres Programme, through Lero – the
Irish Software Research Centre ( grants
10/CE/I1855 & 13/RC/2094.
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2016, © Copyright by authors, Published under agreement with IARIA –
Health Information Access Layer
The Health Information Access Layer (HIAL) is a core element critical for sharing patient
information among health care providers. It is a combination of technology components, which
provide a single point of access to digital health records across the province by enabling
different systems to exchange data in a standardized, secure, and reliable manner.
It allows organizations to connect to digital health services without having to invest in additional
technology and therefore enables health care providers to securely share patients’ health
information, like lab results and dispensed drugs.
Privacy and Security Safeguards
Strong authentication and authorization controls in place including a password
management process, limiting access to sensitive information to include only those
individuals who require it to perform their job function. All sensitive data is encrypted in
traffic between external sources and eHealth Ontario systems.
Data integrity controls are implemented as a quality assurance measure on the personal
health information (PHI) provided to eHealth Ontario by health information custodians.
Controls are in place to ensure that operating systems, databases and applications
receive security patches and functional updates in a timely manner.
The eHealth Ontario Privacy Office has established comprehensive policies to ensure
privacy obligations are met.
PHI is accessible on a need-to-know basis only. This applies to all eHealth Ontario staff
and any contracted third parties.
Specific to the HIAL system:
Prior to its launch, the HIAL was subjected to comprehensive privacy and security risk
Security controls allow potential intrusions to be detected and potential threats to be
Role-based access ensures that PHI is provided only to those with a necessary and
relevant business need.