Picking one or two is becoming more and more difficult. The strongest point I connected with in this reading was from lead across principle four. The quote “say what you mean, and mean what you say” (Maxwell, p.187) struck out at me. Family and partner relationships are a perfect example of this. I have always been told to be careful what I say and in most cases I bite my tongue. If you do not mean what you say, it should not be said, even in the heat of the moment. I have witnessed my family fall apart over something that was said. The unfortunate part was that the member who said it, did mean it. He lost the respect of those who heard the truth. Another thing relating to is if you say it and don’t mean it, it could be so easy for an accident to happen and for you to lose the one that you said whatever it is you said to. If you didn’t mean it and they thought you did, you would live in guilt. A movie character that represents this could be Thumper from Bambi; “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all”. Thumper’s quote can also tie into my next point; “People always move toward someone who increases them and away from anyone who decreases them” (Maxwell, p.162). When you constantly have someone being negative and bringing you down, you tend to stray away. However, when you find someone who you vibe with, you continue to grow and they have a positive impact on your life. For example, my best friend from middle school and I drifted apart due to her negative attitude and outlook on life. As I started focusing on being more positive and ignoring her side of everything, I found my current best friend of 7 years. We help each other with everything, and we always are up to try something new and to adventure. We have a positive impact on one another and seem to become more knowledgeable and gain more experiences around one another. The final point that I would like to discuss is that “Winning at all costs will cost you when it comes to your peers” (Maxwell, p.170). No one likes someone that constantly has to one up them. These people are not involving themselves in healthy competition and are creating an environment where one may feel as if they are never good enough. For example, my mother used to be hardcore about my sports life. She was so focused on winning that I had lost the ability to have fun and in return it made me lose my motivation to want to do it. I didn’t care to win because I did not care about winning in the sport after the fun had been taken out of it. If you attempt to be a perfectionist on everything, you will lose become disappointed and lose people when you get angry it is not done in the perfect fashion. These three different points have caused me to have different perspectives and to think before you speak, which is a great quality of a leader. By allowing for positivity and honesty characteristics, you allow for more room for growth and respect. In return, exceptional leaders are developed.