The U.S. Healthcare System
HCAD 620
Final Examination
The course provided a significant overview of the US Healthcare System and
focused a great deal on the effect of policy on health care delivery.
As we have seen health care delivery in the United States is a complex
network of stakeholders, structures, delivery models and facets (private
companies, scientific research, insurance, technology, truck drivers etc.)
creating a unique ecosystem where at the end patients receive the service
of healthcare.
In the United States the healthcare industry is the third largest industrial
segment of the population and accounts for over 17% of the GDP.
Healthcare has the largest number of employees in the United States
eclipsing all other industries with over 22 million individuals working in the
sector and scheduled to grow by 16% by 2030.
While the country grapples with policies to make healthcare more affordable,
effective and efficient the unraveling of the industry has significant impact to
the economy related to individuals and to business. Disruption to this fragile
system can have both positive and negative impacts and potential
unintended consequences.
As we continue to evolve into a multi-media world you are given the choice
of a 3-to-5-page paper (not including title page, charts, appendices and
references) to consolidate your response or a multi-media interview.
You are interviewing for an executive management position however before
your invitation for an on campus interview the CEO has requested you
provide your thoughts on the following topic:
Identify and analyze a current healthcare policy and discuss the impact to
both the healthcare industry ecosystem and our organization. Discuss in
your new role as a healthcare executive how the policy will affect you and
the company and what strategies will you employ in relation to the policy.
You may define the type of company you are interviewing for – provider,
insurer, pharma, research, medical distributor, public health, government
agency etc. Ensure you identify the title of the position and the organization
in your introduction.
Guiding Information:
As this is a cumulative examination, your analysis must include how the
policy influences some or all the realms explored this semester. In other
words, this is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the
complexities of healthcare. It is suggested to utilize the syllabus to guide
your thoughts and topics from the semester.
For your support use your tool kit and those research tools of others posted
in the discussion forums (use of course content should be limited).
References should be documented and appropriate (credible and scholarly in
In considering which policy to examine adopt a broad and creative
Appropriate topics range from broad public health initiatives (mandatory
seat belt use, prohibition on tobacco advertising, older drinking age) to fiscal
influencer (readmission penalties, never events, HIT incentives and
penalties, individual mandates, pay for performance) to operational
mandates (CON requirements, limits on training hours, EMTALA, quality
improvement initiatives).
Condensing your research and findings into a concise and precise paper /
presentation is a major challenge. It is also a practical skill. During an
interview process you will have the “elevator speech” or Ted Talk moment to
make an impact and show what you know.