We know that besides educating new mothers at the bedside, print materials should be provided at the time of discharge to be used as a reference. New mothers can be exhausted, overwhelmed, and just need the reassurance they are “doing things right”.
You will make an educational flier, brochure, or pamphlet that will be included in the postpartum client’s discharge materials.Each of the following topics should be included and the information should be obtained from ATI (book, skills modules):
Perineal care Breast care Breastfeeding Nutrition Reportable symptoms (maternal)
Use terms the public can understand, you are not creating this for me! Be sure to make your material attractive as the family will be referring to it!
Please create an educational discharge flier or pamphlet for a new mother being discharged from the labor and delivery unit after having a baby. Please include information on each of the following topics: Perineal care Breast care Breastfeeding Nutrition Reportable symptoms (maternal)