How do you stay focused on the project when you also have other duties at Bryan Medical Billing & Coding Inc.?
In a Word Document:
- Create a checklist of everything that will be needed to present your presentation, such as, having the PowerPoint presentation on a flash drive, having any writing material needed, and knowing which team member is presenting which part of the presentation, etc.
- Discuss what will happen if a project team member is suddenly hospitalized during week 2 of the project prep and their duties need to be redistributed in order to meet the deadlines. Refer back to the Week 4 Assignment 6 worksheet where you listed the task owners involved and redistribute one team member’s task to the other team members. List the task and who the original task owner was along with who the new task owner will be.
Week 4 – Assignment 6 – Step 4
Complete the table below by doing the following, then answer the question below the table on page 2:
❏ Copy and paste or fill in your information from your table in the Week 3 – Assignment 5 worksheet.
❏ List the needed resources for each task.
❏ List the task owner (person responsible for completing the task) for each task.
(In order of priority)
Planning Step(s)
Due Date(s)
Task Owner
Establish Budget
The Project Manager will
brief the stakeholders on the
cost and implementation of
the project
June 12, 2023
Estimated cost for
project to include
staff, materials, and
Cynthia Judkins
Become familiar with
new ICD-11 codes and
chapters. ICD-11 has
thousands of new codes
and chapters.
With new chapters and codes
in ICD-Get familiar new
chapters and codes in ICD-11
June 20, 2023
Access to the ICD-11
linked to the WHO
guidelines, digital
Cynthia Judkins
Hire someone to oversee
ICD-11 implementation
Appoint a task master/project
manager to lead the planning,
self-assessment, and training
June 26, 2023
Hire certified EHR
specialists and a
Certified billing and
Coding specialist
Manager of the
department and
Hire a medical coding
Complete a self-assessment
to determine how you
practice currently performs in
areas such as approved and
rejected claims, coding
July 3, 2023
Post Training Position Human
through Human
Resource dept for
Select Knowledgeable
Team Members
Continue to practice and
perfect coding and claims
July15, 2023
Need to select a range
of knowledgeable
individuals from
billing and coding
Manager of the
Billing and
Incorporate Project
Scheduling Critical dates
Project manager will begin
reporting health data using
July 15, 2023
Pre-fill time sheets
for the teams and
compare estimate vs.
actual hours.
leads,and the
software team
Establish Timeframe for
moving to ICD-11
Run the ICD-10 and the ICD11 simultaneously until the
implementation of the ICD 11 is completed
July 16, 2023
Reach out to software
providers for ICD-11
to verify which
system they are
currently using
Software team
(RCM, EHR, Medical
Billing system).
Establish Timeline
Finalize a plan for
July 10, 2023
Define the problem,
collect date, analyze
the data, identify
potential solutions,
and implement them,
control and evaluate
Cynthia Judkins
Update EHR and revenue
cycle management
Touch base with RCM and
EHR software reps to ensure
they are preparing for the
change and that we are up to
date on the latest version of
the software
July 20, 2023
Evaluate the
providers current
needs and gaps,
choose a compatible
and interoperable
software, implement
best practices and
policies ,optimize
workflow and
automation, test and
troubleshoot the
Cynthia Judkins
Software Team
Establish Timeline
Finalize a plan for
July 20, 2023
Write a project scope
Create a work
breakdown structure.
Determine project
Determine total time
needed for each task.
Identify resource
availability. Identify
important milestones.
Build your project
Cynthia Judkins
1. Do you need to complete certain tasks before others can begin another task? Identify any
dependencies within your tasks.